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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Happy New Year From Salisbury News

What an incredible year 2013 has been. Let's get right down to what some of you will be most interested in.
In 2013 Salisbury News reached more than 18,400,000 views. When we told you we had traffic in the millions, we meant it. When we told you we were DelMarVa's leading source for news and information, we meant it. 

In fact, so much so, get this. I received a message from Governor O'Malley asking if I had a State Press Pass. When I replied, I stated that to date we had not been given the honor of such an invitation, even though we had surpassed 18,000,000 hits. 

The very next day a representative from his Office sent me the formal documents and we sent them in for a background check. We were accepted and if this doesn't mean a whole lot to some of you, it certainly means a whole lot to us. Salisbury News is now Mainstream Media, as we should be. We have worked extremely hard 365 days a year for the past nine years and deserve to be respected as such. Salisbury News helped break the ice for Bloggers and we'd like to thank Governor O'Malley for such an honor.

Aside from all the news and information we have delivered, we have reunited hundreds of animals with their owners this year. Our Advertisers have once again helped make the lives of many local people much better by being there for them during difficult times. We're not saying what we've done publicly but know we are out there making a difference through advertising revenue, "Paying It Forward" as usual.

A good portion of the year I lived in Salisbury in order to qualify to run for Mayor. Regardless of the final numbers, it was an honor to meet thousands of you face to face and I want to express the following. I knocked on your doors and not one of you slammed the door in my face. Each and every one of you allowed me the opportunity to express what I felt was best for the City and quite frankly there was absolutely no question about it, the majority of citizens are fed up. Don't you let the final numbers tell you any different. Nevertheless, my running for Mayor has opened the eyes of thousands of people who now question the process and that's a very good thing for future elections. You just never know what might happen the next go around.

Now, it's important I share the following information with you. Salisbury News is NOT Joe Albero. Salisbury News has enjoyed this incredible success because of YOU and our Contributors. Yes, we have turned incredible numbers traffic wise but don't think for a second that I could put up more than 94,000 articles all by myself. We have published more than 515,000 comments, spammed more than 66,000 comments and rejected more than 250,000 comments. You probably have no real idea what it's like to try and keep Salisbury News comments in real time. Let me assure you, it's a lot of work and it's not at all easy. For that, I want to thank our Contributors for helping me sift through such an incredible volume of comments by reading each and every one of them and processing what we feel fit.

Then there's YOU. For many years I had been out driving around whenever I'd get a call about a fire, an accident, a crime scene and so many other situations. Today, because of YOU, I can spend a LOT more time with my Family because YOU send us images and details. Many of you tip us off on incredible stories and forward them to me. I truly cannot thank ALL of YOU enough for that. We're able to deliver real time news and information about roads being closed, schools in lock down and the list goes on and on.

So many of YOU have taken in literally hundreds of animals, sent me pictures and information allowing us to reunite each and every single one of them with their owners, usually within the first 20 minutes. THINK about that for just a second. Do you have any idea just how successful that is. It means there are so many people on this Site that a lost or found animal is reunited that quickly. There's no specific time of day or night we publish lost or found animals. We immediately publish this information and someone ends up recognizing the animal and contacts the owner.

In closing, 2013 proved to be an incredible year all around. Our Advertisers have enjoyed unbelievable success because of the traffic we achieved. Again, where else can you advertise for $100.00 a month and reach so many local people. Our ads aren't buried deep in a section of our Website like every one else. Your ads are on the home page each and every time. They show up on every article you click on. If you'd like to enjoy the same success in 2014, contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349. Help us "Pay It Forward" throughout the entire year and not just at Christmas. 

Happy New Year to ALL of you and we Thank You so very much for ALL of your support.


  1. You're welcome for your moles in the GOB. Happy 2014.

  2. Congrats and the world knew what the local politicians refused to recognize you were and are so much more then a "Delaware Blogger"

  3. Happy New Year! U provide a wonderful source of information that we would not otherwise thank you again for all your hard work

  4. WE THE PEOPLE SPEAKJanuary 1, 2014 at 4:02 AM

    Happy New Year Joe: Love coming to your site...you always beat the other News-papers and most Certainty Obama's TV; all stations owned by the Obama's in getting information out to the Public.

  5. Congrats Joe. A guy I grew up with introduced me to your site a couple of years ago. I moved off the Shore about a decade ago, but always wanted to keep in touch. Your website has allowed me to be in the know, despite being many miles away. Thank you for what you do, and a Happy New Year to you and yours!

  6. Unlike the rest of the liberal media in this area you present us with a view of the news that we need to know. Keep up the good work and you and your family have a great 2014.

  7. Happy New Year. I appreciate what you do for the community.Please keep up the good work.

  8. you shouldn't be thanking a slimeball like o'malley for ANYTHING. if you feel that you need the approval and recognition of that gang of freedom hating thugs then you might as well move to balmer and get a job shoveling up the dog poop that mikulski drops wherever she goes.

  9. happy new year. yes this is the best place for news and information about the goings on lacally and else where. i wish I had known about you and salisbury news sooner. as for the election that had to be rigged because there is no way that dumb a?? could have won. or are there really that many brain dead people in md?

  10. Good for you Joe and Sbynews. You have earned it. I am glad you got some recognition for all your hard work. Now you have some respect to go along with it. I am proud of you. You have went through a lot both personally and professionally.

    And to the people who visit your blog also. They are responsible for your growth and success as well. Happy New Year and continued success.

  11. Joe,
    Happy New Year! GREAT job.

  12. Congradulations Joe and SBY News! I would like to thank you and your team for doing this community a great service! One that was and is so badly needed, THANKS AGAIN!!

  13. I was at the NYE on the Plaza event last night and talking to friends in a group when Jim Ireton came up to the group. He pulled out his phone and started dosing something. As we walked away my boy whispered "Dad I've got to tell you something." So when we got further away he said "Dad Jim Ireton has a flip phone." I cracked up laughing. It was amazing that he noticed what a cheapskate our illustrious mayor is to pull out an out dated cell phone and pretend he is important.

  14. Joe and Company...Thank you for being here and please keep up the good work. I would miss checking your site several times a day.

  15. You have earned the 'right of passage' for a State issued Press Badge.

    Personally, I have not seen anybody work any harder than you in trying to promote 'Quality News'.

    I salute you and thank you for the priviledge.

  16. Congratulations Joe. Although the result of many, you have been at the helm.
    Happy New Year!

  17. Happy New Year 2014 Joe...go double the hits!

  18. The Daily Times used to publish how many people subscribed to their paper daily but they haven't published them since soon after Salisbury News came out. I know I dropped my subscription years ago and I do not know a single person who admits to subscribing any more. You have been more reliable than any other news source and I'm sure its taken a lot of time and work. I buy pellets from your advertiser. We love Station 7 and we wish you the best for 2014.

  19. Thanks to all at Salisbury News! Heck the online Daily Times is always so far behind I don't even go to their website any longer. The Daily Times sucks so bad they can even screw up the obituaries!

    Have a great 2014!

  20. I have often wondered just who you guys/girls were. I have only lived here a little over a year, but in all that time I have often wondered just who in the ___ell you all are - in SBYNEWS. I have never witnessed such breadth and in-depth coverage that reveals the REAL TRUTH verses a Fabricated Front.

    I am really IMPRESSED!!! Great JOB!!

  21. A sincere congrats! If you had a TV station 16 and 47 would go bankrupt....

  22. I heard Robinson and Taylor say you were full of crap because you never publish your hits. Now they have to eat their words. You were the talk of the town last night after everyone read this article. Keep up the good work.

  23. Congratulation for being recognized for all your hard work and dedication.

    Happy New Year. The best is yet to come.

  24. A lot of those hits came from The Daily Times, WMDT and WBOC.

  25. What an impressive article. The things you have accomplished with this website is remarkable. Congratulations

  26. I am addicted to SBYNEWS - live for the latest in news and gossip on your site

    It does stress me that there are so many hateful comments from viewers, Those folks comments take away from the value of your postings Joe, often commenting off subject thus making a mockery of your writings informing the public of facts.

    Good job Joe in what you do - wishing you and all the best in 2014.

  27. Happy New Year to All.

    This is a great site. We can go here and find out what is going on around the world, on a variety of topics from trusted sources such as The Blaze and Breitbart, as well as local happenings.
    A great site for finding out who is having what fundraiser and when. We are all about supporting the local FD's, churches and the different youth clubs and groups and this site makes it easier.
    We have used Signs by Tomorrow and Quantico Creek Hay for straw after seeing them on this site.

  28. Hey, take it easy on the flip phone thing. I have one too. My wife bought me one of those smart phone thingys. I handed it right back and told her to get me one like I had. I know how to use it and can use it with one hand.

    I am not one of those finger sliding people. Sorry.

  29. ha ha you actually have fools who believe you "report" the facts here. It's not today's school system that failed us. Its the school system of the past that taught so many of your dim witted viewers.

  30. 12;12,so your saying the old people are at fault?Facts are reported on here not personal views.

  31. LOL 12:12. You people are so predictable. Yes the facts are reported and the only reason you are finding fault is because you don't want to hear the facts. Hearing the truth sucks to you people.

  32. anonymous 12:12, Is that all you've got?

    You've asked us to deliver the numbers, we did.

    Your comment is very childish and about as immature as the Mayor of Salisbury. Oh, that's right, he's also a Teacher. How suspicious, I mean, convenient.

    At least we have "viewers" that legitimize this Site. Show me ANY other Website, (including MSM) that comes anywhere close to the volume of comments delivered here each and every day.

    We have proven we are interactive and we have delivered a source for locals to express their opinion on thousands of different issues.

    We're not here to make friends. We've always said, "love us or hate us" that's your choice. Obviously with the volume of traffic we receive each year we've proven to be successful.

    Remember now. The Daily Times had more than 200 employees when we started Salisbury News. Now they have, (so I'm told) around 20 in Salisbury. 9 years ago Joe Carmean and Greg Bassett stated "we love competition". That was after I stated I would start my own on line newspaper. Oh, that's right. They're no longer there, along with the MANY department heads in the City.

    We've battled numerous lawsuits and won. While the current and former Mayor of Salisbury have tried to bring us down, we not only continue to grow, we are now recognized by the Governor as Mainstream Media.

    We've earned our place and we are here to stay.

  33. 12:32. Name any MSM website that comes close to the volume of comments you get here every day?? Try Huffington Post. Their daily comment totals likely exceed what you get over months.

  34. anonymous 12:56, Thank You for comparing us to the Huffington Post, what an honor.

    Perhaps I should have been more specific. I meant LOCAL MSM.

    I have never tried to compare Salisbury News with the likes of the Huffington Post and to be quite frank, we're only interested in LOCAL traffic.

    Since we started allowing advertisers on this Site, our goal was to deliver local traffic so they could reap the rewards of very inexpensive advertising.

    Our goal was to achieve the best return on an advertisers investment monthly. It is our way of supporting local businesses.

    With the traffic we receive, could we ask for a lot more money, absolutely. However, once an interested advertiser sees the kind of traffic we get and compare that to everyone else they'll realize they are wasting a LOT of money elsewhere.

    The smart advertisers will come on board and notice a rise in their sales almost immediately. We're about supporting locals and local businesses.

    That being said, we can then take part of that revenue and "Pay It Forward" back into the community, hence supporting "locals".

    It's a win/win for all.

  35. Great job Joe keep up the good work.... P

  36. "Anonymous said...
    It's not today's school system that failed us. Its the school system of the past that taught so many of your dim witted viewers."

    Wow-do you ever need to get out and see how the real world is working. FYI Dim Witt, major US corporations/Fortune 500 companies are lobbying Congress to make it easier for foreign graduates to come here and work at their companies, because the US public education system is inferior.

  37. 8:52! Is there any doubt it's an Obamaphone? LOL!

    Congrats Joe! Obviously O'Malley has never surfed your site, certainly he's regretting bestowing you with a legit press pass!
    Keep up the good work!

  38. anonymous 1:31, While at a press conference Governor O'Malley recognized me and actually stopped the press conference to congratulate me. WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times were present at the time and the Governor said, I heard you are the #1 Blogger in the state of Maryland, congratulations. I replied, well, yes and no. He said, I just read it on my way out here. I replied, we are the most influential political Blog in the state of Maryland and Delaware. I then asked if I could ask him a quick question. He invited me to ask. I said, would you agree that Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis are probably the most influential areas in the state, let alone the entire country. He replied, yes. I said, Governor, your in Salisbury, Maryland and I'm the #1 Blog in the state, don't you think you might want to pay more attention to what's going on here. He replied, Joe, whenever I want to know what's happening on the Eastern Shore I go to Salisbury News.

    So I respectfully disagree with you. Even though the local MSM that day pooped a brick when he said that, the Governor has been following us for many years now and respects what we do.

  39. Congrats Sby News and Joe! Happy New Year! Here's to the best one ever!

  40. I think of all the money you have saved the city and county by reuniting all of these animals over the years. If the taxpayers had to foot the bill to retrieve and house all of them it would cost us a small fortune.

  41. So why don't you run for office? You're so impressive go get elected mayor or something? Oh that's right, you tried and lost in a landslide.

  42. anonymous 2:33, Did I really lose? Why don't you ask the Daily Times, WBOC or WMDT what Salisbury News might be worth today. NOT that I'm interested in selling.

  43. I never knew you before you came to my door. I was impressed with your ideas and I'm even more impressed reading this article today. I hope you do run again.

  44. My mamma said "if you keep chipping at the rock , it will finally break".
    I must say it's been a pleasure to have a news supply that I can trust, keep it the same! The truth has set you free! Wayne

  45. I'd Vote for Joe in 2016 to run against any DEMON-CRATJanuary 1, 2014 at 3:27 PM


    You don't have to feed into the Salisbury University Obama-Knights who post negative comments about you!

  46. Sbynews is the first news of the day for me!

  47. Me too, 4:02! As soon as I make my coffee I sit down and go to Sby News to see what's going on.

  48. Based on your comments regarding OMalley; he may be more intelligent than many of us thought. This possibly being the case, try and influence him as much as you can Joe. Its possible the guy may be convinced to reduce taxes, eliminate some cumbersome, and possibly uncontitutional regulations, expecially those dealing with second amendment rights, Obamacare and property rights.
    But then again, he probably does not possess the level of intelligence and objectivity necessary to determine the harmful effects his actions have caused and are causing Marylanders, with or without your influence.
    I would truly enjoy being proven wrong!!!!

  49. The Joe's all News Source Net-workJanuary 1, 2014 at 10:23 PM


    Have you thought about placing a Weather Forecast day and weekly as well?

  50. 629, Gimme some of what you're smoking! GAWD! Really? I think history has already proven you wrong with over 40 tax hikes and a fervor for adding more, but you keep on hoping that that raging train will stop and switch to reverse!

    You have to be the most ignorant commenter today to say that.

  51. Joe,your site is the 3rd that I see in the morning after emails and bank account,keep up the good work.

  52. There are a lot of people squirming in Salisbury today. My first thought is, I doubt most ever thought you had so many people coming to this website. My next thought is, you can't be denied access with a press pass from the governor. I'm a regular here but rarely comment. Today you brought me out of my shell. Nice work.

  53. I'm amazed and pleased at the same time. I have been a long time supporter of sbynews but I had no idea there were so many others. It must be pretty cool to be at the top of the hill looking down on your competition.

  54. Funny how O'malley is satan incarnate until he does something for you...

    Your creds are proof positive the tax happy drunken Irishman is a jerk..


  55. Congrats, Joe and here is a wish for a great 2014 from sunny Florida

  56. tl 10:21, Governor O'Maley and I have always had respect for each other. Hence why I publish all of his press releases and blog posts.

    HOWEVER, that does NOT mean I agree with his politics. We offer balanced information to which we allow him the opportunity, (as well as our viewers) to express information as well as responses to such information through comments.

    One thing is for certain. Salisbury News provides an incredible volume of traffic from the Eastern Shore, period. Let me assure you of one thing, you will NOT see anywhere near, (not even 5%) the volume of information throughout the rest of the local media on what his Office provides on a daily basis.

    He made a sound decision and more politicians are opening up to Blogs to express news and information because the rest of the press refuses to do so.

    Good, bad or indifferent, agree or disagree, Salisbury News provides more information than anyone else locally.

  57. Thank you, Joe & Happy New Year to you & your family.

  58. That little card means a heck of a lot! Congratulations, Joe. You earned every right that comes with a press pass. I will say that I don't believe you are mainstream media. You are a part of the "New Mainstream Media". They already ride your coat tails. have a blessed 2014!

  59. Just don't say anything about the King in Fruitland! If you do you will be told to donate your time and attend a lunch meeting!

  60. Joe: even though I don't always agree with you, you should be very proud of yourself. Press credentials are hard to get and that alone adds another layer of credibility to your site. If I can make one suggestion continue to strive to be fair and balanced! Good job!

  61. anonymous 11:36, that's very kind of you, thank you.

    For what it's worth and with all due respect, I never created Salisbury News to make friends and or to get everyone to agree with me.

    I have my own style and with some, they get it. With others, they simply disagree and or even get angry.

    One thing I am very proud of however is the fact that we have all worked very hard to expose what we feel necessary and important. We know not everyone is going to agree with every article. Heck, even WE don't agree with all the articles we publish. The IDEA is to bring it to your attention and open the topic up to discussion.

    Based on the traffic as well as the incredible volume of comments, I'd say we've been very successful.

    Many have asked me to say nice things about Salisbury because when you Google it, many of Salisbury News articles pop up in the top 10 and show negative things about Salisbury. Look, I'd like nothing more than to say great things about Salisbury but I'd be lying on a daily basis and that I will not do.

    It's not that I don't respect some of the powers to be who have asked me to say nice things, I do respect them. However, I have a job to do and when I do a job I do it honestly and I do it accurately.

    So when it comes to "fair and balanced", fair and balanced to WHOM? Is it "fair" to publish letters to the editor with no name? I choose to publish those letters because I retain their names. I do not publish them publicly because, (as many of you know) there's this major retaliation in Salisbury and it usually comes from elected officials. Just know that I personally have their names and their letters are saved. I do NOT publish letters to the editor without knowing who they are.

    The "balanced" part of what we do, (I feel) comes in comments. IF someone, (including us) puts something out there and you disagree, you have every right to create a healthy debate through comments. Sure, there are some that say we won't publish comments that don't agree with us. That's a load of crap. Stay away from the personal attacks, leave my Wife and Family out of it, don't curse and you can disagree all you want and see it published.

    Look, it's pretty obvious now that we receive a TON of traffic and comments. NO ONE can ever deny Salisbury News any longer. Those nay sayers begged us to publish our numbers, we did just that. Funny how QUIET they've now become.

    We have earned our way and our success is because of people like you. Again, I thank you. It is an incredible honor to be accepted by Governor O'Malley and we will NOT take that lightly, if that helps you any.

  62. I'm going to add, this is not a chat room. This is not a place where some of you can anonymously challenge me or my actions through comments.

    IF you want to hold a discussion, send me an e-mail. I the mean time, don't expect me to publish the typical chat room kind of talk on here.

  63. Very well deserved.

  64. Joe, since you now have this designation, could you do the obituaries like the times does, then no one would have to go anywhere but here to get what they are looking for.


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