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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Did You See WBOC's Commercial Tonight

WBOC is looking for someone to handle their On Line Website, go figure!

Look at the timing. We publish our On Line Traffic on New Years Day and WBOC goes, OH CRAP! Searching to see if we were telling the truth they went into damage control mode and created a commercial for television in PRIME TIME to hopefully get immediate help.

So here it is. If ANYONE would like to take on the challenge and think they can out do Salisbury News, contact WBOC.

Heck, I'll even help them.

Director of Digital Media

Draper Holdings is searching for a Director of Digital Media to lead our growing digital team. The ideal candidate will bring a history of proven leadership in the digital field, knowledge of online ad operations, social media and a deep technical understanding of all things digital including video and mobile applications.



  1. I was thinking. The title should actually say, CHIEF Director of Digital Media, shouldn't it?

    Maybe they should STOP linking to every Salisbury News articles through an RSS Feed.

    Oh, that's right, they're in trouble and need all the hits they can get. Even if it means borrowing from the competition.

    I think I'll sent them some life vests tomorrow because that ship is sinking fast.

  2. You are shameless, Joe! Giving them a free ad when I have to pay! The DT would want a hundred for that blurb. Or six.


  3. I think they have resorted to having friends and family post of their fb page to make it look like they are liked and respected around here.

    Of course, there probably are a few that actually do like them.

    After all, obammy still has his lemmings.

  4. Just about any middle school student could handle this.

  5. Please consider that, to the person that is hired, this is simply a job. Perhaps sbynews created the job but let somewhat benefit from that.

  6. bury_voter, you'd master it, this I know. Unfortunately at this time WBOC cannot afford you. If there was anyone who could pull it off, it would be you. Aren't I the lucky one. LOL

  7. haven't viewed boc since you told me it is sinking, surprised you still do

    now that you have sank dt, will you be sinking mdt next

  8. Mainstream media don't usually bash each other. Why do you do it to them?

  9. Somebody overdosed that guy in the picture with pancake makeup.

  10. Position has been filled

  11. a start would be for them to begin telling the truth instead of lies. real reporting,real truth,real real news.

  12. They should worry about their news and get some real weather men who can get it right at least most of the time. They need real reporters who can get real and current news and get rid of Paul Butler and Steve Hammond. I can't stand either one of them. Watching 47 now and it is MUCH better!!!!


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