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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Swearing Toddler In 'Thug' Video Taken Into Protective Custody

A Nebraska toddler who repeated a slew of profanities in an online video has been taken into child protective custody, Omaha police said Wednesday.

While authorities found nothing criminal in the video, officials from the Omaha police's Child Victim Unit and the Nebraska Child Protective Services took the infant and three other children into custody on Wednesday, the police department said on its Facebook page.

The joint investigation found safety concerns, the statement said.

CNN learned of development through Twitter.


  1. Lock up the parent and dittbag relitives.

  2. Oh! you miss the video of the baby girl hollering on the telephone, "Shut up" "You F-ing bit*h", while she sat on her daddy's lap and mom was laughing. 932 pm, she was white.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Oh! you miss the video of the baby girl hollering on the telephone, "Shut up" "You F-ing bit*h", while she sat on her daddy's lap and mom was laughing. 932 pm, she was white.

    January 10, 2014 at 2:14 AM

    Aw you had to put that one in to prove that minorities aren't always bad people. By the way Bozo your comment has nothing to do with this post and video and is really nothing more than Spam.

  4. Future murdering Thug in America!

  5. Drains on an already tanking society.

  6. 20 years ago this headline would have been - Police invade personal information!

  7. I find this video less offensive than the one with a mother "twerking" in front of her toddler.

  8. This is what our hard earned tax dollars go to ! Cut them OFF !

  9. DNA issues can't be resolved by removing one from their family.

  10. Dag Shorty U tellin like it isJanuary 10, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    AND YOU ALL WONDER HOW A LAME PREZ made a 2nd Term...look at the type of people who voted for Obama!


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