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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Shame On You, Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey, a prominent billionaire member of America’s racial grievance industry, is claiming once again that the society that idolizes her is racist to the core.

In a recent interview with the BBC to promote the European release of “Lee Daniel’s The Butler,” a movie in which she stars and is considered an Oscar contender, Winfrey said about her friend, President Barack Obama:

There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs in some cases, and maybe even many cases, because he’s African-American. There’s no question about that. And it’s the kind of thing no one ever says, but everybody’s thinking.

What disrespect, exactly? Despite “some cases” and “even many cases,” what examples prove Winfrey’s flimsy accusation?

Winfrey gives but one example — when Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) rudely yelled out “You lie!” during Obama’s address to Congress about ObamaCare in 2009. It was rude for Wilson to do it, as he later apologized for it. But that’s it?



  1. Oprah he did lie and still is lying. Are you that stupid or are you the racist?

  2. No oprah, the level of disrespect exists because it just so happens to be, obama isn't deserving of any. As soon as obama gets on his knees and begs forgiveness for many of his character flaws including his penchant for lying, then and only then is he deserving of any respect! winfrey knows this and so do many others, but they themselves continue to lie and make excuses for him. Prime example of why the black communities are in shambles. Their leaders and those they look up to, do not value honesty.

  3. She is a racist pig!!

  4. That stupid Butler movie was factually incorrect--the real Butler's family said none of the cruel and racist crap that Oprah portrayed--it was a racist immoral movie that should be banned. Oprah made her billions by wooing and courting middle class white women--see how she pays them back with her vile racist garbage.

  5. I once had a good opinion of Oprah.

  6. Oprah, fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life dear.


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