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Sunday, January 26, 2014

I'm Just About Ready To Go

2 years ago in Fruitland.

I've cleared my long driveway at home and I'll be heading off to Downtown Salisbury to get things right there. Once I'm done I'll be available to help others in need. If you are a Senior or Handicapped I will come to your home and clear your path at no charge. If you need me please call 410-430-5349 and leave a message if I can't hear the phone. I will do my very best to help all I can.  


  1. I have to give you credit Joe. You not only talk the talk but you make the walk.

    God Bless you.

  2. Dress warmly...the wind chill is a you-know-what.

  3. Joe, please come over to my place and clear my sidewalk. I can't do it myself.

  4. I am lucky enough to not need help at this time but am thankful that Mr. Joe is always ready, willing and able to help those who truly need it.

  5. That's a great thing you're doing, helping others. God bless you.

  6. JT, there is a difference between being handicapped and faking being handicapped for a free way of life and handouts. Tool!

  7. Joe, you are the man!

  8. JT needs help that big a$$ tub of lard might have a heart attack

  9. I live in Norther VA. Do you think you can make it here? lol

  10. The better part of valor is discretion.

  11. 1:23 How do you think people are going to know Joe is willing to do this if he doesn't say something on here.

  12. Thank you Joe for helping people in need. Don't let a few smart a## and jealous comments distract from your kindness. Joe is a role model to me and a community leader.

  13. Please be careful. I lost a dear friend last year that had a heart attack while shoveling snow in CT.

  14. Is Bruce helping you? As proven in the past two snow blowers,are better than one.

  15. anonymous 11:17, Right On, it was COLD and WINDY out there today.

    Jonathan Taylor, I would have gladly taken care of your walkway today but I asked people to call me, you did not. Regardless of our differences I know of your situation and I would have taken care of it unconditionally. Please call next time.

    anonymous 1:23, It was a busy day and there was no way I was heading to Northern Virginia.

    anonymous 2:04, Thank You.

    anonymous 2:56, I spoke with Bruce last night and today. He was more than willing to help but I went solo. When you have a snow blower it makes life a whole lot easier.

    As for the rest of the comments, thank you.


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