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Sunday, January 12, 2014

How Many Will Agree Rudy Cane Will Bow Out At Last Minute?

Many are saying Rudy Cane will bow out at the last minute to assure Sharee she'll go unopposed for his State Delegate Seat. 

What do you think? 


  1. Whoever is the Republican running will get my vote. I'll never vote for another Democrat again.

  2. They are both losers in my opinion. But I agree with 1:40 that another Democrat will NEVER get my vote again!

  3. The problem as I see it is that this is a democratic district and someone else should challenge them for this seat. I totally believe Cane will back out just after the last date to file passes. He is only holding this seat from Sample-hughes. More corruption from the dems.

  4. That should have read holding this seat for sampl-hughes.

  5. It's never too early to file is it? Why can't interested parties just do it ASAP? Is there a law against that,or does something else have to occur before contenders can file? This week or next maybe?

  6. I like Hughes but not her politics. So I guess I have to see who runs against her. I heard a retired Trooper might run. Hell they run for everything else. lol For some reason the public thinks they are best for the job. I guess that academy work miracles I watched some of these folks grow up. You cant fix stupid

  7. I don't think so. I have a feeling that Rudy thinks he is a shoe in like in the past. He is a Functional Idiot.

  8. cane is a scumbag!

  9. Cane is not Able. He has done nothing but be a Democratic puppet. Vote for the Republican no matter he or she is.

  10. This is one of those elections when a dead person could win a political seat.

    Cane was worthless as a state employee at SHA, and has made no effort to represent his constituents.


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