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Thursday, February 27, 2014

29 Percent Of All U.S. Adults Under The Age Of 35 Are Living With Their Parents

Why are so many young adults in America living with their parents? According to a stunning Gallup survey that was recently released, nearly three out of every ten adults in the United States under the age of 35 are still living at home with Mom and Dad. This closely lines up with a Pew Research Center analysis of Census data that looked at a younger sample of Americans which found that 36 percent of Americans 18 to 31 years old were still living with their parents. That was the highest level that had ever been recorded. Overall, approximately 25 million U.S. adults are currently living at home with their parents according to Time Magazine. So what is causing all of this? Well, there are certainly a lot of factors. Overwhelming student loan debt, a depressing lack of jobs and the high cost of living are all definitely playing a role. But many would argue that what we are witnessing goes far beyond temporary economic conditions. There are many that believe that we have fundamentally failed our young people and have neglected to equip them with the skills and values that they need to be successful in the real world.

More Americans than ever before seem to be living in a state of "perpetual adolescence". As Gallup noted, one of the keys to adulthood is to be able to establish independence from your parents...



  1. Who writes these articles?

    First they cite student debt, no jobs or MW jobs and the high cost of living. Then they say, oh but its all their fault for not growing up.

    Can't anyone simply tell the truth without whitewashing it.

    How do you equip a young adult to spend 4+ years in college to get out with little to no prospects of a job, but expect them to live on their own?

    If you were a smart parent you would allow them to live with you and save every penny to give them a leg up and some financial security.
    But no, lets make is sound like a bad thing.

    Did this reporter even meet any of these individuals or did they simply pull this garbage out of his ....

    Oh and this is all the reason some guy peed in a sick at pizza hut??

    just plain stupid.

  2. 9:38-I wonder if stats such as these can accurately be checked? At least most of it sounds right.

  3. My two sons still live at home with me, because they are both still in school and working, but cannot afford the cost of housing and food. As long as I am still living and have a roof over my head, they will always have a home. They are my family and that is what I need to do. The economy and this government make impossible for a young person to succeed. Hopefully this will not be the case in the future.

  4. Go, 11:10! My 2 sons are at home. They can only get part time work even though one already has an advanced degree as well as good vocational certifications for the trades. They can not afford the bloated rents and living expenses. Most of their friends live at home...some working as many as 3 jobs to try and get ahead. When they can finally afford to buy homes it won't be in Salisbury/wicomico because they see the increasing taxes and poor management of taxpayer resources.

  5. Another symptom of the Obamanation.

  6. When I was a kid, it was common for multiple generations to share a home. We may be coming back to that reality. Wasn't such a terrible thing.


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