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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Why Are Dozens Of High Ranking Officers Being Purged From The U.S. Military?

Since Barack Obama has been in the White House, high ranking military officers have been removed from their positions at a rate that is absolutely unprecedented. Things have gotten so bad that a number of retired generals are publicly speaking out about the “purge” of the U.S. military that they believe is taking place.

As you will see below, dozens of highly decorated military leaders have been dismissed from their positions over the past few years. So why is this happening? When I was growing up, my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy. And what is going on right now is absolutely crazy – especially during a time of peace. Is there a deliberate attempt to “reshape” the military and remove those that don’t adhere to the proper “viewpoints”? Does someone out there feel a need to get officers that won’t “cooperate” out of the way? Throughout world history, whatever comes next after a “military purge” is never good. If this continues, what is the U.S. military going to look like in a few years?

Perhaps you are reading this and you think that “purge” is too strong a word for what is taking place. Well, just consider the following quotes from some very highly decorated retired officers…



  1. Our new military will be a friendly group who will sympathize with all minorities , all muslims , all Hispanics , all terrorist , and will be filled with high ranking gays.

  2. This is the pattern for taking control of the country. In the 1900's several others did the same thing. When are the citizens of this country going to wake up and realize what has been happening and what the consequences are?

  3. As we have weakened our military we have weakened our will to survive.
    In a short time our country will resemble the other 3rd world nations that are muslim rule. We will have nothing but unrest and civil war within.
    Our government should fear the people rather than the people fear the government. So Sad!!!

  4. Obama does not like the military, has never liked the military and will weaken it with whatever means he can. I wish he would go back to the slums of Chicago and shut his mouth.

  5. it will be just like the movie the terminator. barry oscumbag and his criminal administration along with his drones and the rest of his entitlist sheepie obama voters against the resistance which will be the american patriots.

  6. Exactly 9:03 and it should start now instead of us patriots watching him build his strength.
    The longer America waits, the greater the fight and loss will be.
    He needs to be "diminished" now. ASAP.
    So America can restore order.

  7. Getting locked up ShortyJanuary 18, 2014 at 12:19 PM

    B/C the Military can Arrest Obama for violating our United States Constitution...so Obama is weeding out the threat.

  8. The same thing is happening at SPD on a smaller scale.


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