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Sunday, January 26, 2014

First Black President 'Wearing Thin' With African-Americans

President Barack Obama is losing favor among many African-Americans because “the fact that you have a first black president is kind of wearing thin,” consultant Clarence V. McKee told Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.

“They’re realizing that because he’s got a black skin, that doesn’t do anything to help the green color of their money in their pockets,” McKee, a lawyer, government relations consultant, and president of McKee Communications Inc. in Coral Gables, Fla., said. “Blacks are realizing that the Messiah or 'black Jesus,' as David Axelrod called him — does not have necessarily a halo over his head to help them economically.



  1. Same will happen should Hillary get elected president since it would be more of the same.

  2. What..... money is green. I thought money was EBT and plastic.

  3. He is half white too, right?

  4. hahahah, yea right and the Republicans are so much better for the black man. What a total crock of crap. The black and minority vote will continue to go overwhelmingly to the Democrats as long as the Republicans continue thier policies of racism and intollerance. That should be a very long time.

  5. Yeah and democrats continue to provide welfare, free rent, cell phones and other benefits to keep people in poverty and dependent on government. Yes republicans have their issues to. But it's not government dependency.

  6. It's possible the minorities may not even vote in the next election, Obama is the only reason many voted in large numbers in the last two elections. If Rubio runs in the GOP party, that may also split the Hispanic/black voters and favor of the GOP. Hillary has so much baggage and Bill has disgraced the Whitehouse enough. We need new blood throughout our nations political arena.

  7. you mean the dumocrats continue thier policies of racism and intollerance. the dems are nothing but racists against the white race,americans and freedom

  8. democrats won't be happy until Anglo Saxon is a minority

  9. They wanted change and they got it!!! So how is it working out for you!!! Unfortunately, they voted for the color of the skin and not for the content of their character! You reap what you sow. But then again, both parties are loosing tickets until we get some new blood that hasn't been bought and sold by the corporations and political interests. Until that happens, it will be business as usual.

  10. he is not black, he is mixed!!!!!

  11. So I guess they are going to blame the white part of him for their problems? I believe Obama in his book "Dreams of my Father" he stated that he considers himself black even though he was basically raised by his white mother and white grand parents. He has stated his dislike of his white side, so I guess that makes him black. Even his name and skin color make him African.

  12. What took so long?

  13. As a white man I was proud our country had moved forward enough to finally elect a black man to our country's highest office. Now as a white man I'm sadden that he has done such a poor job that he has set the chances of another black man being elected to this position back at least 30 years. The black community should be outraged at this setback. Are they? Nope not one bit they are contempt just to have him in office. Its sad to see the black community work so hard to have this dream come true only to have it crash down around them in the way they have.

    Long live king Obama!

  14. The takers are starting to realize that handouts cause dependency on government!

  15. 10:36, Exactly how are Republicans more racist and intolerant?
    It's easy to spout B.S. but you need to back it up.
    Intolerant? Of criminals? An overwhelming percentage being black?
    Should we all be tolerant of crime? 15% of the population being responsible for more than half of serious crime? Stupidity? Ignorance? Primal instinctual behavior?
    What say you... you do not have statistics to back up your fraud.

  16. The series called "The Bible", portrayed Obama as he really is, Satan! Remember all the uproar about using his face as the Devil.

  17. >>>as long as the Republicans continue thier policies of racism and intollerance.<<< OK, smart guy. Here is your opportunity to list off all instances of republican racism and 'intollerance'. Meanwhile, your Little Prince's administration supports a justice dept that publicly refuses to prosecute crimes against whites and uses the IRS to intimidate their ideological enemies. Your president is the epitome of racism and intolerance, you damn fool.

  18. Yep come on with it 10:36, start naming off these intolerant and racist policies. Waiting patiently to hear from you but not counting on it. And here's why-because you are the consummate democrat-a liar who panders to the uninformed who believe you.
    The African American communities are overwhelmingly cesspools of crime and poverty because of you! Not an honest bone in your body. I am intolerant-of people like you. Liars are beneath me and not worthy to breath the same air as me. Spreading lies is all you have. Not a clue in your empty head how to lift people up so tell them lies!


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