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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

More School Breaks In Delmar This Week

As if two weeks straight during the recent holidays wasn't enough, then it was too cold so the kids got another day off. 

This week Delmar will have 1/2 days Tuesday through Friday because they'll be testing High School students. What's that got to do with my Middle School student and those Middle School Teachers?


  1. Independence from the system is the main pitfall in the Delaware school system.Allowing schools to call their own shots and set their own schedules may leave the students elated,but the parents go through hell trying to adjust.

  2. Do not know about Delmar but can tell you testing is for 7th - 12th at the private school my kids attend. This testing has been going on for years in January and May. Not only does 7-12 get out at noon BUT parents have to arrange transportation home because the buses do not run at noon. Also have to pick my 6 and 8 year old from bus stop at 3:30.

    Not complaining as this is my choice to send my children to private school. Some parents think public schools should be baby sitters catering to whims of them. Just remember the rules of public schooling are usually handed down from the State or National level, so don't be harsh on the local.


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