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Monday, January 06, 2014

Radiation Level Update

According to RadCast.org, waves of radiation are increasing levels throughout our nation, and the heavy snowfall in many regions may be to blame. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, radiation levels are averaging 43 counts per minute, with spikes of 71, and Charleston, West Virginia is sitting at 43, with peaks of 60 counts per minute. Spearfish, South Dakota is reporting levels of 56 counts per minute, with spikes at 93, and Lakewood, Colorado is hovering around 67, with highs up to 99 counts per minute. Chandler, Arizona is averaging 46 counts per minute, with spikes of 76, and Diablo Canyon, California is sitting at 45, with highs at 70 counts per minute. Seattle, Washington is hovering at 30, with spikes of 47 counts per minute, and Portland, Oregon is sitting at 31, with spikes of 54. RadCast.org's alert level is 100 counts per minute, but they remind us that there is no safe level of radiation.


  1. We'll all have to get that shot before it's over.

  2. I still have that "hot spot" in my basement. Last week it registered 425 for about 2 days! The rest of the yard is coming in less than 75.


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