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Monday, February 03, 2014

Alarm On Use Of Steroids By Gay Teens

Gay and bisexual teenage boys use illicit steroids at a rate almost six times that of straight kids, a “dramatic disparity” that points up a need to reach out to this group, a study has found.

Reasons for the differences are unclear. The study authors said that it’s possible that gay and bisexual boys feel more pressure to achieve a bulked-up “ideal” male physique, or that they think
muscle-building steroids will help them fend off bullies.

Their research was released Monday in the journal Pediatrics.



  1. It's because they have a disorder and are not normal.

    Get it yet?

  2. 7:04 You must be looking in the mirror. Why do gays bother you? Were you molested, and have closet feelings for the same sex? One of the biggest "gay bashers" in Salisbury, was found out to be in a 20 year relationship with another man. Keep living your life in HATE, you'll be gone quicker.

  3. 7:50...7:04 is correct about 'not normal'...two of the same can't procreate...factual statement

    Acceptance / tolerance is an internal personal emotional struggle that must be dealt with as a society - regardless of the situation...skin color, legality of residence, sexual orientation, political ideals to name a few are all things we need to be able to civilly agree-to-disagree on and go on with life. Granted, when an opposing view is forcibly imposed, you'll often see the ugly side - from both view point holders.

    As for me, I'm not bothered until some like you push your agenda in my face. I have a number of friends that would be considered 'not normal' by these standards...they don't bother me at all - we acknowledge our differences and tolerate civilly.

    Try letting everyone have their opinions and accept them as well!

  4. I haven't met a "normal" person yet

  5. 10:35, I couldn't agree with you more. At 59 yoa, and one of 6 kids all brought up under the same set of rules and teachings, and going back to reunions, those other 5 sibs are absolutely not my kin! Wooooo!

    There is no "normal"



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