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Saturday, January 18, 2014


Learn How to Eat Healthy and Become More Active

(Salisbury, Maryland)
If you are concerned about getting diabetes in the future and would like to learn how to prevent it, join our Lifestyle Balance program starting February 24, 2014. The Wicomico County Health Department is offering this 16-week interactive program on Monday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at MAC Inc., 909 Progress Circle, Salisbury, Maryland.

Certified Lifestyle Coaches will lead weekly educational sessions on healthy eating and physical activity, monitor participants’ weight loss, and provide individual support and coaching. There is no cost for the program, but participants must meet certain criteria.

“I encourage adults at risk of developing type 2 diabetes to sign up.” says Lori Brewster, county Health Officer. “This program gives people the tools to change their behavior with a focus on good nutrition and increased activity. Many people will lose weight, but more importantly, they will reduce their risk of serious disease,” states Brewster.

Lifestyle Balance is a Center for Disease Control National Diabetes Prevention Program and is partially funded through a grant from the Community Health Resources Commission.

To find out if you qualify to participate in the program, call the health department at

(410) 334-3480. Space is limited, so call today!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a wonderful plan BUT I am older (boarderline diabetic) and I cannot drive after dark because of my eyesight. I hope they expand this to 2 sessions or do it earlier because I think it would be of great value. Please pass this along.


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