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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Has Sheriff Lewis & Rick Pollitt's Pay Increase Opened A Hornets Nest?

As clearly noted above, the one day a week job is now requesting an almost 50% pay increase and the County Executive Rick Pollitt, (related to Melissa Pollitt Bright, above) has asked the County Council to sign off in support of this request.

Ladies & Gentlemen, there's a LOT of additional information 99.9% of you are not aware of. Take for example the Parole & Probation Department in Wicomico County. This is a department that is so understaffed it isn't funny. Right now their case load has increased around 300% per Officer. They haven't seen a decent raise in many, many years. They saw a 3% cost of living increase but union dues ate that up and then some. 

More importantly, we're watching Wicomico County lose jobs on an average of 1,200 a MONTH. The letter above states they feel this increase will bring them in line with other Counties with similar budgets. With all due respect, are THEY losing 1,200 jobs a month? Is their foreclosure rate through the roof? 

They say "there's a time and a place". Is this really the time and place? Many are severely suffering and we're seeing our County Executive ramrod salary increases like there's no tomorrow, including HIS job as well as the County Council. 

It's time for some new leadership in Wicomico County. Rather than it being about performance it's all about pay increases for certain people and not the rest.

I've been told we better watch out for the FOP once, (and if) Sheriff Lewis gets a pay increase because they'll be next. If you've ever wondered what some mean by using the phrase BIG GOVERNMENT, well, here it is Folks. The TAXPAYERS are struggling while the government enjoys incredible pay raises on a local level.  

In closing it should be noted that Delegate Norm Conway has been made well aware of the dire situation with Parole & Probation and has done NOTHING to help that department. 


  1. Norman Conway and Fat Pollitt are only interested in their own agendas and screw the tax payers.

  2. If Norma doesn't like the pay she is free to find another job.

  3. Where's the money coming from?

    Everyone else is living off of less in this day and age. The cause (government) should not escape penalties of their lack of improving things...

    In this case, I don't think offsetting reductions elsewhere are completely appropriate - it would depend on the specific cuts.

    Show us what you're cutting to provide these raises and let the voters decide!

  4. Let's see who signs the letter in support of this and we'll know who will get our votes in the upcoming election.

  5. Amazing, totally blow out of my seat, wow, crazy...

  6. Norm Conway may be from here, but he could care less about Salisbury and Wicomico County. He's a FAT CAT sitting in Annapolis doing as he damn well pleases.

  7. so why are we paying the salaries for the parole and probation department. shouldn't those charged under their care be paying them? wtf why is it our responsibility, make those who use the service pay for it!

  8. 10:33am Geez, does that mean it is a "fee" instead of a tax? I thought everyone was against fees.

  9. Government jobs were never supposed to be high paying they supposed to civil service jobs at modest pay. Now we have high paid positions with some already receiving retirement pay as well as their paycheck all at tax payer expense. You should only be allowed one government paycheck and one government paid retirement.

  10. It's simply a run away train, those in a position to take care of themselves and their buddies will do just that, with no thought or concern where the money will come from. Borrow a little more, steal a little more. America has become one very big Ponzi scheme, and those at the bottom will pay the price with the worst DEPRESSION of all time looming soon. Just how's it working for you?, to soon to answer. God help us ......

  11. I smell a big pile of b.s. here. If you want to work for the county apply. Oh Thats right you would rather make more in the private sector. Dont begrudge those that work for the county. The machine has to keep running and you get what you pay for. Pay the man. I guess you cant find a job you are sitting on your arse looking at Albero's site lol

  12. Really personal attacks! Rick may have do things we all hate but calling him fat is childish! But he is a money spending liberal democrat! Its like talking about the King of Fruitland just don't talk about his day job or his lunch meetings and all is good! If you do he will call you an idiot and tell you to donate some of your time and come to council meeting!

  13. Parole and Probation is set to hire 3 new officers this year.

  14. I guess all's left is to raise property taxes for raises because there is not enough business to pick up the slack.

  15. WHERE are all the social philosophers who, when speaking of increasing the minimum wage, say "if you don't like your pay, quit and get a better job"?
    Working in the government, I guess....

  16. Greedy double dippers sucking tax payer dollars are worse than welfare abusers.


  17. How are Melissa Pollitt Bright and Ricky Pollitt Not-So-Bright related?

  18. unions get what they want with Rick


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