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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Did Someone Say “Crash”?

Guess who’s investing in America’s future?

Nobody, that’s who.

Just check out this excerpt from an article by Rex Nutting at Marketwatch and you’ll see what I mean. The article is titled “No one is investing in tomorrow’s economy”:

“The U.S. economy simply isn’t investing enough to ensure that there will be enough good paying jobs for our children and our children’s children. Net investment — the amount of capital added to our stock — remains at the lowest levels since the Great Depression. …

Net investment…measures the additional stock of buildings, factories, houses, equipment, software, and research and development — above and beyond the replacement of worn-out capital. In 2012, net fixed investment totaled $485 billion, only about half of the $1.1 trillion invested in 2006…

If businesses, consumers and governments were investing for the future at usual rate, the economy would be at least 3% larger, employing millions more people. That’s a huge hole in the economy that can’t be filled by heavily indebted consumers, especially at a time when government is handcuffed by forces of austerity.” (“No one is investing in tomorrow’s economy”, Rex Nutting, Marketwatch)



  1. Progressives sure are not... outside of Public Tv they expect everyone else to fit the bill and finance their desires -- Banks no longer have to finance American ideas.. the Marxists are in the catbird seat

  2. 5:20...LOL!! You think it's ONLY "Marxists" voting for 17 trillion dollar debts? Other countries are looking at the USA like we all have three arms and carry our brains in our back pocket. Our "leaders" (from BOTH parties) are ONLY interested in how much money they can scam out of us. Not the future of our country.
    Keep falling for the "Democrat OR Republican" game they are playing. That's exactly the way they want it.
    Who can't see that???

  3. Its sad that so many parents cannot find jobs, there is little hope that our kids will get jobs either. You are told to go to college and get a degree only to find jobs in retail or fast food. Now you are in debt with student loans and making the same amount you would make without a degree. Its tough out there and it will not likely improve. Our local economy here is hit harder than in big cities.

  4. And I may add, that I am sorry to see that you, Joe Albero wish for folks to vote Republican. Here is a perfect example that independent is the way to go, and to abandon the "Big Two" is the best move is is where we differ.

    I am 59, and have voted for the lesser of two evils since I was 18.

    Look where that has gotten us.

    I voted for Gary Johnson the last time around, and will vote independent again, because 40 years of voting R/D got us here.

    I say screw the idea that an independent vote is a vote against the "Lesser of two evils"! Look WHERE WE ARE TODAY WITH THAT MINDSET!!!!!

  5. Gary, We have seen what the Democrats have delivered throughout our lifetime history. I will NOT throw away my vote for someone I know will never make it. I vote for who I feel is best for our Country. So far that has always been republican for presidential. I have voted for democrats often on a local level. It's about who is best for the job but I won't throw away my vote.

  6. The secret is: America IS in the greatest depression since the great depression. Thanks to Obamanonmics, unemployment, economic statistics all are pre-wwII levels proportionately with the exception of the stock market which the Fed has propped up by printing money. LOT's of money.
    Inflation will finally catch up, the market will fail and the United States of America will dissolve like a bad marriage because the will of the people has been defeated and diluted by liberal philosophy, education and propaganda.

  7. I'm with Gary. Time for people to give the one finger salute to both parties. Independents are now closing in on the two parties' numbers. Neither D nor R has a majority.


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