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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Just In: Salisbury Motor Vehicle Administration Closed

Due to a water main break in Salisbury,the Motor Vehicle Administration is now closed.


  1. Wasn't there an article about our old and failing infrastructure?
    Guess we are going to attend to it one break at a time.
    Wonder how cost effective that is.

  2. Annie, yes, one at a time because your Mayor wants to give raises and host New Years Eve parties instead. He wants to whore out properties and raise taxes while ignoring the failing infrastructure.

    It was your election to lose and believe me, this is NOT the only water main break today.

  3. Any residential areas affected by this break? Hearing all over about those with the energy saving thermostats from DP&L either failing today or purposely being shut off by power company.

  4. It could be that their bathrooms are currently located outdoors.

  5. I wonder if the kiosk will still be available in the lobby.

  6. Off topic, what a scam that was with the smart meters. Not mandated but you had to opt out and even then they went behind your back and installed them.

    How do you like them now.

    There are laws that provide that heat is mandated by a certain date (landlords). DPL has to be crossing a fine line when they turns down your heat vs mandates by law.
    What about the sick and elderly? How are these brown out effecting your HVAC systems?
    Is it overworking and toasting it?
    Only time will tell, but I am sure that DPL will never be held liable.

    Smart people will start converting to alternative heat such as pellets, wood, oil, kerosene, propane.

  7. Smart meters do not control you heat. Geez, people, get a grip. If you didn't want a smart meter and they wanted to control you electric intake, all they need to do is shut to power off.

  8. Got a call from Chesapeake Gas to limit my gas usage today.WTF is that!

  9. Actually they do control your heat/A/C indirectly, by limiting the demand allowed into your home.

  10. 4:05 The power company can however control your climate system with the smart thermostats.

  11. 4:21 Natural Gas lines can and will freeze. Under severe conditions so will propane.

  12. Solution remove meter use heavy duty jump cables (2 ga.)

    Bonus lower monthly bill

  13. 4:05, which is exactly what they did. Which is the issue for the customers in the DPL savings program who's electric got turned off.

    My post was not clear and a bit confusing, sorry.

    Smart meters in the future will be controlling appliances compatible with them. As they currently do with compliant thermostats.


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