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Sunday, January 26, 2014

City Wins WWTP case

For Immediate Release                                                                       Contact: Mayor’s Office
January 24, 2014                                                                                                410-548-3100
Court of Special Appeals Rules for Salisbury for 2M
Additional Funds Recovered in Waste Water Treatment Plant Litigation
The Maryland Court of Special Appeals (On January 23, 2014) has affirmed the $1,968,417.43 jury verdict in favor of the City of Salisbury in the Wicomico County Circuit Court against Construction Dynamics Group, Inc. The case was the last in a long line revolving around the Salisbury Wastewater Treatment Plant. The total amount collected by the city was just under 13 million dollars.  CDG has 30 days to request that Maryland’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, hear another appeal of this case. If CDG does file such a request within 30 days from the date of this decision, then the Court of Appeals will decide whether to hear the appeal or not. 
If CDG takes no further action, then the case is concluded after 30 days, and the City of Salisbury may proceed to budget the money for appropriate purposes. 
The WWTP Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) Upgrade design is in progress.  The WWTP will be upgraded to meet the State’s effluent requirements by December 31, 2017.


  1. If the moron mayor and crew would have done his homework we wouldn't went through this BS in the first place.

  2. This is great news

  3. "Appropriate purposes", what the heck does that mean. Shouldn't it say to be used for the WWTP! Interesting choice of words. It raises a reg flag in my eyes.

  4. "City of Salisbury may proceed to budget the money for appropriate purposes."

    Might as well just put it aside so they can fork it over to Mrs Lore Chambers.

  5. Lawyer fees will probably eat a quarter of that if not more. So we the tax bearers will only be on the hook for 70 million now.

    Boy that makes me feel better and I will sleep good tonight.

    Guess the party will be at Mojo's tonight for the mayor and everyone else involved.

  6. it means jimmy's jealous of the grand marquis that Pollitt's boys got, so he's gonna buy a hummer and head to the Bro--thel

  7. Lets see how long it takes them to blow that for "appropriate purposes".

  8. 2:51 PM:
    If the FORMER mayor and crew would have done HER homework we wouldn't have gone through this BS in the first place.

  9. So we got back 13 of the 63 million we were robbed of? Nice job Wilbur for crossing out that warranty line in the contract, you idiot.

  10. And, I agree, "appropriate purposes" should read "WWTP upgrades".

  11. EXCUSE ME PEOPLE but the final cost of that WWTP will be more than $140,000,000.00. Let me spell that out. One hundred and forty million dollars!!!!!

    How quickly so many of you forget. The first plant that failed was $86,000,000.00. To fix it will cost another $60,000,000.00.

    Ireton can pound his chest all he wants, he's an Idiot. ANY excuse to have another drink, I guess. Lock the Ladies Room doors Ladies.

  12. Wilbur must be sitting back with a nice cigar smiling and counting his money. POS


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