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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Admiral Claims Obama Conspired With America’s Enemies To Stage A Phony Scandal To Kidnap Chris Stevens

(GOPUSA) — It’s even worse than we previously thought. A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America’s enemies to stage a bogus attack and the kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could “negotiate” the release of a “hostage” and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election?

On Lou Dobbs, retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, said: “the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… that would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”



  1. So what are WE THE PEOPLE going to doFebruary 18, 2014 at 6:12 PM

    So, what are the Republicans going to do? We Know Obama was born in Kenya...we know that out of the 1 Trillion Dollars stimulus - only 10% is accountable for? We know that Ma-Bell Michelle Obama spends millions on Vacations...

  2. Sheronda gets six years and this war criminal and friends gets away with killing the USA...how bout some of that social justice you libtards desire..obummer is satans agent

  3. this man is evil to the core. TREASON !!! we need to prove and impeach.

  4. Why is this not on EVERY liberal news station and front page of tbe Ny Post???????????????

  5. so talk all you want, but someone told me talk is cheap... only true men act...

  6. I guess this gets down to who we believe, a four star admiral or the Liar-in-Chief?

  7. Admiral James Lyons... RIP. Either "suicide" or "car accident". I give it a month.


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