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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Comments Worthy Of Your Opinion And Discussion

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Shots Fired At Court Plaza In Fruitland":

"Anonymous said...
"The Bury" is the most stupid nickname I have ever heard. Mayor Ireton needs to kill that marketing stunt quickly. Sounds really trashy.

January 2, 2014 at 10:42 AM"

Really? The mayor thinks marketing Salisbury as "The Bury" is a good idea? If so he is a kook and one that needs some serious schooling in what is appropriate and what is not.
The Eastern Shore Ballet Theater has relocated to "The Bury"-LOL. Sounds classy doesn't it?
You either need to promote tastefully or promote low class ghetto. It can't be both ways otherwise it looks foolish and amateurish.


  1. Of all the problems this town has THIS is what gets you all fired up? No wonder nothing is getting better.

  2. Sounds like something you would say if you lived in NJ.

  3. Yea 2:31, who cares if you are promoting your city as if it were a ghetto.. what's wrong with people!

  4. Everybody knows you won that election, Joe. Chuck Cook rigged the numbers with his libtard commie computer peoples.

  5. Bury...what happens when you hang out in downtown Salisbury at night ..you get BURY 6 FOOT UNDER.

  6. Worked in Baltimore with the "Hon" neighborhood. We should be so lucky.

  7. Why is nobody investigating the rigging of that election? It is so OBVIOUS to people who PAY ATTENTION that the deck was stacked in which most of you didn't even see. Folks, it was your election to lose.

  8. 2:36? What does that have to do with anything? It's a nickname, just like naptown for annpolis. If your so offended by it then don't use it. Really though, find something better to whine about.

  9. if it makes the mayor and council power feel better fine, really if you think about what else have they done except come up with a neat little slogan to push more of their good time rock n roll feelings. private enterprise will make the city better not some slogan

  10. 2:53 I am not whining nor do I use the phrase. But you seem to have your panties in a bunch about the issue to make repeated comments and return trips to this posting. Do you have a point or you simply wasting time trolling posts?

  11. This is his well crafted plan. Think of it this way. Once he gives away the parking lots downtown for welfare housing it will already be known as "the bury". He is trying to get you used to that name now just like the way Hollywood has written in gay actors into main stream roles for years. This is a mind trick to get us all used to the new bury.

  12. NO this is perfect because they bury you in crap and taxes... You know with the WWTP and taxes...

  13. About a week and half, two weeks ago, my family and I were coming home late from friends saw about 20 sheriffs deputy's and a good sized crowd up at Court Plaza.

  14. I've lived here 25 years and people have been calling it "The 'Bury" with no negative connotations for as long as I can remember. Don't know what the big deal is here.

  15. @3:47, the only troll here is you buddy boy, like I said, all I see is you crying over a phrase.

  16. 2:53-One thing I can assure you, without hesitation, is the unrefined habit of some, who call Annapolis, "Naptown" is looked down upon by proper "Annapolis-ers." It has long had negative connotations in certain circles, which happen to be the moneyed and cultured circles you want around.

  17. da 'Bury is GHETTO and classless, but then again so is Jim Liarton!

  18. Anonymous said...
    Of all the problems this town has THIS is what gets you all fired up? No wonder nothing is getting better.

    January 2, 2014 at 2:31 PM


    If you think promoting da 'Bury is a good idea then you must be one of the Homo loving followers in Jim Beau's camp. You're an idiot.

  19. It's not just a nickname, it's a sticker that is proudly displayed on all city vehicles next to the "All American City stickers. I think the rub here is, which one are we, as City Fathers, aiming for?

    Oops, didn't mean to say "aim"! Take cover!

  20. Anonymous said...
    I've lived here 25 years and people have been calling it "The 'Bury" with no negative connotations for as long as I can remember. Don't know what the big deal is here.

    January 2, 2014 at 4:06 PM

    I've lived here longer than 25 years and I think you have no clue what you are saying. I have never heard anyone use that Ghetto phrase.


  21. Chuck Cook said...
    @3:47, the only troll here is you buddy boy, like I said, all I see is you crying over a phrase.

    January 2, 2014 at 4:06 PM

  22. So much for the New Years Resolution to loose weightJanuary 2, 2014 at 4:40 PM

    4:02 PM comment: The Sheriffs were out in force b/c they were giving out FREE DONUTS

  23. I lived outside of Salisbury from 85-03. Heard many people refer to it as The Bury.

    The trash/ghetto isn't because of the word, it's because of the town. Just have a look around!

  24. 4:06 nice temper tantrum. (not)
    You epitomize the bury connotation.


  25. "Anonymous said...
    Of all the problems this town has THIS is what gets you all fired up? No wonder nothing is getting better.

    January 2, 2014 at 2:31 PM"

    This is the question that needs to be asked of the Mayor and others who are promoting this idea. Why? What is the purpose and what do they hope to achieve out of this? With so many other issues more pressing why is even a breath (much less money for the promotion of this slogan) being wasted and without a goal and a purpose that is all this amounts to-a huge waste and nothing more.

  26. I've been hear 50 yrs and have never heard Salisbury referred to as The Bury. I guess it all depends on what circles you run in.

  27. It reminds me too much of "Barrie".

  28. 502-I'm sure you're hip to the lingo at the retirement home.

  29. my b rother calls me and always says how is THE BURY in a common sound. it always made me feel funny. Get Shed of it


  30. Several comments:

    The sticker/emblem/whatever is poorly designed. It is much too busy and had to have been designed by a committee. The locations it seeks to copycat have short, large symbols which are suggestive of their names. Presumptively most within a day's journey by foot already know where Salisbury is.

    SBY, the airport designator, would have done the job for intriguing and attracting folks residing outside the two noted zip codes!

    Now to the issue of Salisbury, Bury, 'bury, Barrie, Barry or berry.

    I've heard Salisbury pronounced much more frequently across the years with a 'berry' inflection than any other ending.

    Bury, or 'bury doesn't lend itself to many positive associations and easily lends itself to ridicule regarding crime and tax burden, as already noted.

    Delete the zip codes and put SBY in the middle; the top and bottom lines could then be informative.

    My two cents.

  31. This is quoted in several news media articles, on the NYE festivities.

    "Mayor Jim Ireton is also looking forward to this event. “For the community to have a chance to celebrate a New Year’s Eve in Downtown Salisbury is an incredible leap forward. A new generation of leaders is emerging that will take the downtown to even greater heights. I plan to be there for the ball drop, and will take every opportunity to invite the public to be a part of NYE Salisbury”, says Mayor Ireton, “I encourage our community to send a clear message with this event: The ‘Bury is the Place to Be on NYE!“

    Like it or not, The Bury, is the slogan of this city.

  32. 5:39, My over 5000 sq ft house and 9000 sq ft barn, plus other outbuildings on 400+ acres can hardly be referred to as a 'retirement home.' As a matter of fact, to my embarrassment (because I'm such a humble lady) quite a few people call it, an 'estate."
    Like I said, it all depends what circles one runs in.
    BTW-I'm 50 yrs old.

  33. @4:31, you capitalized Homo, guess you have more respect for them than you want to admit. If you're the kinda person that's so offended by this then I hope everyone starts calling it the 'Bury.

    @4:27, People from Annapolis looking down on something, what a shocker!

  34. As a lifetime resident of Salisbury and Wicomico County, I'll put in an opinion and some history on this.

    Years ago, Salisbury was a BIG center for strawberry growing. There even used to a Strawberry Festival held downtown in May. Many old-timers can still remember the Strawberry Fair market on South Division St.

    As a playful response to New York City being known as "The Big Apple," people would refer to Salisbury as "The Big Berry."

    However, as a poke at the locals and their accents, some folks would refer to it as "The Burr-y" (I'm trying to copy the sound, not the spelling.)

    Actually, many of the locals would call it "The Burr-y," but that was their real accent. They typically meant it with hometown fondness, much like the folks who called it "The Big Berry."

    Here is where I have a real problem with this campaign. It is one thing to HEAR it called this (after all, "bury" is pronounced "berry).

    But when you see it in print, what do you think of? "Dead."

    Let me repeat, "DEAD." As in high crime, DEAD. Nothing to do, DEAD. Unprosperous, DEAD.

    I thought maybe I was being an old fart about this, but at Christmas I asked my friends' grandson what he thought about it since he plans to start a business in 6-12 months. (In fact, I tried to convince him to come here and he laughed.)

    He said "The Bury" screamed "clannish," an "inside joke among locals." And the first thing HE thought of was "dead".

    This kid (ok, 27, but a kid to me) said Salisbury had potential, but he was looking at a better market area, lower crime - and places that didn't market themselves as "dead"!

    He said that actually wasn't a deciding factor for him, just that it confirmed his decision to not come here. Right now, he is torn between spots in North Carolina and Florida and somewhere out west, but I forget the towns. My friends are hoping he'll pick North Carolina so they can see him more often.

    There you have it from an old fart and a young smart. For whatever it's worth, which probably isn't much.

  35. Annie,

    A new generation of leaders backed by the same old money, sons and daughters of the same old elite.

    Like it or not, that the story of The Bury.

    Anyone outside the group or with a different idea will be squashed like a bug.

  36. 735-Who are you attempting to impress? You live on the Shore, so in the end, it's not impressive.

  37. derrherr...look how big my barn is! That must impress the chicken farmers and farm hands lol

  38. 819's got the picture. Thank you for your insight, too bad for a loser city, the "bury".

  39. 8:19 is correct. I have heard my parents and grandparents refer to it as "The Big Berry!" And we don't run in any "ghetto" circles.

  40. The police need to take on the gangs or the city will never come back.

  41. it is a good marketing campaign.

  42. I don't think it's a good marketing campaign. I think the other nickname "The Crossroads of Delmarva" sounds much better.
    While I've not personally heard someone refer to Salisbury as "The Bury," I've heard "The Bury" referred to in towns up north that end in bury (if not ending in bury, then they just refer to them as "the hood") as such and it does reflect a "ghetto" mentality.
    To a lot of people (maybe not locals who have lived here all their lives but to others who have lived in several different areas)"The Bury" will invoke visions of gangbanging, drug dealing, killings, etc.
    These abbreviated nicknames are popular due to rap and Hip Hop music and that's where they came from. Other areas are trying to discourage the use due to the negative connotation. It's hard to understand why a place like Salisbury with it's historic district isn't satisfied with the name of the town.

  43. I was born, raised and have here lived here for over 60 years in Salisbury, Maryland. I'm tire of the shenanigans and the going on here in Salisbury. We have NEVER refer to Salisbury as the "Bury." You young, dumb, full of crap ghetto fabulous folks have killed, destroyed and buried this old dead town of Salisbury, Maryland. And, there is nothing more that you all can do GOOD for this town. No wonder most of you find the term "The Bury" is acceptable. Maybe it is because you all have "Bury" the town to death. Good Luck Salisbury. You're dead, "Bury", gone and most of all boring. Let the gangbanger, prostitutes and dopefends have ya.

  44. That sticker and website is definitely a waste of tax dollars.

  45. The Bury is only used by those who want to emulate black street culture-gangster in other words.
    Ghetto lingo is all about shortening a word or phrase.
    Other common examples are peeps instead of people, tats/tattoos, bro/brother, and dunno which translated means I don't know.
    Since the Mayor is so fond of The Bury, maybe he should start referring to himself as "The Bury's Top Home Boy."


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