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Saturday, February 01, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: "My Response To Your Article Of The Soldier And Golden Corral

For those of you who are questioning the integrity of the person who originally made this post, let me assure you that all things were done properly. 

My name is Cami Whaley, and the post is mine. It was made on my Facebook and by the powers of social media has traveled to where it has. And I would like to shed a little more light on my side of this story. 

Here are the facts. In the beginning of December, I was made aware that our soldier was coming home and wanted to surprise his wife,(my sister) and their little boy. He and I had picked Golden Corral as the venue because we wanted a family friendly place that both sides of the family could enjoy with a variety of foods available. 

 I contacted Golden Corral mid December and spoke with a female manager (which I was later told was actually a District manager) who ensured me that this was no problem. (For all purposes, at this time I will withhold said managers names.) She was given a specific date of January 28th. This happens to also be my sister's and her husband's anniversary. So this date was given firmly with no mention of changing it to a Wednesday or Thursday. She told me to contact her throughout and leading up to the date in case of time change or party size number. 

I specifically asked for a room with a TV or projector as we had something in the works, and would have several small children in attendance also to which I would bring a cartoon if needed. I was given the green light and told that everything would be in order. 

She was again contacted at the beginning of January to a change in our dinner time. I was told that, that was acceptable and to call back a week before. I did so. No mention was made of any possible interference with my reservation. 

I then contacted her two days prior making sure we were still on the same page as we were going to have our soldier surprise my sister and her son within the restaurant. She informed me that this was entirely possible, and that I just needed to come sign a basic contract of rules and such. I expressed to her that I would be in that night to do so where as she then told me that she would not be in and to just request the next manager and do so accordingly. This is what I did. 

In arriving with a friend of mine, I spoke to another manager. This gentleman was extremely helpful, and very pleasant. (Apparently this may also be his downfall, as I have since been told that this issue is trying to be laid solely upon his shoulders. I feel this is extremely unfair as he was following what he was told to do by his higher management).

I made it very clear to him as well just what our plans were in decorating and so forth. HE took it upon himself to tell me that since our dinner was to begin at 7, that he would make sure extra food was prepared, that the one room would be closed down so that we could decorate a half hour, to an hour before... and that we would be given the larger of the two rooms considering our party was larger. He also went on to say that Kids night has been slow lately and that the smaller room with the TV would be for that use that way it would be beneficial for all. HE also said that considering we were coming within the last hour of the dinner service, and that technically we reserved it for a two hour time block, that there would be no problems in accommodation. He was also asked of the use of the projection screen and it was again confirmed to not be an issue. I agreed and then he continued to give me a pricing sheet, and had me sign before I took my leave. 

On the day of the planned party I received a phone call at approximately 1-1:30 pm to let me know that the requested space/contract could not be honored. It was here this third manager tried to tell me that unless I wanted to change the date to a Wednesday or Thursday to have the room, I was at a loss. When I told him I wouldn't reschedule the party (mind you family members were already traveling downstate to get here), his words " well it is what it is, we are trying to fix this for you." I expressed my dissatisfaction of this and was asked to hold while the gentleman (a different manager by the way) spoke to the owner. He come back to the phone and told me that even after talking to his owner there was no way this could happen. I was told the best to be done was to put my party in a different section of the restaurant around a fireplace and they would try to get us as close together as they could, with the use of a divider. 

At this point, we had been preparing a power point presentation and the countless money I was referring to was that of the decorations, travel arrangements (as his family was coming from 3 hours away), and yes even my gas to come to said establishment to make sure things were in order. I expressed clearly to this third manager that I was unhappy that we could no longer be accommodated in what I was promised. He became very brazen and harsh spoken to me on the phone, citing his own experiences with war and basically told me that my requests and being upset over this matter were unfounded because they "were trying to fix it.". And no my intention to my post was not meant to imply that our soldier is more important than any kids coming to your establishment. Mr. Anonymous manager who has recently posted on behalf of Golden Corral, I was told word for word by one of your management staff that they were more important than he after he berated me over the telephone. 

After being talked to the way I was, and still not having our accommodations being met, I then proceeded to tell your manager that I was given until 6pm to cancel should it be necessary. I expressed this to him and told him that yes, because of the "heinous nature" of said staff and the way this was downward spiraling that I may call back to cancel. 

I then called Flaming Grill who was more than happy to help us with our party, and at over half the cost! And I must say with by far better service and interaction. I called back to Golden Corral to cancel within minutes, (absolutely within the appropriate time frame I was given.) At this point not one of your managers would get on the phone, including the one who spoke so harshly to me, your potential customer. Instead, your management put a waitress on the phone with me because it was the manager's belief that I just spoke to minutes before, that this waitress was a friend of mine, hoping she would smooth this debacle over. In all actuality, she was not a friend of mine but a friend of the soldier's mother. 

So through all of this, your management wasn't even clear of who they had been speaking to. At that point I did cancel my request to hold said party in the establishment, and it was relocated to the Flaming Grill. And yes it was cancelled because of the way it was handled - on your part, not mine. I was then given information that as of eight o clock that morning, that your management had been aware of the this potential problem, and could have contacted me then. However the management at your establishment waited until the afternoon to do so. 

So yes the ball was dropped Sir or Madam, but I will not allow this establishment to make it out to be that it was that of my fault. This establishment had several opportunities to express and questions or concerns, that did in fact arise in this instance. And whether or not the validity of this next statement is true, I have also been told by members of your management that Golden Corral in Salisbury is in the process of being phased out over the course of the next 3 years. 

And with business ethics/practices like the ones expressed and clearly acted upon by this location, one can only ascertain that it is much more than fiscal reasons as to why.


  1. The truth has been spoken! This was never intended to go viral as it did, but it did because others felt that we were treated poorly!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. you were treated poorly. that was very unprofessional and disrespectful of them to do that. and as far as them making her out to be a liar, if she is then explain how there has been several other accounts of this type of thing happening to other people.

  4. Amen! Shameful business practices! There are too many other complaints of the same nature for them to talk their way out with excuses.

  5. Amen! Shameful business practices.

  6. Katie you owe Nobody ANY Explanations.

  7. Where is this place again?
    I'm sorry I can't hear you. I can't find that place on that street. Must have missed it all together. No real reason to remember where they are now anyway

  8. The manager who posted a comment on the previous post should be terminated IMMEDIATELY. That is an extremely poor response representing a subject so sensitive and now so highly visible to the public eye. I hope that the owner or even corporate higher ups see this and start an inquisition. This is not just a reflection of the Salisbury restaurant, but all Golden Corral restaurants as every single person who reads this will now hold a vile taste in their mouths about the Golden Corral chain itself, no matter what comes after this, the damage is done! As a manager of a restaurant you should know better, you just responded to a BLOG post, albeit a large and popular blog in the Salisbury area, it is still a blog post. Your words have already had a screen shot taken (you'd be a fool to think otherwise), copied and probably sent to all major news networks throughout the mid-atlantic region. You Sir or Madam have solely caused your own undoing. All because you lack the knowledge and training to know when to keep your mouth shut so as to not cause more damage. I'd be willing to say your "A" manager, a glorified server with limited training, because anyone that is promoted to a true store manager position would know better than to add FUEL TO THE FIRE. What the readers of Sbynews have just witnessed is local history in the making. No company under such scrutiny would ever post such a response in this manner. EVER. This type of mishap just does not happen and Mr. Albero you should probably do a happy dance because this gift of someones stupidity just fell into your lap, on your page. Businesses in our area beware- train your staff with a tiny bit of PR knowledge so that they don't intentionally cause your demise!

    To the family- I am sorry that you are going through this but I am glad that you found better service elsewhere and that the end of the story was a happier one. The response from this anonymous manager only confirmed that they do in fact believe that a kids night reservation, reserved by their own business- not a church, family, organization, birthday party, baby shower, etcetera- is more important than a soldiers coming home party. Unfortunately the loss of money from your party as stated means very little to companies such as this, due to the fact that they are run by people who simply don't care. However, from a business standpoint they have just created their own demise. Kudos to you for taking a stand.

  9. I agree with Megan V., excect I have no problem with Golden Corral responding on a blog post, but to do so with such disdain and sarcasm is ludicrous.
    Rule #1-When replying to negative feedback, you do not start off immediately by "gilding the lily" (improve you appearance)by telling how great you are. You start by apologizing and taking responsibility. Even if you believe this was entirely the fault of the party, you accept responsibility for a lack of communication.

  10. i would bet the owner and the manager are neither one a veteran or if they were they were office pogies tmo insensitive sob's will never eat there again GOD BLESS AMERICA SEMPER FI

  11. 12:14 Local history in the making? You gotta be kidding. You have pretty low standards if you consider this history in the making.

    Small town, small minds.
    I know, let's target, bully and bankrupt another business.

    You morons are too stupid to wait and see if it is a manager problem or a business problem.

    They will survive fine without the few of you because most people will continue to eat there.

    There was nothing so heinous in the company's reply to warranty such a ridiculous response from you.

    Nothing to see here folks, move on.

  12. Sounds like you're a cry baby and a cheap skate going there for a banquet anyway.

  13. I can't speak for the Golden Corral in Salisbury, MD but I can speak for the one formerly in Dundalk, MD and the one currently on Rossville Blvd - they have been most gracious hosting soldier welcome home parties...I personally had one for an entire unit and the Golden Corral treated these guys like royalty AND we all got free dessert and drinks...I will boycott the one in Salisbury but my local Golden Corral will always have my respect...

  14. Someone got their wires crossed big time on this one,advantage Golden Corral.To anyone who can't see that something is amiss here I suggest you get new glasses.I am in the business of fixing things & stopping downward spirals.Whether this was the result of a communication breakdown or just too many irons in the fire, it appears that GC had good intentions initially but was unable to make daily adjustments as requested.They are a first come first serve establishment first and foremost.

  15. Whether this family was right or wrong, at this point it really doesn't matter. People will read this and believe what they want to. Best thing to do at this point is damage control.

  16. The customer is always right, tighten up GC, like the man said, damage control can make us smile and look forward to come back humbled.

  17. "Best thing to do at this point is damage control"

    Exactly 11:05. Why they chose to come out swinging, which does just add fuel to the fire is mind boggling and does show some major difficulties in their management staff. They could have turned this into a Golden Opportunity if they have the right person in charge. There are whole books, seminars, workshops dedicated to turning negative feedback into a positive. I suggest they look into reading or sending a representative to one of these workshops.

  18. Welcome home Soldier!!! and as to Golden Corral? BOYCOTT!!!

  19. 7:37 obviously did not read the CUSTOMER'S statement -- it was both a Management and Business failing. The Business failed dramatically in placing it's reputation and integrity in the hands of a deficient Manager. So if you Sir want to meet a moron go find the Failed Mgr-- which I think all it will take is a good look in the mirror.

  20. GC is probably above responding to the allegations.

  21. did 7:37 really use the word warranty?

  22. Very Difficult To Read, Sentences Were Cut Off. Most Of The Time There Were No Sentences. A phrase Running Into another Phrase Of A Completely Of A Different Subject. Its Annoying After A While... Just Trying To Figure Out who Or What She Was Taking About.

    That Being Said...I Am Glad Things Worked Out For Our fellow Serviceman And His/Her Family. And, Yes, Point Taken...Stay Away From Golden Corral.

  23. We frequently go to Golden C. & will continue doing so.
    It's a shame this happened & I feel empathy for these people.
    I also Know what Golden C. does
    Much for our Service men & Many others out there in the Community.
    Someone goofed for sure in telling
    this lady what they did! It was a
    terrible situation for them.
    We've had a Birthday Party there--We signed a contract---guaranteeing
    soo many people attending. You can
    see why they do this---because they
    are a 1st come --serve buffet. They would not want to hold an entire room open with just a few people when it could be filled with walk ins --------
    Unless---they have a guarantee of those attending. I am not aware if the policy chnaged with this but
    I doubt it very much.

    I had a business----hired those I
    felt of good quality, morals & values. A few times I've been fooled by those hired. Perhaps this
    the case there as I know the owners run a tight ship & have eliminated many employees .
    Instead of crucifying-----find out
    all the details before you judge .
    We will definitely continue on as
    we have always been treated with
    respect there---more so then some other places in town.

  24. The original post said there was a signed contract and money deposited. Can we see the contract?

  25. Where do these liberal jag offs come.from? 7:37am and 12:37pm in this coumtry you are given the right to be ignorant....provided to you by men and women like James McCreary. So while we must allow.you to speak this vile crap...know.that you insult what we as veterans have done and we have no regard for your pathetic lives.


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