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Sunday, February 23, 2014

7th & 8th Graders Told To Make Reproductive Organs At Stephen Decatur Middle School

When you're a parent who gets a release form from your child's school asking for permission to have your child go through a sex-ed class, let me assure you, you do not expect the following.

Get this. The young girls were told to make male reproductive organs, (life size)  with clay and use eggs for, well, you know. Once they were done they were then asked to come in front of the class and display/explain what they had made. 

Parents are outraged that their children were placed in this position by their instructor. The Principal acted like there was nothing to it. Yet parents remain very upset that their little girls were to stand in front of a class and handle these displays and explain themselves.

At this age group you might expect a clay model similar to the one above but never would we sign off on a release form allowing our children to go through such a ridiculous and horrific thing. 

Maybe the Instructor gets off on such a thing, I don't know. No matter, the Parents are outraged and they should be. 

Now to any of you fools out there that want to come back here and make stupid jokes, YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY REJECTED. 


  1. I hope the parents who had children in the sex class raised *&^&$!@#$ with the school and board of education. The instructor (we used to call them teachers) should be suspended.

  2. 7th and 8th graders have been on the internet since they were 4. they have seen the real thing more than their parents care to admit. This particular exercise is a bit crass and maybe unnecessary, but it's not the big deal parents make it out to be.

  3. O'Reilly and Hannity should be all over this.What a show it would make.Thousands of emails would flood in.Public outrage would ensue.I've never heard of such a thing being done elsewhere.

  4. This just goes to show that we cannot trust government at any level. Anyone that can afford private school should certainly send their kids there. With Obamas Common Core program things are going to get much worse. I don't know how anyone can justify the ridiculous things that are taught in schools today.

  5. 7th and 8th grade is stephen decatur middle school,unless the middle school students were transported to the high school for this class.

  6. Sex ed is a difficult class to teach, especially at that age. Why are Americans such prudes about sex and the human body?

    What happened to the days where the instructor brought their own life size anatomical model to pass around the class. Was this a girls only class?

    Parents do not step up and teach their children about sex, reproduction, etc. But are quick to criticize if they do not like the way the school does it. Can't have it both ways.

  7. I am confused. What is the outrage about? This was for sex ed where they learn about sex. Part of that is learning about genetalia.

  8. Name the teacher and principal.

  9. according to the stats "your little girls" and boys have seen the others genitals for real by the time the make it to high school. Don't sign the release. DO TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT SEX

  10. There has to be more to this story. My daughter went through that school system from K-12 (class of '06). The teachers and administrators did not seem to be people who would go for this kind of stuff. I agree with 9:04 except substitute "quickly terminated" instead of "suspended."

  11. I definitely think the teacher should be evaluated for psychological status and, if necessary, sent in for a tune-up or fired.

  12. ...and just what the H3ll is that?

  13. Seriously people? Life size penis made from playdoh? Plastic Easter eggs for the beans? Tinsel for the hair? And then to have to handle and present them to the class??? And you say this is ok? 7th graders. What is wrong with you people? Not acceptable and certainly not on the curriculum. No where on there does it say clay penis project. Inappropriate no matter how you spin it. And for nothing to be done, even more inappropriate.

    1. The plastic Easter eggs represented ovaries- not testes or "beans"

  14. If you want to stop perverted teachers like this then publicly name them and then challenge them.Hold them accountable.

  15. Since when are 7th and 8th graders in high school? I really don't understand the headline. If the parents signed a release form then what's the big deal? Would you rather them have big posters with actual pictures of Penis and Vagina on them? Part of sex ed is learning about reproductive organs.

  16. I am 55 now, and by the time I was in 8th. grade I had already had my 1st. actual sexual experience. We were told and shown movies in gym class in 6th. grade. These kids today are a whole lot more informed then we ever were. The statistics say that leaving sex ed up to the parents, it just won't happen, because the parents are too busy or just are not part of their child's education anyway. Sex is normal, people here seem to make it a dirty thing. Like all the hullabaloo about having a couple of sex toy stores in town, big deal, sex is going on all the time, get over it you prudes!

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7th and 8th graders have been on the internet since they were 4. they have seen the real thing more than their parents care to admit. This particular exercise is a bit crass and maybe unnecessary, but it's not the big deal parents make it out to be.

    February 16, 2014 at 9:09 AM

    That doesn't make it right. And if what you say is true, the parents of those kids are lacking in some areas.

    If you raise kids to be deviates, that's what they will be as adults.

  18. Parents signed the health class consent form for the children to learn the appropriate way. Thru worksheets, books, and overheads. Check the curriculum and guess what? Clay penis......not on there. Ignorant comments, you people have issues.

  19. The statement from the school said something like they had a pre test to determine what the kids knew. Then the teacher used different "STRATEGIES" to help the kids learn.

    Strategies = Common Core

  20. Who is the teacher and the principal. This is perverted and the teacher and the principal and whomever else approved of this needs to be looked at with a critical eye. Something is not right with them. It's almost as if they are taking some kind of their own sexual pleasure with this "exercise."

  21. Sex education should not be taught in school. The excuse is that some kids won't learn at home. Since the advent of sex ed not only has the illegitimate rates gone up but so has sexually transmitted diseases in teens. Teaching this is school obviously isn't working.

  22. Tell the names of the instructor and the principal. They grew it now they can face the music.
    Naming names is the first step toward taking back the schools.

  23. I don't find this to be a big deal.

    I have 3 young children of my own (8, 6 & 3) who have been taught the proper names of the sex organs, which many parents don't do. It's like the word penis & vagina are "dirty" and many make the act of sex to be "dirty" as well.

    Do I think the exercise was un-necessary...probably. Do I think it was wrong? No. (At this age, I do believe sex ed classes are still segregated)

    I think a lot of parents rely too heavily on sex ed at school to educate their kids about their bodies & safe sex. If you aren't going to step up to the plate and educate them yourself, don't complain when someone else does and/or they get an STD/become (very) young parents due to lack of education, education from their more "experienced" friends or attempting to educate themselves just by experimenting.

    Society today is a lot different than it was when many of us were this age.

  24. Contrary to what one poster said, Teen pregnancy has actually gone down, and it is because of a TV show called "Teen Mom" and "!6 and Pregnant". The illegitimate birth rate is up among blacks, 8 out of 10 black children is born illegitimate.

  25. And they wonder why people go postal!

  26. Next week they can make a liberal, government school instructor out of clay and use feces for the, well you know; brains.


  27. Would the negative leaning here give us an example of good home-based sex education? And some statistics of home-schooling vs. institutional schooling regarding pregnancy rates and STDs among our youth?

    And can the positive leaning support their claims with numbers?

    By my reckoning, neither are wholly nor acceptably effective. The numbers say so.

    Maybe those concerned enough to do more than express outrage with one another's views can get it together enough to improve the outcome.

  28. My daughter is an education major at SU and she says this technique in educating about male genitalia was not necessary and a poor lapse in judgement.To say she was shocked is an understatement. Lesson: teach your own children about sex in more appropriate ways.

  29. My friend's mother would not allow her children to take sex ed. She refused to sign. Both ended up getting pregnant and having to get married.

  30. Post the TEACHERS names here and deal with it privately off school grounds.
    See to it they never teach again and run them out of town fearing for their lives. Then do the same to their supervisors and anyone that supports this perversion of our children.
    STOP these perverts in their tracks with devastating consequences. Enough is enough.

  31. May be training for future R.S.O. List. They need to keep the list growing for the grants they are getting to keep it alive. Even though the grants do not even cover a small part of the costs to maintain and run it for nothing.

  32. Sex Education is needed. It's one thing for the teacher to teach this class, but their students should not have had to stand in front of the class and talk about it. Humility...another form of Bullying. Totally unacceptable. My child would taken half the grade for not presenting. Release form should come with a class itenerary in the future.

  33. I agree with those calling for the teacher and principal being named publicly.

  34. Parents wouldn't be upset if the kids were told to make models of a heart or stomach. Reproductive organs are organs and a scientific approach should be taken during instruction on this topic. When you make it something dirty it makes children ashamed and embarrassed to talk about the changes they are experiencing.

  35. Sex education is a joke, it does nothing at all to help children. They go to school to learn how to get a job and support themselves when they grow up. More time should be spent learning the 3 R's. For those that don't know the 3 R's are reading, riting, and rithmitic. Without being proficient in the 3 R's their life is doomed from the start. I can assure you that they will all learn all they need to know about sex without being taught in school.

    If they can't read and write I guess they can spend more time having quality sex since they have been taught all the details at such an early age.

  36. Sounds like one of those stupid games being played anymore at low class bridal showers.
    I agree name names. These freaks need a well deserved verbal flogging.

  37. gee why didn't the teacher just take them to Red Light District. That's about the same thing. so wrong.

  38. 2:18
    The thoughts you just expressed are the very definition of perverse.

  39. Not one mention of taking the power back.. SCHOOL VOUCHER SYSTEM the only way people....

  40. Teacher could have taught the lesson using whatever visuals were needed, then have given some kind of quiz or diagram to label or whatever to see if students knew parts of reproductive organs. Having kids make the organs out of clay and talk about them is in poor taste and a waste of time. Can you imagine the boredom of hearing your 29 classmates give the same talk over and over?

  41. They need to make mock-ups of sex organs to learn about sex? I didn't have to build a car to learn to drive.

  42. 4:40 You must be one of the liberal perverts that thinks this form of "education" is ok. The fact is, shame and discrimination DO have a purpose in society. It is to keep perverts and criminals in check so they do not corrupt our children and lower social standards to their deviant levels.

  43. Let's all pretend that our children (12-13yo) don't go on the internet or watch cable tv. Most girls have reached puberty by the age of 12 and should have an understanding of the reproductive process. To simply provide made up names for the reproductive organs and ignore that fact that these kids aware of sexuality is naive and foolish. The sculpting of penises out of clay may not be the best method of teaching sex ed, but let me pose this question. If these students had no knowledge of the opposite sex, how did they know what to sculpt?

  44. Don't quite grasp asking them to make them out of modeling material !!!Think the teacher makes them make a mouth,nose,hand,eye or ear out of modeling material when they are studying the Senses!!??? DON"T THINK SO! Totally innapropiate!!

  45. 5:43. awesome comment and example.

  46. We are approaching 6 billion people on planet earth and most didn't receive any sex education. Some things just come naturally like eating, drinking, going to the bathroom and OH YEA, SEX. I think more sex education is a waste of tax payers money and should be abandoned.

  47. 7:38, they sculpted from photos. The photos alone should have been enough, but it went too far with the sculpting. Teach them, don't humiliate them.

  48. Unbelievable! Outrageous! Who would ever have thought a pervert is part of the staff and teaching in Stephen Decatur.

    The Board of Education and Principal need to be held accountable.

  49. The Board should fire the stupid, perverted teacher. The numbing of society

  50. 8:53
    Or they sculpted from what they have seen playing doctor or watching cable tv (HBO, Showtime , Skinimax). How is it humiliating for a classroom of girls to discuss what they know or don'y know about what a penis looks like? Do you really think that don't talk about these things among themselves?

  51. It is beyond comprehension that the eastern shore is still so far behind the times. I grew up in Somerset and Wicomico counties the 70's. As a child of educated parents, I had the opportunity to travel to Europe and S. America before reaching my teenage years. We had works of art in our home from old world masters such as Renoir, Gauguin and Cezanne. A few of these works of art depicted the nude female form. There were actually parents of friends of mine that forbid their children to come to out home because of the paintings. It is hard to believe that such ignorance about human sexuality, the human body and providing factual information still exist.

  52. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    5:43. awesome comment and example.

    February 16, 2014 at 8:04 PM

    ty, I am honored

  53. I find this thread outrageous, the comments are a gross over reach of civil discourse in a public forum. Did anyone expose themselves to children? Was anyone touch inappropriately? And yet, we have one self-appointed high priest of social morality after another, calling for vigilantly action and mob rule. That mind set is found in Sharia Law, it has no place in our society! We are talking molding clay and a poor use of judgement, not a criminal offense. Joe, you should take this down, it has inflamed some very unstable people, do you really want to be party to this kind action?

  54. As a parent of children going thru puberty I feel that this is inappropriate. My children can ask me questions, I will be honest with them. They have books on their changing bodies. They talk to friends about it. They know and do not feel ashamed to talk to me. I do believe in sex ed in school, but this is taking it to far IMO.

  55. Whoever thought this was a food idea should not be working with kids. Teach your children yourselves. We all know we can't trust the schools to do the right thing in today's world.

  56. The school children are not as matured as the teacher consider so they need some guideline that's why the most of the parents need to guide them also. The children and girls often not aware the playing and also about the other kinds of games Dress Up Games.

  57. Survey after survey (US & Europe) have shown that parents overwhelmingly feel sex ed should not be taught in school. Most feel it should be the parents choice to teach their children about sex in their own way.
    When the surveys are broken down, they point to those in a lower social and economic class who believe sex ed should be taught in school.
    The problem with public schools are they are state run instead of local. What fits an inner city school doesn't necessarily fit our schools due to parent's values.

  58. 10:54, Sadly, it is like this all the time. People spew the most vile inappropriate comments over simple issues, and when they disagree with you.
    They often tell people to go die.
    What they overlook is; this is a local forum, not the Blaze. And that reflects on the city and portrays an image of ignorance, hate and hostility.
    After reading some of this would you want to move here? Bring a business here?

  59. anonymous 7:38, Look, I can't really disagree with you on the statement where some people make over the top comments. However, we do our very best to eliminate the majority of them, according to our rules.

    That being said, do you really think it's right for you to come on here and place the blame for the FAILURES of our elected officials to attract people or businesses to the Eastern Shore ON ME????

    You are so over the TOP on that portion of your comment, it isn't funny. Is that the new Liberal Campaign, to blame Joe Albero or Salisbury News?

    People are FED UP. So you want me to PLAY NICE, like Jim Ireton demanded me to do if I wanted Press Releases from the City of Salisbury.

    No, we'll continue to expose the truth. We'll continue to allow comments tat even I do not agree with but remain within our rules.

    You will NOT blame me for the failures of the WWTP, polluted river, rain tax and the list goes on and on and on....

  60. 10:38-Stop fooling yourself and get into the real world. Sorry if I sound harsh but you people need a dose of reality.
    It's all about the almighty dollar and this so called "hate-hostility and ignorance" have nothing to do with why no one wants to move here or why businesses aren't opening. If there were dollars to be made here, businesses would be lining up to open and don't your ever forget it. No matter how ignorant someone is, it doesn't matter when they are throwing money at you.

  61. The time to be civil is gone. The PC crowd has used civility and Christianity against those with principles for too long and that's why things have gotten out of control. Decent people are afraid to speak up and tell it the way it is for fear of a dressing down by the PC crowd.

  62. I say take you civil discourse and shove it! A dose of public humiliation works wonders and if someone gets their feeling hurt then tough. They need to suck it up and maybe now they will think about how all actions have consequences. "Modeling" reproductive organs was uncalled for and quite frankly weird. What other human body parts does this school sculpt using Play Dough?

  63. you guys need to take this discussion to another forum. This particular blog is about the inappropriateness of the so called playdoh 'project' these girls were subject to

  64. Exactly 8:29. These teachers should be arrested by local police for child abuse. Tried, convicted and jailed. Then put on the sex offender registry as well as anyone that supports them.
    These PERVERTS must be stopped. What they are doing is illegal and they are such low class deviants they do not even know what is inappropriate behavior.

  65. Surreal, unacceptable & inappropriate!

    One can only imagine how embarrassing & humiliating it will be for all of these little girls to stand in front of the class to display their “works of art” of a male’s reproductive organs while discussing/explaining what they made.
    One can also only imagine how many of the boys in these classes will be taunting, ridiculing & harassing a number of these girls.

  66. Joe that comment was not directed at you, at all. I know you filter out the bad stuff.
    I also think it naive to think that people do not migrate here, or chose to open small businesses elsewhere based on internet searches of this area.
    I was googling welfare figures and came across a blog conversation from 2010 on Salisbury, crime and a general "the people are not friendly here".
    Quite an image of the "born heres" that continues to follow them.

  67. 9:19, I'm glad to hear that. Many have no idea how often I speak to elected officials on a daily basis. They know where my heart is. They know what direction I'd like to see things heading here on the Shore. Look, we live here too. It would be easy, (in my case) to pack up and relocate. Think for just a minute how difficult it is to be in my shoes to stick around and try to make a positive change for the Shore. Like my ideas or not, one thing I can tell you is, I do maker an incredible difference for all of you here. Much of it is not published. Just remember this. Salisbury News is the first Blog to receive a Press Pass from the Governor. This should not be taken lightly. Let me assure you, the other local main stream media isn't.

    Let's work together to make the Shore a better place to live. We need INDUSTRY and god paying JOBS. That is my quest. I don't care if certain leaders want to work with me or not. There is NO WAY the Eastern Shore can financially survive without it and quite frankly your current leaders are doing almost nothing to make that happen. Well, unless something falls into their laps.

  68. Perhaps, we should be dressing our children in veils with eye holes to protect their innocence. Only allow them in public if accompanied by a male adult. Definitely don't educate them,someone maybe teach them the proper name of a body part. Finally, let's circumcise the females, intercourse is for procreation not pleasure. Many of the people making comments, should be living in another country, where they can use force and threats to impose their morality.

  69. 9:31 am Your comment shows you view things in the extreme you see no middle ground, You are an extremist.....leave the kids alone.

  70. 9:44 you missed the sarcasm

  71. Oh please 9:31! Don't be silly! Not by anyone's stretch of the imagination is anyone suggesting what you wrote and you know it and if you don't then you are the one with the problem. Anyone who thinks having children model reproductive organs out of clay and then having them get in front of the class to elaborate is a sick pervert. There is no gray area with this and anyone who thinks this is acceptable is sexual deviant as well.
    In today's DT article about this, they are playing cover their butts and attempting to explain that "modeling" is an acceptable form of educating. Funny thing is no mention of what other body parts they model. Because there aren't any other lessons where this is done.
    I too think something is wrong in the head of the "teacher" who dreamed this up.

  72. 9:44 didn't miss the "sarcasm" at all 9:47, nor did they miss the contempt/disdain for those who voiced disapproval over this particular exercise the children were subject to. The comment was made with the sole purpose of painting those who disapprove as extremists.

  73. Pretty pathetic that an article on a clay penis garners 72 comments and an article of the secret "special tax" garners 28 comments.

    That pretty much answers the question, politically and economically, how did we get here.

  74. since when did it become appropriate for 7th 8th graders to have sex, yes we all know it happens, but that does not make it right. all of the anonymous post who think that this is acceptable, just think about what you were taught or not taught in school, was it this graphic.. I think not, yet everybody seemed to get by

  75. You got teachers everyday in the news having sex with their students, it is just a matter of time before it happens at this school. The teacher was conditioning the children for his sexual advances, pedifiles do it all the time!

  76. There is an anonymous and alleged parent who has been trying to put up comments here stating what we've said here isn't true. To that person I'll say the following. After our article on this matter came out, the Daily Times deserves a LOT of credit in today's article referencing this matter. They have CONFIRMED that what we have stated is in fact true. Their article goes on to say “This activity was not part of the curriculum,”. They went on to say, “We agree that there are more appropriate ways to teach students about reproductive anatomy and health,” Barton said.

    So to that parent who thinks we have lied, GO TO THAT DAILY TIMES ARTICLE and see for yourself.

    “In this case, the teacher used a proven instructional strategy such as when modeling a cell in biology,” Wilson said. “Unfortunately, this strategy did not take into consideration the sensitive nature of the subject matter. The teacher, the school and the school system regret that this happened. To ensure that future strategies and activities are appropriate to the instruction within the Family Life and Human Development curriculum, we will better define appropriate strategies and activities for this instructional area.”

    Here's a link to their article. http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20140216/news/302140024/stephen-decatur-middle-school-stop-health-lesson-after-parents-complaints-worcester-county-maryland

  77. It's absolutely true and apparently, the teacher is still teaching the class.

  78. This is disgusting. I'm still waiting on someone to explain the educational value of having 12 year old girls mold clay into the shape of a penis. Was the grading based on most accurate? I'm 40 years old and I'd have a hard time completing this assignment. Mortifying.
    Agree with all who say the teacher and the principal need to answer for this.
    I feel the school should have done more to inform the parents about this particular assignment prior to subjecting these children to it. Something tells me that's why they didn't because the vast majority would have likely not approved. Whats the old saying "sometimes its better to ask forgiveness then permission?" I feel that's just what this school did and shame on SDMS for it.
    Lets just hope none of the "education" these young ladies received that day scars them going forward.
    To all the parents that have children in that school, you should demand a copy of future lesson plans and demand to see your childs "art work." I mean where these things displayed around the school after the fact? Further teach your child if they are ever uncomfortable or feel doing something is morally wrong, they should walk out of the class and ask you be called.
    Glad my daughter is out of school and she graduated before THIS is what is being passed off as "acceptable" forms of education.

  79. 11:08, I can tell you that HOW that teacher was teaching the class will never happen again.

    I'm sure they NEVER thought this would hit the media like it has and it would not at all surprise me if it actually makes the National News.

    While it is a difficult topic to discuss, IS THIS THE WAY WE WANT LIBERAL TEACHERS TEACHING OUR CHILDREN?

    I'm very pleased to hear the Board of Education supports dropping this technique from here on out.

    Just remember Folks, before Salisbury News came along, topics like this never saw the light of day. My hat is tipped to WBOC and the Daily Times for their parts in this story.

  80. anonymous 11:13, If you think back to being that age, think of how badly you'd be treated if you walked out of that class. This is why I think the entire thing was so horrific. The children were in a lose/lose situation here and that it why the story needed to be brought out.

    Honestly, when I started getting calls about this matter I kept thinking, is someone BS'ing me? Then one call came in after the other and I knew the story had to be told.

    I'm scared to death to think how the people in charge are allowing teachers to break away from the direct instructions and well, make it their own. Will they also be teaching the GAY lifestyles next too?

    1. Sounds like the boa is leaving the teacher to hang out to Dry SHAME on them.

  81. "Anonymous said...
    Pretty pathetic that an article on a clay penis garners 72 comments and an article of the secret "special tax" garners 28 comments.

    That pretty much answers the question, politically and economically, how did we get here.

    February 17, 2014 at 10:20 AM"

    Either you are not a parent or your priorities are all wrong. "Clay penis special tax"-It's all tied to liberalism and those that have children their first priority is to those children, not a "special tax" or anything else. Liberalism must be fought on all fronts but our most important asset--- the children--- come first.

  82. "Anonymous said...
    It is beyond comprehension that the eastern shore is still so far behind the times. I grew up in Somerset and Wicomico counties the 70's. As a child of educated parents, I had the opportunity to travel to Europe and S. America before reaching my teenage years. We had works of art in our home from old world masters such as Renoir, Gauguin and Cezanne. A few of these works of art depicted the nude female form. There were actually parents of friends of mine that forbid their children to come to out home because of the paintings. It is hard to believe that such ignorance about human sexuality, the human body and providing factual information still exist.

    February 16, 2014 at 10:10 PM"

    It's not "ignorance about human sexuality" at all. It's just that some people are more comfortable than others with regard to it. It's quite primitive of someone to even suggest that all people should be comfortable with sexuality. People are created differently, think differently and are comfortable with different things. This is the nature of a human being. This longing to make people all think and act alike is what is ignorance.

  83. BOE knew about it who are they kidding.Start at the Top.

  84. Anon @ 1:32pm
    How do you know this information? The "official" position is they didn't. Maybe these parents need to start asking for some answers on who knew what and when and who approved what. Is there anything in the way of counseling etc being offered to any of these young ladies if they were disturbed over this lesson? And why is this teacher still being allowed to teach this class? Clearly she has already practiced poor judgment on what is age appropriate and what is not.

  85. More lefty logic- So let me ask each one of you on here supporting this lesson. If little Suzy or Johnny decided to make genitalia for an art class project you wouldn't suspend them or have them profiled as a "troubled child" that needed "watching" and this incident would never end up in their school record huh? Hypocrites!

  86. Here's more lefty logic for you. If one of the kids made a male genitalia that looked like a gun he or her would be suspended and have a permanent record! They have lost their freaking minds!!

  87. I would like to know why the names of those involved have not been put up here? Must be some big shots involved.

  88. 12:01 My priorities are fine. I do not have a hang up playing with clay. I think the show and tell was a bit much.
    But I do not think this event demands such outlandish outrage.
    I find some of the comments more appalling.

  89. would it be "ok" if the student wore the penis as a necklace, or wore it on top of their hat? Why is it "ok" in one room, but not the room across the hall?

  90. 8:33, you think the comments are more appalling then what these CHILDREN were put through? Unbelievable! Or should I say, CYA?

  91. February 16, 2014 at 2:18 PM
    "Post the TEACHERS names here and deal with it privately off school grounds.
    See to it they never teach again and run them out of town fearing for their lives. Then do the same to their supervisors and anyone that supports this perversion of our children.
    STOP these perverts in their tracks with devastating consequences. Enough is enough."

    Yes, I find comments like this appalling. "fearing for their lives" Really?

  92. "Yes, I find comments like this appalling. "fearing for their lives" Really?"

    Too funny isn't it 8:59. Sounds like a bunch of BS. Let's get real here. It's not their lives they are fearing for at all. It's embarrassment from this public vocal slap down.

  93. To everyone on here calling for the teacher to be fired, there is word coming out now that even the teacher expressed being uncomfortable with the lesson plan but was only teaching what she'd been given. Yet the principal and the board are eluding publically it was all the teacher.

    Parents need to get to the bottom of this incident because any way you slice it what's being reported is the left hand doesn't seem to know what the right hand is doing. Does anyone feel that's acceptable? I know I don't.

    Like someone said on the radio this morning, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. These girls were already exposed to and humiliated by this.

    To those of you defending this lesson, THE CHILDREN were the ones that spoke up to their parents about how uncomfortable they were. That is why the parents got involved and made a big deal of it. So what each one of you is really defending is the position these 11-12yr old girls should just get over it because if they were uncomfortable it means they're just prudes or sexually ignorant eastern shore hillbillies.
    Tell me if your child came home crying and/or upset what would you have done? Tell them to get over it? Tell them if it happens at school they have no right to speak up when they are uncomfortable? Tell them they are prudes? Tell them they are just blowing this whole thing out of proportion? Think about what you're saying.

    You people need put your adult feelings and logic to the side and remember these are children who felt humiliated, embarrassed and uncomfortable with this lesson and were brave enough to go home and say something about it. So show some compassion. They had every right to their feelings and not be looked down upon for it and their parents have every right to feel the way they do.

    Sadly with the short attention span everyone seems to have nowadays this will all be forgotten in a few days without anyone being held accountable. I'm sure that's just what these "educators" are banking on. Hopefully the parents of these few brave girls don't allow that to happen. There's a teachable moment in this for them. Lets just hope these parents stick with it and get the answers.

  94. I'm wondering if the teacher would be protected under MD's Whistleblower act if she revealed who and where this lesson came from?

  95. From wboc-"Katherine Whaley is a parent and retired teacher and said she sees why it was used in the classroom.

    "Whatever examples they can bring in, that the school system allows is ok with me because they need to know," said Whaley of Berlin."

    Whatever examples they can bring in is okay with her. This coming from a retired teacher. This is what parents are dealing with--- A former teacher who thinks this is okay. Putting aside the appropriateness of this activity, these models weren't accurate depictions.

  96. 12:01 I saw your comment "Clay penis special tax". Don't give Omalley any ideas.

  97. As I read through these posts it is amazing to see how many people are quick to call this teacher liberal, a pervert, sex offender as well as saying they were getting pleasure when they don't know who this teacher is at all or what they were trying to accomplish in this lesson.

    This teacher was trying to reach all students. There are different types of learners. Those who learn through hearing, those who learn by seeing and those who learn by doing. This teacher was trying to reach all learners to teach important concepts that middle school age children need to know.

    Most on here want to bash and say this teacher should be fired when you don't know all the ins and outs of the situation. You don't know how many of the students have expressed how much this has helped them learn what they didn't already know, they were uncomfortable talking to their parents about this topic and they felt safe in this environment. In fact, until this was brought to light a week after the unit was completed by a local personality, there was not one parent complaint. If we are so worried about what our children are doing in this class why aren't they being asked daily what is happening?

    Think about the words you use about people and what you say about them when you don't know them at all. These words hurt and all this teacher was trying to do was help children.

  98. Anon @ 7:54 "there was not one parent complaint"

    ....because the parents didn't know but once it was known there were plenty of complaints!

    We aren't sending our kids to school thinking todays lesson is making playdoh dicks either!

    The permission slip that came home should have outlined this assignment in more detail. Perhaps the teacher should have thought to ask THE SCHOOL if she could go out of the curriculum.

    Like most parents we went into it thinking it was like the Sex Ed we took, not this new "hands-on" version.

  99. If you read my post correctly it said there was not one parent complaint until A WEEK after the unit was completed. A week went by and after false stories of what was happening in class came out then there were complaints. If you are that concerned about what your child was doing in class, which you should be, why aren't you asking them what they did in class on a daily basis??

  100. February 20, 2014 at 7:54 PM
    You are a twisted pervert to portray this teacher as someone trying to "help children". If you want to help these children, run these pervert teachers out of town on a rail. Make an example of them as local prosecutors often do to deter any farther activities of this nature.

  101. 7:54-The question becomes, what other body systems/parts are learned in the modeling fashion within this school? If it's standard that students model hearts, brains, etc out of Play Dough then maybe just maybe the teacher deserves a pass. If it's something she herself was instructed to do, then she again gets a pass. If it's something she dreamed up then it's quite frankly---weird.
    As far as the notion that all kids/people should be "comfortable" with their sexuality-that is liberal social engineering-plain and simple. Some people will be comfortable and some won't nor will ever be. Public school's goals are to make all children think and act alike. They promote the faux "embrace diversity" BS. This is nothing more than controlling the minds of children toward the liberal agenda. If someone doesn't want to accept something, they don't have to. Everyone acting and thinking alike makes people into non-thinking zombies. People need to make their own minds up about things, not pushed into a belief or labeled a "hater" if they aren't accepting.

  102. "You don't know how many of the students have expressed how much this has helped them learn what they didn't already know, they were uncomfortable talking to their parents about this topic and they felt safe in this environment"

    I'd like to know where you got your information because every parent of every girl I've talked to from that class claims their child didn't feel helped or safe AT ALL. They felt weird, embarrassed and humiliated having to do the project and then get in front of the class. Which is why the parents were outraged over it in the first place.

    You so cavalierly elude that we parents aren't talking to our children or asking questions while attempting to justify the teachers behavior by stating "they were uncomfortable talking to their parents" which one is it? What makes you think we don't ask? And by your input here do you think any of them came right out and said hey we're making penises at school?
    This was found out because a few parents OVERHEARD their kid talking about it to another kid. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before you make the parents out to be the bad guys here.
    Left logic strikes again.


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