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Friday, January 10, 2014

Chilling Canadian Warning To US: Gun Registration Has Begun, Confiscation Not Far Behind

A Canadian news commentator has a warning for his American friends: Now that the United States has begun gun registration, get ready for gun confiscation.

Brian Lilley, the Sun News host of Byline, traded hyperbole for history to make his case. But he didn’t use Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia or Communist China as examples, as one would expect.

He used the more-recent history of freedom-loving Canada — his own country, where registration quickly led to confiscation.

He predicted the same for us, despite statistics showing that as gun ownership rises, gun violence drops.

“It’s not about the guns,” he said. “It’s about the control.”



  1. Does this mean I'll have to remove the .50 cal machine gun from my ARMY Jeep?

  2. Gerald retired Detroit copJanuary 10, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Having had lived in Michigan for many years, we watched Canadian TV and News, believe this guy, he is telling the truth. It was all about safety, what does it hurt to register a gun, then they passed laws to outlaw certain guns, and you had to turn them in. Then it was downward from there!

  3. and the fools in ct are helping them

  4. "Brian Lilley, the Sun News host of Byline, traded hyperbole for history to make his case. But he didn’t use Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia or Communist China as examples, as one would expect."

    Our 2nd Amendment is an insurance policy against threats of tyranny and agressive acts against The People by an out of control government. Yes it can happen here! Do not fool yourself and think/believe otherwise.

  5. 2nd amendment? hell these politicians courts legislatures judges all show they don't give a rats ass about our rights! whatever keeps them in power and above us works just fine for them!

  6. Don't let facts or historical evidence get in the way of the dismantling of the Bill of Rights. Done by the very people SWORN to uphold and defend it.
    Just keep cheering!


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