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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

81% Of People Receiving Public Housing Benefits Vote Democratic – And That’s Just The Tip Of The Handout Iceberg

Perhaps I spend too much time lurking around left-leaning blogs, but there are many myths taken as fact without any additional analysis.

One of the most prominent? The notion that red states take the most aid from the government.

Mitt Romney sparked outrage during the 2012 election for his comments about the “47 percent” of Americans who are dependent on government. Romney was actually quoting the percentage of Americans who pay no federal income tax, not the percentage of people who receive government aid, which is a slightly larger 49 percent.

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  1. maybe because conservatives continue to paint people seeking assistance of any kind as lazy bums.

  2. depends on what system assistance we are talking about? welfare food stamps and abuses of the social security system needs to be addressed

  3. 4:55 or maybe it's cause most of them are uneducated lazy bums who never bothered to take advantage of the opportunities available to them. Figured they would just sit on their asses and suck off the public?

  4. 4:55
    Maybe they are.

  5. 4;55 maybe you should be glad that those conservatives believe in working--where the hell do you think the money to pay the leeches of society comes from?

  6. dems just keep "buying" votes from anywhere they can. the next group are the "felons"...5.2 million.

  7. No 4:55 It's because they are nothing but slaves, indebted to whomever throws them their pittance. They are of the lower IQ and uninformed. For the most part they are lazy bums who wouldn't dream of making sure they can provide for a child before multiplying. They are generally a product of the public school system that doesn't teach forward thinking skills. That's why the illegitimate rate which is a major factor of poverty is so high.

  8. There needs to be a nation Spay/Neuter program. If you don't have a pot to take a piss in and have to rely on the government then no more kids. It needs to start at around age 10 because these people are like roaches in the way they reproduce. It's like that's all they know how to do. That and crap up their government housing.
    Spay/Neuter would also solve much of the crime problem.


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