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Saturday, January 18, 2014

DNREC Sued Over Carbon Emission Reduction

GEORGETOWN — A Delaware think tank and several businesses are taking DNREC to court, alleging the agency is illegally increasing permit fees.

The plaintiffs say Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Secretary Colin O’Mara illegally lowered caps on carbon emissions and unlawfully raised fees for companies that pay the department an allowance to produce carbon emissions as part of daily operations. The allowance allows a company to produce a ton of carbon.

O’Mara says the increase in the cost of the allowance was legal and necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In December 2005, Delaware and several surrounding states announced an agreement to implement the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, aimed at reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by capping emissions and over time lowering the cap. The agreement called for a review of the program in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Problem is this is nothing but a money grab.

    They are not interested in lowering carbon emissions. They only want you to PAY to be able to continue breathing....

    End result is we are funding an ever increasing amount of bureaucracy, with no real reductions of actual pollution.


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