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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Enough Is Enough in Annapolis

As the General Assembly session approaches, Marylanders once again face the ominous prospect of ever higher taxes as the state government addresses an anticipated $580-million budget deficit. After seven years of the Gov. Martin O'Malley administration and dozens of increases in taxes and fees, the Democratic monopoly in Annapolis still cannot balance the budget without demanding more from working Marylanders.

It does not have to be this way.

After claiming that billions in higher income, sales, gas and other taxes would slay the deficit monster, the need for Marylanders to pay tribute to their leaders in Annapolis seems unquenchable. Since Governor O'Malley entered office, the legislature has passed higher income taxes, sales taxes and gas taxes; increased fees and tolls throughout the state; mandated localities pass a "rain tax" to pay for stormwater management projects, and increased taxes on cigarettes and alcohol. Even these measures were not enough to support state spending, so state Democrats supported legalizing gambling, which the voters approved.


  1. And he thinks he's got a chance to be President? Who in the hell would vote for him knowing what he has done to Maryland? We just need to get him out and all democrats out of office.

  2. 10:04 the same people that voted for obama

  3. Joe, why is gas so high?

  4. anonymous 10:21, I told each and every one of you YEARS ago. Obama is going to take everything you have until you are broke. Interest rates will disappear, check. Savings will disappear, check, Gas prices will go through the roof, check. Foreclosure rates will skyrocket, check.

    Once they get everything you have, (including your homes) they will make you DEPENDENT on the Government, check. Then they'll get you to borrow, check. Once your in the red they now have you and look back at our recent article about foreclosures in Salisbury alone, through the roof!

    O'Malley and Obama now have most of you. Property values are absolutely screwed. You can't sell your property without a massive loss, so they've taken advantage of ALL of the people who invested everything they had for 30 years and guess what, their nest egg is GONE! Then a guy like Ireton steps in and starts raising your taxes year after year. Hey, YOU allegedly voted for him, just like O'Malley and Obama.

    So, why are gas prices so high, HELLO! YOU made that happen and I forewarned you years in advance.


  5. Our future, as seen through their eyes, is on display in any movie that features run down British working class neighborhoods. Packed like sardines in identical structures = Equality of Results.

  6. It's simple 10:21. The high price of gas rests exclusively on the back of the democrats including Obama and omalley.
    When people start to realize that everything wrong in this country can be traced to the policies of the democrats then things will get better.



  8. Now wait until Obama closes down all the coal mines. There will be power plant closings and thousands of jobs lost. And, electricity will cost more all because of the lie about global warming. But lying is typical of Obama and the Democrats.

  9. More like HOW much is in your wallet

  10. Serious ... he introducing a bill to tax us (non progressives)for breathing.

  11. anonymous 1:42, Now you've done it. You've now placed the IDEA in liberal minds that they can tax cleaner air. Now the Eastern Shores taxes will go up because our air is cleaner then theirs on the western shore. Crap!

  12. Just a few words to share that MR Albero and many more ppl know.
    Liberals will hand outevery nickel everyones elses money instead of there own!!!!
    Always have Always will!!
    If you were not raised to be frugal and know how to squeeze the crumbling dollar we now have now.It will soon be to late.And it might be to late for all of us.

  13. Answer this, gas national average is $3.33?

  14. If Thomas Jefferson were president Martin O'Malley would be in the stockade awaiting trial on treason charges. He'd probably be chained to a stone wall and having sticks poked at him for what he has done to Maryland. Yet him and his kind continue to be voted into office.

  15. "why is gas so high?"

    Though the answer is not simple, it's a matter of relativity. If the Government PENALIZES fossil fuel production and gives INCENTIVES to alternative energy sources, Fossil fuel seems expensive but more than say wind energy.

    Consider that gas stations operated by gays were subsidized by the Feds at 10 cents per gal. One might conclude that gay gas is less costly than straight gas. Fact is that gay gas is "cheaper" but not less costly.

  16. "Yet him and his kind continue to be voted into office."

    By your PG county neighbors. After all, it's only 3 out of 10 that even take the time to vote. Annapolis know this, why don't you?

  17. Omg, look at that pic.....is he an elf?


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