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Sunday, January 26, 2014

‘The Horror’: Al Qaeda Commits ‘Medieval’ Massacre In Syrian Village; Mounts Severed Heads On Spikes, Mows Down Children

Karkamis, Turkey - Al-Qaeda fighters have struck a bloody blow in scenes of medieval violence in Syria’s northern border-town of Jarabulus. Fighting came to a head on January 17, between rebel groups Liwa al-Tawhid Brigade and the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the town, when reinforcements arrived from Raqqa and reclaimed the city in a brutal four-hour battle.

By nightfall, at least 10 men had been beheaded, their heads mounted on spikes, and more than 1,000 refugees fled the 3kms across the border to Turkey.

It’s a shocking turn of events for residents and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters alike, who just a week ago believed they were hours away from expelling the al-Qaeda group from their city altogether after surrounding the last 40 fighters in the city’s cultural centre.



  1. If these savages are to ever be defeated, they need to be treated the same way they treat their victims. They need to be hunted down like the animals they are.

    Problem is, we as civilized peoples in a politically correct environment won't do it...and we can't be caught associating with anyone that will.

    We mamby-pambied in Viet-nam as well as the first iteration of the Gulf war. The second iteration was ended by the politicians not the Generals and here we are again!

  2. The media tries its hardest to expose everything our military and NSA, CIA does in it's clandestine operations. Just let them do their job. They do things we do not need or probably want to know about to keep our country safe. Wether it is assassinations, interrogation or torture. Sometimes you must do things that are not pc

  3. 12:30 Exactly... fight fire with fire. But we, as a nation, are too PC to do that, so we'll sit back and continue reading these stories.

  4. 1:02 Tell that to the Kennedy's and Martin Luther King.

  5. As long as they are killing each other we should let them have at it! We have weapons being delivered in Iraq already, leave them alone, let them kill each other.

  6. I agree with 1:35 PM to let them kill each other, but don't put your guard down. It's just a matter of time before it happens in this country.

  7. Anonymous said...
    1:02 Tell that to the Kennedy's and Martin Luther King.

    January 24, 2014 at 1:33 PM

    I am not sure where you are going with that?

  8. The money we spend (and the lives) we should STOP sending and prepare to defend our own borders. These countries will NEVER change and we cannot make them change. Protect and defend your own first!

  9. Who gives a dam if they kill themselves, let them, we need to stay out of it, shore up our boarders and build up our war machine to protect America ONLY!

  10. We honestly don't need to know this.

  11. God said they would be a thorn in our side....they were supposed to be eradicated..thier God is satin...

  12. Anonymous said...
    We honestly don't need to know this.

    January 24, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    You can't be serious? So you and your soft hearted liberal mind would prefer to continue to think of Islam and Muslims as a peace loving religion? That is what is wrong with this country liberals are nothing but pansies.

  13. I agree with a couple of the commenters. Please save that money and secure our borders. We do not need to send them troops, money or equipment. The next person that votes to send the muslims and their countries any money should be shot for treason.

  14. These people have been fighting like this for more than two thousand years, and will be fighting like this for another several thousand. It's what Islam does. Who are we to intervene? We can't stop it. Come home and make us America again.


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