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Friday, January 17, 2014

Today's Survey Question 1-17-14

How long do you think customers 
should be allowed to sit in a restaurant?


  1. As long as it takes to complete their meal.

  2. According to a sign the Tilghman Rd. McDonalds has posted on their doors you have 30 minutes to eat your food and get out.

  3. as long as the need to eat comfortably.
    30 minutes? if you have kids, that is absurd.
    if some group is obviously sitting around talking. finished eating. there would come a time to ask them to move to the bar.

  4. I think it should depend on the occasion and how busy the restaurant is while you're there. A good manager would allow you to visit with friends, etc. for awhile as long as it isn't an inconvenience to anyone.

  5. This article is about places that offer free Wi-Fi or free internet connections. Sometimes people just buy a coffee and sit all day, Starbucks allows it, but some places want people to get out. Why offer free Wi-Fi then?

  6. In Europe you can sit as long as you like and they never bring a check until YOU ask for it.

  7. I think as long as it doesn't become an inconvenience to other diners who may be waiting for a table or those who may even have reservations.
    We've lingered after paying our bill and on occasion have even started a new one for more drinks or even a carryout for someone at home or suddenly decided we wanted desert and coffee. If we do notice the restaurant is getting crowded, we pay and move our conversation to the bar area to free up the table.

  8. 30 minutes is fine , if you want a place to BS , go home.

  9. an hour, depending on the circumstances. How long did it take to order? Bring your food? Are people standing waiting for a table? A good meal is an experience, not just something to eat.

  10. I agree, as long as it doesn't inconvenience those who do want to buy something and sit down. Humans, somebody will always be a butt head and make it an inconvenience. As long as they aren't hurting anything the place shouldn't mind, some of those people may not have internet because they are out of work and that free internet may be their link to a carrier.

  11. If all restaurants had a cell phone jamming device like mine has no one would stay very long.Once they discover that they can't send or receive messages of any type they leave,because almost everyone uses their cell phone in some manner.I even see people banging their phones on the tables,trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with them.Hilarious!

    1. Don't get caught using a cell phone blocker its illegal

  12. It's not the time spent in the restaurant. It's the way they act. We stopped at a McDonalds in Cape May in the Fall for breakfast. There must have been a dozen patrons drinking (free?) coffee sitting at multiple tables. They were very loud and rude in that they were yelling across the room to other tables. Not getting up and joining another patron, just plain yelling as if they were in a bar. We gathered up our food and left and I would never return to an environment like this. I think 30 minutes is plenty and there should be less for loudmouths.

  13. Four minutes. Period, now GTFO! Come back soon!

  14. They need to impose time limitsJanuary 17, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    I have seen folks GRAZE all day on the food like a COW in the grass field...

  15. 3:04 your my hero for the day. I feel sorry for clerks that have a line and some nimrrod is yapping away and ignoring them while they are trying to help them.


  16. 3:04PM - where do you work. I think it would be awesome. I am sooooooo tired of going out to eat an hearing in the both behind me some loud mouth on a phone who doesn't know how to talk in public. Or worse yet, some gang banger wannabe on his burner phone, cursing every other word because he thinks it makes him look cool and tough. Here's a new flash...it doesn't make you look cool or tough, it makes you a jackass....

  17. Opps...I just realized I had a typo in my rant....here is a corrected one...

    3:04PM - where do you work. I think it would be awesome. I am sooooooo tired of going out to eat and hearing in the booth behind me some loud mouth on a phone who doesn't know how to talk in public. Or worse yet, some gang banger wannabe on his burner phone, cursing every other word because he thinks it makes him look cool and tough. Here's a new flash...it doesn't make you look cool or tough, it makes you a jackass....

  18. If you purchased food you should be allaowed to stay as long as you want. You paid for the food so don't rush me. I can stay ss long as I want. So call the cops and I will never give you anymore of my business.

  19. THis is way too funny!! Not once has anyone even considered the Waitress or Waiter who is working for tips and would like to keep turning the tables over so he or she can make money!!! So next time you buy ONE thing and you want to sit there all day - Make sure you tip the waitress or waiter for all the money they could of made- while you sitting there taking up space!!! As far as the Wi-Fi - Pay for it so you can have it at home and you can stay home and use your laptop or phone or whatever!!!


  20. No easy answer, but interesting comments with a lot of validity.

    1) Jamming phones, as attractive as that might be, is illegal. Wait until someone chokes or has a heart attack and your patrons/customers/revenue source can't call 911. You'll be an ex-businessman and will have a roommate you didn't choose.

    2) Customers should have some couth; if you're gonna hang out a bit visit in non-peak hours. Both the business and the staff need to turn tables in order to pay their bills and to be around the next time you want fed.

    3) Rude customers abound; part and parcel of a general, and dismal, lowering and abandonment of social graces. Tell the manager. They should manage the dining area. I don't use my cell while dining; if a call comes I need to take I get up and move to an area where I can converse briefly without disturbing others or letting them be privy to my call.

    4) Maybe they should install some phone booths, only w/o a phone.


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