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Sunday, January 12, 2014

O'Malley Opposed To Decriminalizing Pot

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley says he's "not much in favor" of decriminalizing marijuana.

O'Malley said Wednesday on the Marc Steiner radio program that he has seen the damage of drug addiction on society during his tenure as Baltimore's mayor and as governor.

O'Malley's comments come on the first day of the state's 90-day legislative session, when decriminalization of marijuana is expected to be debated.


  1. This guy is amazing. Truly a piece of $hit.

  2. He is such a follower. Guess we have to wait for Governor Cuomo to endorse it then he will be all for it. Just like same sex marriage where he did nothing, until others did, then he had a epiphany.
    Sorry governor but you are not presidential material.

  3. Just another item to take the focus off the screwed up health care issue. There are many Marylanders out there with no health care because of O'Malley and Brown being in bed with Obama.

  4. Keep it criminalized and gang violence continues which just gives him an excuse to further strip us of our 2nd amendment rights.

  5. a way to get some tax money and he said NO lol unbelievable guess it wasnt his idea

  6. And yet he allows illegal aliens to get drivers licenses.

  7. OweMalley most have been tokin prior to the interview.

  8. lmao! you can smoke your buddy's pole but not a joint!
    what an ahole!
    once he sees the other states raking in the revenue he'll change his tune! no way to get elected president! bet Hillary is for it!

  9. I can't believe that Ho'Malley is denying stoners their god given right to get fried. And you call yourself a liberal.

  10. Considering what he has done to the MD economy, I would have thought he would want to make his habit legal.....

  11. "....not much in favor...." is political talk for "I'll need to see how much flak I'm going to take before I say which way I go." He doesn't give a crap about drugs (he may even smoke a joint or two himself), or the effects on the population. He's concerned about the next Presidential election.


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