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Sunday, February 02, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Wicomico High School

We'll I'm about to do some ranting... My daughter stayed after school for tutoring... My daughter went to the office to make a call to John (no cell phones in school) she couldn't reach him so she called meat work and I called him to get her... When he arrived 20 mins. after my phone call to him. He noticed Makalea and several other students standing outside. Makalea said the lady in the office said they had to leave the office area. It was the end of the day they need to wait outside. I say what the HELL!!! I am so sick of that school!!!

Mr. Albero, It was 20 degrees outside when I picked her up. Her ears were really red. There is no sense in those kids being made to stand outside in weather this cold. Makalea also said they said it was no warmer in the office area. The office area has no wind chill. I think these people need to wake up before someone's child gets hurt.


  1. Your child is your responsibility not others.

  2. I think you need to wake up and take responsibility for picking your child up on time. Quit blaming other people because you didn't have a plan in place. This is a common thing, parents not picking THEIR kids up after school, after football games, after the movies, and then thinking everyone else is supposed to "take them in" and babysit them. WRONG!! They are YOUR responsibility, not anyone else. The school office is a place of business, not a daycare.

  3. Wear a hat cry baby its January! Teach your kids personal responsibility!

  4. You should of got her on time. It's your fault your daughter had to wait out in the cold. I gurantee it was later than 20 minutes after they were dismissed. There are still plenty of people in the schools at that time. Detentions aren't even over yet. The school is not your babysitter. What do you want to accomplish by writing this. It just made you look look like a bad parent who doesn't know what their child is doing.

  5. You know, when I was a kid growing up in New York and New Jersey, we always talked about how KIND the people are in Maryland. It was that southern hospitality kind of thing and the more you went south the better it got.

    LOOK at you people now! What a shame.

    1. Your right Joe sounds Luke a bunch of Obama's peeps on here sitting in there nice paid for apt paid electric paid food I bet if these FOOLS left there Obama kids outside the Child Protection Services would be on them in a heartbeat...Hypocrites.

    2. I think you have things backwards. the comments are for you to take care of your kids. not the other way around .

  6. Waaaa, waaaaa, waaaaaaa! Would you like some cheese with that whine?

  7. So who picked her up? You said you called "John" to pick her up. Then you said when you picked her up her ears were red. I think your just trying to start stuff. Joe, the office is for business. All schools have a policy of students leaving at a certain time. The office staff would be there everyday because of parents like this person. The office is not a babysitter. There was a time my car broke down and I had no way of getting my child. The office worker offered to bring my child to my house. Her tutor could of stayed with her. How do you know the kids weren't outside because they wanted to hang out or even smoke. You can't go off of this one person.

  8. Flip this story around, and make it "Girl abducted from in front of school, after administrators kick her out" and you tards would flip your lid blaming the school.

  9. Joe,

    "look at you people now!" It's because people are fed up with this entitlement behavior. Go to the movies on a Saturday night. See the droves of kids (thugs) hanging out there because their parents drop them off at the mall and leave them until midnight. The mall closes at 9, and then all of the kids flock to the movies to hang out. Kudos to the deputies who kick them out if they don't have tickets. It is not a hangout and the movie theater is not a babysitter. And maybe they should buy their kids a coat, instead of sending them out in t-shirts when it's 10 degrees outside. And don't give me "well maybe they don't have money" crap. They all have Iphones and are wearing nicer clothes than me half the time, and I work my butt off for what I have.

  10. I know Joe, where are all the compassionate demorats? (spelled intentionally). I didn't have kids because I didn't want any, however I would have had them wait inside at the door closest to the pick-up area as possible. You people can blame the parents, damn the children? Oh the Humanity! Sounds like the office staff just wanted to shut things down and get out of dodge.

  11. I think you're wrong on this one Joe.

  12. Ok people lets set you out side in 20 degree weather with a wind chill of about 12-15 for twenty minutes and see how you like it. I know when I was being tutored you had no idea when the session would end, that was usually dependent upon the tutor and what they had planned on covering. And when I say stand outside I mean in dress for work not going out to spend time in this type of weather. Besides he wasn't asking anyone to baby sit just for some plain old fashioned "common courtesy", but I guess that went when we lost "common sense"

  13. So, it's 20 degrees in the offices? It's a wonder that their pipes and sprinklers don't freeze.

  14. There is more yankees in Maryland than southerners.

  15. I work at WiHi... we don't throw kids outside to wait... lots of students wait inside the doors for their ride... and the office is chilly, but we do have heat!

  16. No Cell phones in school? Imagine that..they shouldn't be in school. How did we survive when there were no cell phones? I am sure you didn't have cell phones when you were in school. Regardless, It is your responsibility to know what time tutoring is approximately finished and have someone there to pick her up, or she can have the money for a cab home, arrangements to have her picked up, or if it isn't too far, WALK home? We were "walkers" in high school back in the 80's unless you lived over 2 miles from school. I feel for the students who were outside, but it is not the school's fault. You need to have a PLAN in place for your children. If she is in high school then she should be old enough to understand and follow through with that plan, even if it means walking to Arby's until someone can get there to her. No need to stand outside. Always a victim.

  17. I smell the beginnings of a lawsuit.

  18. Should have called a waaaaaaaaambulance. Quit your crying and take care of your child. Why could YOU GET UP WITH John but Makaela couldn't. You should be mad with JOHN...not the school. Everybody wants to be a victim. Let me guess...a lawsuit is probably coming too. Pu on your big girl panties and deal with life.

  19. I remember when we used to wear our coats in class because the heat was terrible in school. But we were there. I don't know if the office staff would have made us stand OUTSIDE though. That was pretty cold..no pun intended, in this weather.

  20. Also, if her ears were red, was she not dressed for 20 degree weather? I suppose that is Wi-Hi's problem too.

  21. So Everyone that has left a comment that it's the Parents fault has always picked their kids up on time, NEVER had an Emergency arise.... WOW.. Bet the kids of the Office Personal would not be OUTSIDE.. UN CALLED FOR WI HI STAFF HAS GONE DOWN THE DRAIN....

  22. Page 44 of Student Handbook

    At the high school level the use of personal electronic communication devices, such as a pager
    (beeper), cellular telephone, or any wireless communication device is prohibited during the
    instructional day. Such devices must be turned off and may not be on one’s person but may be
    stored in an automobile or in the student’s locker.

  23. Weather this cold calls for layers, heavy coat, hat that covers the ears and warm gloves. Even though it doesn't get this cold very often, you should still have all these just in case. Send your children to school in them no matter how much they complain.

  24. If I were an employee of the school, if a child wanted to wait indoors I would allow them and if someone stopped me, I would have been on the doorstep of every local media outlet around shortly after.

  25. In difficult situations like this...I ALWAYS live by one code and ask the simple question....WWJBD (what would Justin Bieber do). If you live by that philosophy...you will find truth, justice and the Canadian way.

  26. "could of", "should Of", if you 2 boobs had stayed in school beyond the 2nd grade you "would of" learn how to speak properly.

  27. Come on Joe don't blame people for the nanny state environment! Get both sides of the story and I will bet you they did not throw her out! Wear a Hat and your ears will be fine! Show up on time and your kid will not have to wait!

  28. I don't care if the parent were late. It is unconscionable, unsafe and down right stupid to make the kids wait outside under the circumstances. If we were in the middle of a severe thunderstorm would they have been made to wait outside?

    I give no apologies for siding with the parents on this one.

    No one was asked to "babysit" the kids, but I find no fault with the expectation that the school provide a safe environment until the parents arrived.

    That's what life is supposed to be about. Not this hateful selfish attitude you all are displaying.

    1. Annie I rarely agree with u but u r 1000% correct.

  29. Justin Bieber would get high and go drag racing!

  30. 11:13 that is HILARIOUS! Stealing it.

  31. All these people b@#$#@g about the person who did not make it on time to pick her child up. There times in life that you get delayed. Or you made arrangements for someone else to pick your child up and they let you down. I hope all the people who is giving this person grief, never gets delayed by, traffic, flat tires, dead batteries, accidents or an employer that holds you to long at the end of a work day.


  33. LOOK at you people now! What a shame.

    January 29, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    You are absolutely correct Joe. Some of these nincompoops have no common sense, common decency, but they are common.

    Seems the whole area has filled up with pessimists, naysayers and mean spirited people.

    They have no shame, but I have plenty for them.

  34. Its funny that the education system is usually chomping at the bit to over extend their reach when it comes to our children. But when a humanitarian decision is called for the school says not our responsibility. Sounds like they want it both ways.

    The child is on school grounds they are the responsibility of the education system until I pick them up. This is there policy not ours.

    So the child is punished because they are in the middle of parents that can't be in two places at once and a bureaucracy that could care less about them but is actually responsible for them. How far does this attitude extend into the education system? Pretty darn far from what I have seen.

  35. Lawsuit. And I hate Lawsuits.

  36. I think both the school and the parents are to blame. The parent should have made arrangements to have the child picked up. I understand the child was being tutored but arrangements should have been made ahead of time. The school should allow the child to stand inside the door to wait for their ride.

    However, with this said, some students would take advantage of this situation and would be running all over the school, disrupting the detention room or worse. Unattended teenagers can get into all kinds of trouble.

    It's a lose--lose situation.

  37. All these comments mean nothing unless someone can prove the school made her stand outside. Just because "leftover" students cant crowd the office doesnt mean they cant stand inside the doors. This story sounds bogus.

  38. It has always been school policy to have students out of the building at a certain time. Even when detentions are running, if the child wasn't in detention or sports programs, the child was not to be in the building. When I was in school, there was Saturday school; if you got kicked out, it was as simple as that, you were kicked out of the building. You either walked to a payphone to call your parents, or waited in front of the school for the time your parent was suppose to pick you up initially (end of Saturday school). The school did not call the parents, you got yourself kicked out, so it was up to you to either wait, or find a payphone to call. The child is in high school, not elementary school. Teach your children to wear layers and carry and hat and gloves. If you are late to pick up your child, it is not the school's responsibility, it is yours.

  39. I can hear it now: "My child was left out in the cold. I'm only suing everybody just so this horrible experience my child went through never happens to any other family or child. Give me $10,000.00. Thank you."
    On a more serious note. I say BS on this version of the story. MAJOR BS. I would bet anything that there is a completely different version on the other side of this crappola. Mark my words.

  40. School staff comments should not count because of conflict of interest.

    1. comments from stupid parents shouldn't count either.

  41. 1:29 AMEN brother!1:31 Amen to you too brother!! Or sister hahahaha

  42. I agree with 1:04 PM...I seriously doubt that anyone in a school would make a student wait outside in these frigid temperatures. The girl was probably told she had to leave the office area, NOT the building.

    Parents need to understand that schools are not babysitters, however. The taxes some of you pay do not include free child care by a school. The "ladies in the office" must clock out at their regular time; overtime is not allowed. They should not be expected to stay late to watch your child (real emergencies aside). And, no, you may not drop your child off at regular time on a school delay because you have to go to work. Employees have work to do and can not babysit your child for 2 hours. If your child misses the bus in the afternoon, it is not the fault of the "ladies in the office" who not only wait for you to pick up your child, but often incur your angry rants about the inconvenience. Your child was probably not listening when the bus was announced.
    Believe it or not, school employees have lives and families, too. Your lateness to pick up your child just made someone at the school late to pick up their child. Get it?

    11:13, you are "right on the money" ... that mom "should OF" checked out the story before she ran her mouth, and she "should'VE" paid better attention when she was in school!

    I really don't believe anyone in any school would make a student wait outdoors in these frigid temperatures. While I appreciate the many folks who commented that kids are the parents' responsibility and not the schools' responsibility, wow...some of the comments were pretty heartless toward the kids. :(

    I hope someone gets the true story of what that child was really told. Joe, you need to spend a week in a school and see what really goes on...I believe you'd be singing a different song.


  44. 9:43 you have a problem with the name Maleeka? or maybe instead of John it was her Daddy?

    Maybe if Billy Bob 9:43 thought her name was Laura he would have been scrolling down to another story at 9:43 instead of struggling with a spell check that kept him from being 9:31

    My opinion-- with people like you in this town we all need to be extra sure our Children are in good hands and it is the school's issue until the child leaves the property.

  45. 1:29 you obviously have no clue that tutoring is a child dedicating him or herself to mastering a subject that has come difficult. It is not a club activity. You have no idea if she herself was not tutoring an athlete. When it comes to another person's child only stupid people blindly interject their feelings into the equation. I applaud this parent WiHi's negligence has been fully noted.

  46. Joe I have to disagree with you on one point. That would be Maryland haveing southern hospitality . I have lived all across the United States . Born and raised in tx. In my younger years I moved around from state to state till I found the woman of my dreams here on the shore. When I first moved to the shore from Wash. St. I found the people of the eastern shore to be more rude and 10years behind the times then anywhere I had ever been. Now I say that having lived in. Wash.st,Oregon, Texas, Oklahoma,and Ohio. I could go on and on how Maryland is an unfriendly state but, I don't need to. The people of the eastern shore prove it daily.
    I find the comments on this post disturbing. How in the world could someone force a child or group of children out in weather conditions of 20" degrees . I know it's not the schools job to babysit because some parent might be late. This doesn't even have anything to do with hospitality. This is a plain and simple case of humanity. Who ever done this has no respect for you the people of the shore or your children.
    As I said earlier the people on the shore prove my point daily. How anyone can punish a child by tossing them out in the cold and have most of a community stand by that is sickening . My god people the children where huddled in a none heated breezeway just trying to keep warm till the parents came to pick them up. So instead of showing some humanity in this case we just toss the kids out in the weather.

    Sorry joe I'm so sickened by this I can't even think strait to type. If your looking for hospitality on the shore you came to the wrong place. One would be lucky to find humanity on the shore.

  47. i used to take my daughter to skateland on friday nights when she was like 12 years old. you remember.... back where there were things for the kids to do beside joining gangs. at any rate, i fell asleep. it had been a long, hard week. the phone woke me up. it was her asking where i was. "OH CRAP!!". yes... these things happen to us "less than perfect people" unlike the majority of you people. the young man that was closing that night was gracious enough to let her stay inside, safe and warm. i got there as quickly as i could and thanked him kindly. this guy had a heart, a rare commodity these days apparently.

  48. As a parent with 2 students who play sports and have stayed for tutoring, they never get finished at the same time every afternoon.
    Both of them have phone to call us to let us know to come get them. It takes me 10 minutes to come get them. They can wait in the breezeway. Mine have done it. If they are on that side of the school. But I also make sure they dress properly for school. So they stay warm.

  49. Everyone has to have someone else to BLAME... Pick her up on time.... Your daughter and her friends have a mouth and if the cold was so unbearable they could have gone back in and told them that they couldn't tolerate the cold. I'm sure they were not suffering I'm sure they were having a good time talking with their friends etc...It was you who wanted to make a mountain out of a mole hill.That is why so many young people can't be responsible because they have parents who blame others for their child shortcomings Ever hear the saying "Doesn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain"???

  50. 2:02 I did not see where 9:43 had a problem with any name. Perhaps 9:43s issue is the red ears part.


  51. The poster who said they work at the school is correct.

    1) Students are permitted to use their phones after school is dismissed. The office permitted the student to call the parent from the office.

    2) Doors to the office get auto-locked at a certain time after dismissal. So do the exterior doors. The office staff is required to clock out and go home at a certain time.

    3) At WiHi there is an unheated lobby area outside the office; it would be cold but much less windy. Some students waiting for rides stand there; others choose to step outside to wait.

    4)As long as a waiting student was inside the lobby they could have let the chilly student back in, had the student wanted back in. After everyone has left the lobby nobody is available to answer the buzzer and unlock the door.

    5) Sounds like deciding to wait outside was a mistake, and parental delay didn't help.

    'Blame' belongs to kid and parents.

  52. I don't see how there is any difference between the student waiting outside in the front of the building or on the bus ramp for 20-25 minutes. There are many bus riders who have to wait for a bus outside before and after school. It amazes me how some parents are always looking for someone else to blame. I agree that there should've been a better pick up plan in place for the student. I'm sure if there was a true emergency causing a delay in pick up, the office staff would have been understanding of that; however, I can only imagine how often this happens. While I'm sure the staff cares about the students, they also have their own children to leave to pick up and families to go home to. They can't stay around and wait for irresponsible parents.

  53. 2:02 sounds like the most ignorant person on here. You ranted about 9:43's post but your rants had nothing to do with what they even said. smh I am actually killing brain cells (not that I have many to spare) trying to figure out how you read between the lines and came up with that jibberish.

  54. "Doesn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain"??? 2:44, OUCH..that has a sting to it and it wasn't my child. Instead of blowing up on a blog, perhaps the parents could have or should have, contacted the school directly and in person, going to the office to see who told her child they had to wait outside, and if so, why? Specifically if there were adults there. Also, when the child went to the office and called her mother, perhaps the mother could have asked to speak with the office to make sure her child had permission to remain inside of the doors until her ride got there. Hindsight is 20/20. There are several things that could have prevented this-earmuffs to start.

  55. 2:44 its not about blame its about common sense.

    2:14 - you are absolutely correct in your observation.

    I don't care how inconvenienced the office ladies are. They are the adults.

    If you did not want to deal with kids, families and inconveniences that come with it you should not be working in education.

  56. shake your head 3:21 if you want me to call a spade a spade. Some of you people are racist and picked apart a story of a single mother and an obvious black child and berated her for using this venue to complain. As everyone on here does at some point and time. It doesn't take long for the ShoreBillies to come together to attack even calling the girl a liar that the Mother should get her story straight. Blatant ignorance is tearing apart a working Mother whose Daughter was being tutored.. Not in Detention,not on a Sports team, not using school as a baby sitter. I hope Makalea grows up learns civility and is a productive member of our culture --instead of an object of some loser's scorn.

  57. What a bunch of IGNORANT and HATEFUL people on here posting. Probably a bunch of uneducated ShoreBillies from Salisbury. No wonder your town is a DUMP!

  58. Umm...3:55...who said Makalea is a "obvious black child" or that her mother is a single mother? She mentioned "calling John" to pick her up. ???

    1. Correction: AN "obvious black child"...didn't want to get attacked for my mistake in typing!

  59. Anonymous said...
    Your child is your responsibility not others.

    January 29, 2014 at 9:43 AM


  60. I read nothing racist on this feed - why do so many have to get nasty and scream racism?

    I don't believe anyone is totally blaming the child/parent or the school. We all would like to know what the child was told in the office. That is key. If the office made the child wait outdoors in this cold weather, then they are clearly in the wrong. Whether it's policy or not, there had to have been an alternative to waiting outside. If the child misunderstood the directive from the office, or if she chose to wait outdoors, that's a different story.

    In the end, if the parent(s) had been proactive and gone to pick the girl up at the approximate time she would be ready, most of this could have been avoided. Ranting on social media as a first recourse to her displeasure was absolutely not the right thing to do. Mom should have called the school and asked for an explanation.

    As for the person who said school employees' comments should not be entertained, I disagree. It is good to hear from those that know the school policies, etc., and I am glad some responded.

    To the person who said the school is responsible for a child until the child is gone, go ahead and leave your child at school one day...don't answer your phone when the school calls...you will find that the school has safely turned your child over to DSS. Good luck with your "LAW".

  61. school staff stands outside everyday morning and night to welcome or say good night to your children. As we tell our young people...dress for the weather you never know when you will be caught in a situation of where you will be in the elements for a period of time. By the time you make it to high school you need to take responsibility for yourself. If you got cold.....oh well maybe tomorrow you will dress appropriately for the weather.

  62. If you would have taken the responsibility to work with your child to make sure they read 20 minutes a day and did their math homework and more she wouldn't need a tutor.

    So you are whining about your child standing outside for 20 minutes? Are you going to sit there and tell us your child does not play out side for 20 minutes or more? You are full of crap.

    Be thankful that tutoring services are available and your lazy butt should have been on time to pick her up.

    My guess is that you receive some form of entitlements.

  63. What I see is a bunch of people with a polluted & noxious mindset who have no compassion and a lot of anger issues who thrive by anonymously posting their evil & hateful comments…most likely because they are angrily living in misery.

  64. IF the school office DID make the girl wait outside, then they were absolutely cruel, I don't disagree. I would like to know what the office said to the girl before passing judgement. In the end, however, it IS the parent's responsibility to be ON TIME to pick up a child. Schools in this area are always very accommodating in an emergency, or the occasional miscommunication and are happy to stay with the child until the parent can get to the school. This situation, however, was NEITHER of those things. So many of you are being so mean - there's no need for that, but I do agree with Joe that the vast majority are tired of the entitlement thing and assume that's the reason for the blunt nastiness.
    Let's get the school's story and compare it to the mom's/girl's story, THEN pass judgement if necessary.

  65. You know what I think is funny here. IF this were a Liberal Blog and they had published this information I'd bet the comments from the liberal educators would have been completely different.

    Seems to me most of these commenters don't have children and spout at the mouth like a bunch of childish Idiots. Yeah, but you take away their food stamps, welfare section 8 housing and boy you'll hear them scream racism and everything else.

    These are children people. Common courtesy and understanding some adults made a mistake is in order here. Wanna know what I think. I think there are a bunch of RACIST BOE Staff.

  66. anonymous 4:27, YOU are NOT seeing all the racist comments because I am rejecting them. Believe me, some of you people are really screwed up. Then again, I can think of ONE person who would send them in just to stir the pot and remain anonymous. If I said he's a fat piece of sh!t would that give too much away?

  67. 4:37 - Do you even KNOW any of the BOE staff? What a crappy, incorrect comment.
    If you would actually READ and PAY ATTENTION to the more lucid comments on here, you would know that the doors automatically lock at a certain time. It has nothing to do with courtesy, particularly if the office personnel have gone home. The only way to enter the building after hours is to be "buzzed" in by someone in the office.

    You don't know WHO made the mistake. You have no right to blame anyone.

    SO, take your racist attitude somewhere else. Get the full story before you judge.

  68. weenie kids. It's winter. Put on a hat and a coat. Last I checked, when we were that young, you couldn't keep us from outside, cold or not.

  69. 11:34.....exactly! And... As you can see... My philosophy works just like I explained. If she were high and drag racing.... Her ears wouldn't be red and cold. Problem solved! As I said... That solution and question fixes EVER problem. Remember.... WWJBD.

  70. The BOE are responsible for the welfare of ALL children while in there custody the person that Allowed them to wait outside in dangerous weather conditions needs to be SUSPENDED.

  71. Office personnel are not allowed to work overtime and they have a clock-out procedure they must follow. On the other hand administrators are allowed to work overtime.

  72. You're right Joe. A majority of these people around here have no intelligence or class. That's why their sleepy behind the times county is bankrupt. They reap what they sew!

  73. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You're right Joe. A majority of these people around here have no intelligence or class. That's why their sleepy behind the times county is bankrupt. They reap what they sew!

    January 29, 2014 at 6:18 PM

    dude, if ur gonna question someones intelligence, at least make sure ur comment has no errors. you sew a cloth, you sow a seed.

  74. if you guys think the schools are not babysitting services for some parents.......go visit the special ed rooms that have tube feeders, catheters, kids with boxing gloves on to prevent harming theirselves or others and kids that can't do anything but blink their eyes. How are they learning??? They aren't, they are there so school staff can babysit them to give parents free care during the day. What a shame that our schools have come to this.

  75. As a local middle school teacher who does after-school activities....I'm not allowed to leave until every student that participated in the activity has left....not sure if its the same at the high school level....and students in my activity get 1 "late" pick-up (though I don't advertise that)...a 2nd late pick-up and they are no longer allowed to participate in the activity....same goes for our after-school dances and sporting events....again, this is middle school

  76. The absence of compassion is the greatest danger facing human beings today.

  77. "LOOK at you people now! What a shame." To be honest, Mr. Albero, there is no 'you people' anymore. I know more local residents from Pittsburgh than true natives to the area.

  78. I have two children who attend Wi High. I don't understand the No Cell Phone part of the letter to SBY news. The rule is that you may not have your cell phone out during school hours, but you may use it after school.
    If that part is obviously not true, I'm wondering about the rest of this story.
    I'm also wondering, with many of the other commenters, why the teenager (not child) was not wearing a hat if it is 20 degrees outside. Of course her ears were red.
    Hopefully she was dressed quite warmly since Wi High has breezeways and the students must walk outside regularly in order to get to classes or when they wait at the bus ramp.
    I agree with the writer in this: I would also be unhappy that my child was not allowed to wait inside if that were possible. But 20 minutes? Because the parent was delayed? This is not a tragedy.
    Next time maybe they will all figure out when tutoring ends, or wear better winter garments, or mom can wait for five to ten minutes in the warm car instead of the student waiting outside.
    Maybe the parents will also now figure out that teens can have their cell phones at the school and simply not have them turned on until after school hours instead of complaining about a non-existent rule.

  79. 7:02 I think that their taxes and our taxes that we pay provide the "free" care, so as you put it.

    So because they are handicapped they should not be able to attend school? Parents paid for it. I paid for it.

  80. we are not shorebillies, we are fieldbillies, growing up we partied in the fields....LOL

  81. This mother mentioned her child by name in the article. I hope there is no retaliation or bullying by staff or other students. Mom should have gone directly to the source, and if the situation was not satisfactorily handled, then there are steps that can be taken before trash talking the school and office staff. Yes, the school lets out at a certain time. My school nurse actually brought me home once when I was in middle school when my mother had to work a double shift, and it was snowing. The office staff could have volunteered to drop her by home with her mother's permission during the phone call if there was going to be a significant delay. Again, Mom, why was the child not inside the doorway/hallway area? Why was she completely outside? When you trash talk the school without following the chain of command then there may be a lot of questions and comments as seen on this blog. I just hope your daughter is not the target of a bunch of a-holes now. Now that you have trash talked the school it will be a little difficult to handle this diplomatically won't it?

  82. Ok yes the parents should be able to pick up the kids on time but...

    This weather is not a common situation and as such changes in policy should be considered based on that.

    I come from the very far north. In my area parents had to pay for the students to ride the bus. If you did not have a bus tag you could not ride.

    Now with that in mind if the temperature dropped to a certain level "All" School buses were obligated to allow everyone to ride. They even had to stop and pick up a student if a student attempting to walk to school flagged them down.

    If this was a normal day I can understand the sentiment but really it was fricken cold out and the people working at the school should have accomidated the students based on that alone.

    I guess you people feel that the food Chick-Fil-A gave out to the stranded motorist in Atlanta was just encouraging those people stranded to not be self reliant.

    Its one thing to be a conservative and promote self reliance but another true hall mark of conservatism is to take some responsibility and help people when they are in need do to unusual circumstances.

    Bottom line is this weather was a special situation and those kids should not have been left outside if that was indeed the case.


  83. To 7:02
    Your comment was mean spirited and showed lack of knowledge and compassion. It was also off the thread.

    There are a number of children who were born with or have acquired disabilities of varying severity.

    I'm eternally grateful my kids never had challenges of that sort but I recognize it could have happened.

    FYI, by law the school district is responsible for educating these students until they reach legal adulthood. Different kids have different capabilities so it is tailored to the student.

    Be thankful, not hateful.

  84. As the mother of Makalea (learn to spell it right) I'm not a single mother nor is she black. She had a coat on with her hood up, the one that is attached to her coat. I work in Berlin not a hop, skip, or jump from the school. She had wrote John number done wrong, guess thats her faults, because nobody as ever done that..She was only one of 8 or 10 kids standing out there. Lets not forget it was 19 degrees outside. No I'm not suing the school could of done that when my oldest child was in the 9th grade and the teacher called her a the B word. And when school reopens because there hasn't school because of the snow I will be calling, not that I will get the truth from the office staff. By the wshe was picked up by 3:25. The problem I have is when its below freezing the kids were to wait outside for there rides.

  85. How nice for alot of you who commented to judge. I guess your good christians too!! I guess its easy to say all these nasty comments from your home computers under the anonymous name.you call people names. I call you cowards. signed John

  86. @4:11: To the lady whose child was so horrifically scarred by this senseless, purposeful, thoughtless event:

    If I were you, I would sue the entire school system for as much as possible.
    Obviously you missed your chance to do that when, as you said, "...my oldest child was in the 9th grade and the teacher called her a the B word...". I'm SO glad that you thought the possibility of a lawsuit for that was on the table. I mean really, how will that child ever cope with adulthood with that memory forever in her mind? It will most assuredly follow her the rest of her life.
    And now you are missing ANOTHER chance on the "red ears" situation? My god, woman... PLEASE get an attorney and sue these people. How will they ever learn? Your child will have most likely have nightmares of those 20 minutes that she was left out in the elements. She may never want to go outside again. Sue. Sue. Sue!
    Sue whomever made the decision to do this dastardly thing to your child. If they were just following the school rules, sue the person that made the rules.
    That's my suggestion.
    Or.... You could just tell your child next time to "bundle up, it's going to be really cold today, just in case we're late picking you up".
    Either one.

  87. Some of you are missing several important points:
    1. Employees of the BOE must follow the rules or risk their jobs,
    2. The "office ladies" must leave at their scheduled time, so they would not have been in the building to let the kids back inside,
    3. BOE employees (with the exception of Pupil Personnel Workers) are NOT allowed to transport students for any reason. It is a liability for all involved,
    4. The most important point many are missing is that we do not know exactly what the student was told and by whom!
    Stop offering what "should have" been done if you don't know what is ALLOWED, and none of us should judge until we hear the school's side, too.
    Mom should not have run her mouth online without getting the other side of the story.

  88. All Wicomico County high schools have a policy that, at the end of the day, once a student leaves the building they may not come back inside.
    The students are fully aware of this policy.

  89. Joe,
    I am one of those "liberal" educators and a coaches who has spent countless hours waiting for parents to pick up their students. I understand that life gets in the way, and that things do not always go as planned. I have no problem waiting for a parent that is running late. With that said, this parent was aware (or should have been) of the school's policy that students cannot loiter inside of the building after school unless they are involved in an after school activity. This is the policy in every county on the Eastern Shore. There is not the staffing after school, and lets be honest students are not always the most respectful to the learning environment when they are not supervised. It is unfortunate that the student was made to wait outside when it was so cold. I would like to think that if accommodations could have been made for this student to stay indoors they would have been, but the school is not a free babysitting service. Policies have been thought out and are in place for a reason. The parent should have been aware and understand.

  90. Dear Mother of Makalea,

    This seems to be a mountain made from a molehill. If you have ever watched Judge Judy you would have heard her say, many times; "how do you know when your teenager is lying"?

    I am not judging Makalea to be a liar but we all tend to tell "our" side in "our" favor. The first mistake we parents make is believing what comes out of our child's mouth is gospel AND the second mistake is going to the source of the contention, accusing them of harm.

    We as parents need to READ the student handbook, from cover to cover, and than read it again BEFORE a confrontation. Too many times I see parents go in the school, thundering toward the office, like a German Tank and ranting while going through door. Office personnel have a lot to put up with, for sure.

    OK, your daughter stood outside in the cold, because someone was late picking her up. I learned long ago to apologize to my children for my actions. We than chalk it up to "one of the little bumps in life's road".

  91. The original story here was centered on who was at fault for the child being in the cold

    From reading comments made, it is obvious why our country is in the condition it is. The reason why elected officials can't get anything done.

    This country is so divided I don't think it will ever recover

  92. What's worse is the "NEW" disciplinary action policy to DO NOTHING to AA students, no matter what they do. Probably relates to the investigation done at Bennett Middle. And the new position they had to create, to cover it all up. After all, they have to delete the percentages of referrals and suspensions so it looks like there isn't a problem. Yeah, right!!! Every Caucasian needs to sue for every referral and suspension due to the reverse discrimination. Gotta make it fair one way or another.

  93. Just let all students do as they please. What's fair for some should be fair for all.

  94. Anonymous said...
    Flip this story around, and make it "Girl abducted from in front of school, after administrators kick her out" and you tards would flip your lid blaming the school.

    January 29, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    Guess what Libtard that didn't happen so quit changing the subject.

  95. Anonymous said...
    "could of", "should Of", if you 2 boobs had stayed in school beyond the 2nd grade you "would of" learn how to speak properly.

    January 29, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    Thank you! I get so tired of seeing Hillbillyspeak around here.

  96. After 104 comments ,the first one still stands true. Your children are your responsibility not others.

  97. "I found the people of the eastern shore to be more rude and 10years behind the times then anywhere I had ever been." As a native, I'm sorry to hear that, 2:14. I've been around a little myself, including your native Texas, and I don't really think that we have a lock on rudeness here, my friend. And please understand that the majority of folks that you encounter in Salisbury ARE NOT natives. Most of the folks that you find so objectionable are probably transplants - just like you...

  98. "the majority of folks that you encounter in Salisbury ARE NOT natives. Most of the folks that you find so objectionable are probably transplants - just like you."

    5:46 PM Now that is the best piece of truth I've ever read on here - tis neither gossip, opinion or rumor - just the plain simple truth - no probably to it.

  99. I realize I am joining the party a little late, so please hear me out. I have had one child graduate from WiHi & one currently a junior and I have experienced early dismissals from tutoring and have had to adjust pick up. I have told my children to stay in the breezeway outside of the office and wait for me until I get there AND if anyone gives you a hard time about it, Let me know when I get there. No one has ever told them to leave the building!!! Has Makalea or the mother embelished this story, there is no doubt in my mind. Could Makalea had the misfortunate situation of waiting with a group of loud, unruly students and they were asked to step outside? It's possible. I have been at numerous events, games, practices and pick ups over my time at WiHi without incident. No matter if my child is in a parka with a hat and gloves, do I believe that they would have been told they need to leave the building unless something more attributed to that happening. AND I do feel that the comments about race were unnecessary and just common. But then again mama said "there are two sides to every story", it's just unfortunate some of you had to make it black and white instead of a story about a girl waiting out in the cold and what contributed to that happening!


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