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Monday, February 03, 2014

5 Cent Tax Proposal Per Chicken To Be Held Off Today

Leave it to Montgomery County Representatives to pull yet another fast one on the Eastern Shore.

A proposed bill will be introduced today in Annapolis to tax 5 cents per chicken to help clean up the Chesapeake Bay. Salisbury News is being told it will be tabled for at least two weeks, at this time. 

The state of Maryland is in pretty bad shape financially and it never ceases to amaze me how creative these Liberals can be trying to tax and fee just about anything imaginable. 

They've raised the sales tax, increased tolls everywhere, they're proposing a new minimum wage increase which will harm the Eastern Shore more than anywhere else in the state and they've even gone so far as to create a rain tax to boot.

We've watched Mayor Ireton put in a six foot tall drain pipe into the Wicomico River along with hundreds of other pipes that discharge into the River as well, yet it's ALL the Farmers fault. 

Is it just me, or are you people starting to realize that after Salisbury has been rated the #1 polluter of the Chesapeake Bay based on multiple discharges from the Waste Water Treatment Plant, these very same Liberal Tree Huggers who are all about the environment are the very same people causing such mentioned harm and are the biggest culprits. 

Yeah, just keep voting in these Liberals while they knowingly pollute our tributaries, blame the Farmers and come up with these incredible fees. The funny part is, even Liberal Voters have no clue that their own people are screwing them.

Besides, with a failing grade for the past 20 years, the Chesapeake Bay will NEVER get clean until ALL of you realize the majority of pollution is coming DOWNSTREAM from other states and there's NOTHING we are doing about it. 


  1. I am all about the environment and do believe that so many chickens raised in one area is contributing to the Bay's pollution, but this is ridiculous.
    History is the best teacher and the government can not ever be trusted to use funds as intended. It wasn't so long ago, they had to raise the Flush tax to make up what they stole from the Bay Restoration Fund.

  2. "To save the Bay". And just how is me giving you money going to "save the Bay"? What are you going to spend it on? How big is this poultry manure cleaner and how does it work? Does it filter out the feather dust out of the air, too? When will one be installed on my farm?

    Oh, there's no such thing? You have no plan? Just give you money and you'll think of something to spend it on?

    That's what I thought.

  3. This will be the last straw for Perdue - they are already considering the Carolinas for a corporate headquarters.

    This tax will not hurt the major businesses and will not bring in the desired revenues (long-term). The local chicken flock grower will be the one to suffer by non-renewal of their contracts.

    Leading to another industry leaving the Democratic Socialist Republic of Maryland....

  4. How about the State fine the mayor of salisbury EVERYDAY for his pollution of the river that goes into the bay???

  5. If new revenues are needed we should make the scale houses on Rts 13& 50 toll booths and only implement a per person
    toll on vehicles from Pa.,N.J. , and N,Y.

  6. And yet thefoolish folks in maryland will still vote democrats. Stupid liberals.

  7. As much as I can not stand Perdue and am critical of them, they should be overseeing the Bay restoration. Turn over to them the funds already being collected by the rain tax, flush tax and Bay tags and let them come up w/a solution, overseen of course by the MDE. I have more faith that they could come up with a solution than any government bureaucrats.

  8. This idiocy is right up there with the Rain Tax.

  9. You have to wonder, will they come up with a settlement number like they did the tolls?

    They keep pushing for something, anything, to get farmers to pay up but in the end it will be the consumer who pays for yet ANOTHER increase. Another new way to tax of fee us.

    Legislators are BS artists. IF the public wakes up and see's that this is how they spend their time in Annapolis manufacturing ways to make us pay more for their failures, maybe things will finally change.

    Liberals all want a free ride. They'll take until you have nothing left and guess what, when you come to them with your hands open for HELP, they'll show you the welfare line and as planned you will become just another American dependent on your government, like most of them are already.

    It is time to STOP this mess. The Bay is NOT getting any cleaner because of the pollution coming DOWN STREAM from other states. WE CANNOT CLEAN THE BAY, PERIOD. Not until we start charging other states for their pollution.

  10. Is this per chick? What if you bring them in from another state?

    USPS tried to increase the cost of shipping live birds, but could never answer WHY. It's not like they did a good job, or provided good service... but, they expected a huge increase? No.

  11. Let me tell you how it will be
    There's one for you, nineteen for me
    'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

    Should five per cent appear too small
    Be thankful I don't take it all
    'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah I'm the taxman

    If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
    If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
    If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
    If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.

    Don't ask me what I want it for
    If you don't want to pay some more
    'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

    Now my advice for those who die
    Declare the pennies on your eyes
    'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman
    And you're working for no one but me.


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