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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Immigrant Driver's License Law Takes Effect

ANNAPOLIS (AP) — Immigrants living in the U.S. illegally will be able to obtain a Maryland driver’s license or identification card under a new law.

The law, which takes effect today, expands a program Maryland adopted in 2009 to comply with tighter federal identification rules. It created a two-tiered license, so people who did not have a Social Security number or lawful status before a 2009 deadline could still get a license allowing them to drive. The new law repeals the limitation and ends a scheduled 2015 termination date for such licenses to be issued or renewed.

The second-tier license will have the same colors as a standard driver’s license, but will say across the top that it’s not legal for federal uses, such as entering federal buildings or boarding a plane. The license or identification card also cannot be used to buy a firearm.


  1. Do any one of these "politicians" know how to read? If something is illegal then it is a crime. Illegal aliens get deported!!! How about we start sending them back to where ever they came.

  2. this law is WRONG. it rewards people who break the law by entering the country illegally. another good choice by our wonderful leaders. thanks sjd

  3. We the stupid, continuing to elect these morons are getting what we collectively deserve.

    The fall mid-terms may be our last chance to take our country back.

    Get out and vote....unless you're on welfare...you shouldn't be eligible....

  4. And when they hit you and have no insurance can we sue the State.

  5. ALL I see now is Mexicans driving All over the place e driving there boss's landscaping trucks?


  6. And in late-breaking news it can now be used in California to register to take the bar exam!

    Not sure which we need less of more: illegal immigrants or lawyers!

  7. Try getting a Mexican driver's license! Rotsa Ruck, Gringo!

    At least they have better immigration laws than we do... Oh, wait. We DO have existing immigration laws that address this! But. will we enforce them?


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