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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Two Brothers Harassed By Police: You Make The Call


  1. Cop had an attitude and instigated it. Disgusting that you can't simply get a meal with out being harassed.

  2. Police came in and started a fight, and got one. Protecting and serving the living crap out of them!

  3. Yah, I bees like inocent, yo! Da Po-Po had no reason to be messin widt me and my bro, yo. He bees,"like let me see your ID" and I bees like "why", yo? Man, dems po-po's be like trippen, yo.

  4. Good to see that cop abuse is an equal opportunity practice.
    Too bad those cops didn't get their asses handed to them.

  5. 6:38 if they continue these actions they will. The country is near a breaking point.

  6. Excellent work, never let a thug throw his hands up at you in an aggressive manner.

  7. Street punks dressed up in cop suits.

  8. 7:08 so your interpretation of hand gestures being illegal just shows the audacity of cops in general. No doubt you are one. The fact that you would be intimidated by a hand gesture shows how weak you are. It also shows a certain mental condition where you consider that just because you have a badge your allowed to intimidate anyone you like.
    Cops hate to lose even when they are wrong. That's a mental illness and a clear sign of aggressive personality disorder which many cops have. The old who's more macho thing ya know?
    It will probably cause your demise one day.
    Just sayin'

  9. Show your id and then see what happens it may be over.

  10. Just do the right thing and don't call the police for help,unless you have a car wreck.Since they always do the wrong thing,why get them involved?

  11. The cops did the right thing these punks were disrespecting them and bucked up and got smacked. We need more cops that are willing to stand up to thugs.

  12. They are "thugs"? Because they are black? "We, the People" (black or white, or whatever) are supposed be FREE from being asked for ID while walking the street, so to speak. And the officers claim that the guys made a mean face at them in the parking lot. So they HAD to go looking for a fight (under the color of law). Thats the extent of their self control? And they get to carry guns? REALLY?
    Did ya hear the one about two guys just going out for a meal.....

  13. They are thugs because that's how they choose to represent themselves.

  14. Two cops, using their "I can do whatever I want" badge, deliberately follow two INNOCENT civilians into a restaurant to ask (as in "wanna fight?") "you say somethin' to me?". Used their authority to push the envelope even further, by demanding ID from INNOCENT OF ANY CRIME citizens. Believe me, even if they gave them their ID, there would have been something else -- these Gestapo wanna-be's weren't leaving until they started a fight. The cop even swung at a guy who didn't do anything.
    Protecting and serving? If this was all that was happening on their patrol, maybe their positions could be eliminated.
    And again, THIS is the limit to their self control? Mommy, they made a mean face at me....waaaaaa waaaaaa.
    I think the real thugs have been exposed. They came in wearing guns.

  15. Police work the only job were your hated for doing and not doing your job..


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