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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Judge Strikes Down Photo ID Requirement For Pennsylvania Voters

HARRISBURG, Pa. – A Pennsylvania judge on Friday struck down a requirement that nearly all of the state's 8.2 million voters show photo identification at the polls, saying it imposes an unreasonable burden on the right to vote and that officials failed to demonstrate the need for it.

"Voting laws are designed to assure a free and fair election; the Voter ID Law does not further this goal," state Commonwealth Court Judge Bernard L. McGinley wrote in a decision that set the stage for a potential courtroom showdown before the state's highest court.

McGinley, a Democrat, said the law is not constitutional because it does not require that a valid photo ID be convenient and available to voters.


  1. 7/11 asks for your drivers license to buy cigarettes. Then they scan it.
    You need it to drive, buy a beer, bank... you need photo ID to do pretty much anything, but a Democrat judge doesn't think it should be required to vote. Why?

  2. All the Illegals are dancing in the streets right now over this one...Way to go ..cater to them now..

  3. Obama Crooked BastardJanuary 18, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    Liberal Democrats tell us the showing of your ID at voting place would be considered "unconstitutional". But confiscating people's guns is OK. They also tell us there is no such a thing as Voter Fraud, while many of their own democ-rats got caught voting multiple times. This judge is another CROOKED SLIMEBALL and needs to be thrown out.

  4. Maybe if the Commonwealth had been able to show just ONE instance of voter fraud that would have been prevented with the ID, the outcome would have been different. Also, 9:04, At age 50, I can't remember the last time I got carded for beer or cigarettes. As for banking, with direct deposit, debit cards and ATMs on every corner, it's probably been more than 3 or 4 years since I've even set foot in a bank.

  5. Voter fraud is easy; my daughter and I have done it many times. The easiest way is with absentee ballots and nobody ask for ID when you use them. The problem is that when you move from one city or even one county to another the place where you used to live never takes you off the voter rolls. You just vote in person where you currently reside and ask for absentee ballots from all the place you used to live.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardJanuary 18, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    10:22 Lost some common sense? Wendy Rosen, Maryland Democrat running for Congress was caught voting multiple times here and Florida and resigned from her campaign. Voters in Philly with names like Mickey Mouse, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning all in One District, which BTW voted 100% for Obama in 2012. Should I continue? Call your doctor, you suffering massive memory loss.

  7. You cannot see my IDJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:15 AM

    Tell that to a Trooper next time stopped...YEAH RIGHT!!!

  8. The States have more power than the Federal Government...

  9. Judicial Watch no longer gets up to date Financial statements from Judges --they spy on us steal our phone calls --do not protect us -- and they are free to invest in whatever they please

    We need a Constitutional Convention and I want a clause where anyone working in Government can only invest in US Treasury Notes-- This Country would become solvent and prosperous overnight

  10. And yet you need ID for a myriad of other stuff!

  11. 1022
    Asking to prove a negative is unreasonable. Can you prove how many underage drinkers have been stopped because of ID laws? The fact is, it was already LAW, so the burden of proof should have been on the side of proving who was harmed by the law. Did that happen?

    And your personal experiences mean what in this discussion? Nothing.


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