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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tonight's WBOC Broadcast

What's the point of even saying Delmarva?

Upper East Side in Brooklyn? Have we NOT delivered enough LOCAL news over the past few WEEK to help you talk about Delmarva issues. No, instead of LOCAL news they went everywhere else. How about an update on Brooke? How about the Mayor allegedly not even clearing HIS sidewalks in front of his home, yet everyone else is going to get fined. 

WBOC did a story in Wilmington Delaware this morning talking about an APARTMENT building who's pipes froze and people were displaced. REALLY, SERIOUSLY! The residents of Riverside Drive Condos delivered you photos and video of their massive situation/problem and you ignore them?

I truly do not know who is actually running the show there any more but they SUCK. Still no news about the $3.5 million dollar shortfall in the County, go figure!


  1. BOC sucks. Maybe they are doing so much national news because they can't keep up with you.

  2. these so called journalist are coward mouth pieces for the libtarded politicans...no investigation journalism.just leftist propaganda of no substance desgned to milead deceive and hide the truth..they cannot be trusted..ADVERTISERS BEWARE..the word is out...THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THE MIDDLE CLASS..you know the ones who pay the bills...just beware..cause i pay attention...you hear me johnny j

  3. What is the "situation/problem" that you refer to ---

    The residents of Riverside Drive Condos delivered you photos and video of their massive situation/problem and you ignore them?

  4. WBOC has been focusing their news stories in Delaware for years. Flatly ignoring the crime in Salisbury.

  5. Joe, I tonight shared this site on my face book page and said this is the only place to go for local news. Thank you so much for all you do. It means a lot to a lot of people that don't have their noses up some ones a$$. map

  6. Whoever watches local news other than for local sports in HS and maybe SU is wasting your time..

    It is a joke 20 years ago and a joke now. I watch national news.. because it is embarrassing watching the local news... two bit losers... painful to even contemplate

    turn it off and they will go away thankfully

  7. anonymous 8:41, I watch the national news as well and CBS really screwed up tonight.

    They did a really big story on two deaf girls inspired by a Seattle Seahawks player who is deaf.

    The Family was amazed that a deaf person could become a professional football player and that deaf people couple even play the game.


    Galliadette, (sp?) College in Washington! The huddle was created into a CIRCLE so they could do sign language without the other team seeing what they were saying through sign language.

    I could NOT believe CBS, (with all their resources) could be so stupid.

  8. My family no longer watches WBOC, (We're Broke On Credibility); for local news.

    They do not demonstrate the courage and integrity necessary to cover politically controversial issues involving liberals, or for that matter any news that might detrimentally affect their ad revenue,therefore we are turning more and more to your site this news.

    By the way when it comes to the influence of money, they are probably not alone in the general media.

  9. Joe, You should really think of trying to turn SBY news.com into a local TV affiliate as well! You would definitely run wboc and wmdt right out the door with your up-to-date news and coverage all through del-mar-va! I'm not seeing an NBC affiliate for Delmarva, maybe a good possibility to you.


  10. I'm kinda guessing that folks in Brooklyn, NY and Wilmington, DE flock here to buy cars and furniture.

    /sarc off

  11. joe just a suggestion why dont you start doing a segment on salisbury u sports teams i am sure their are a lot of fans out there that would love to see that just a thought those kids work hard at being students first and sports second

  12. Someone needs to tell WBOC that there is a state just south of us called VIRGINIA! The only thing I can remember them reporting on is the arsonists. Do they ever have anything happened down there. All we hear about is NORTH of here. Sick of SUSSEX County issues. They have some pretty poor management.

    Steve Hammond is a snob and has been here too long. Paul Butler is pathetic and I can remember when Bill Phillips was the weather man (and not a meteorologist) and he did a better job than all three of these current guys put together!
    You would think since WBOC reads this blog that they would want to improve and make changes before they go the way of the Daily Times. Just saying........

  13. I could easily go get a job working as a camera man at WBOC or WMDT as a cameraman/journalist because that's I trained in at Salisbury University and it drives me insane at how screwed up they are. Whoever runs those agencies have no business whatsoever having their jobs. Its sad and pathetic. I could use a full time but I'm really don't want to work for them because they suck and I could do a much much better job than any of their so-called people.

  14. Last night, they had a story for the exact same thing. Residents of a complex were displaced and had to find hotels to stay at due to a burst in the sprinkler pipe...seems very suspicious.


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