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Saturday, January 04, 2014

The Enigma Of Barack Obama

Put me down in the Roger Simon camp on this one: without wandering into Birther territory or the inconclusive musings of Jerome Corsi… who the heck is this guy, really?

To put it bluntly: nobody knows nothin’ about the president of the United States, aka the leader of the free world. And what little we do know is highly uninformative and often contradictory.

In a world where every phone call, email, text message, Tweet, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook post, YouTube, Vimeo, LinkedIn link, Google + post, blog post, semaphore, morse code, Braille, and probably burp has been recorded digitally for posterity and beyond, nobody knows what Barack Obama even got in freshman English. (Well, maybe the NSA does, but they’re not telling.)

Does this matter? I don’t know – and that’s the point. In an administration that once proclaimed that it would be transparent like no other, but now has lied like no other, one can only guess.

Obama’s unseen college and graduate school records (Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law) are only one part of the Mystery of the Shrouded POTUS – another is the Khalidi tape, its possibly anti-Israel contents locked in a vault at the L.A. Times – but those academic records are certainly a significant part.

Has there been a modern presidential candidate about whom we know less than the former Barry Soetoro? Other than what he’s told us about himself in Dreams from My Father — a book proven even by sympathetic biographers to be filled with fabrications (“a man one step removed from his own life,” according to David Maraniss)? Has anyone ever had the audacity to run for national office without a thorough vetting by the national media, replete with quotes from those who knew him then, interviews with his high-school classmates, examples of his writing, anecdotes, etc.? Would a dope-smoking member of the Choom Gang ever have even made it into the Senate were that aspect of his background widely known? What about his alcoholic, bigamist father?

One way to look at Obama is as a man of remarkable political skills who has overcome a “compelling personal story” that would have sunk anybody else. The problem, of course, is that the media fell for the other “compelling personal story” — its own. “When the legend becomes fact,” goes the famous line from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, “print the legend.” And, boy, did they ever…



  1. "One way to look at Obama is as a man of remarkable political skills..."
    I would suggest he is a man of remarkable criminal fraud skills which is a perfunctory obligation of the Democrat/socialist party nowadays...
    I know used car salesmen with more integrity. His whole life is that of a fraudulent narcissist megalomaniac.
    America has been duped by the Marxist machine that co-opted the Democrat party and fooled the country with a facade of epic proportions.
    I wouldn't personally trust the man farther than I could blow my nose!

  2. That he has more than one names should be a clue.

  3. he is a POS, and that is all he will ever be.

  4. We have become a country of greed , nothing will stop us but truth. Even now the truth is last in line and is not important as the media lies.
    He has learned this from his staff , Obama is not very smart ,but he has created a staff of people that represent all evil.
    His followers , who are most of the financial institutions and minorities give him power.

  5. The background of Barack Obama is irrelevant. What is really important is who is Valerie Jarrett and what is her role is shaping and guiding Obama and what is her role in running the White House and the country. She controls Obama like a puppet on a string.

  6. Correction 8:13, the voters gave him power. They would do it again given the choice. When will you dolts ever come to grips with being in the minority.

  7. >>>When will you dolts ever come to grips with being in the minority.<<<

    And when will YOU dolts ever apologize to the rest of this country for the massive ignorance and greed that motivated you to vote for this human garbage?

  8. 10:10 It just proves people like you are complete idiots even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    Stupidity got Obama elected, twice.


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