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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Chief Cites ‘Bermuda Triangle’

Tests find anomaly that led to speeding tickets

The Bermuda Triangle of urban legend swallows ships and planes in the Caribbean Sea.

There's now a new triangle in Fort Dodge in which an electromagnetic anomaly makes it appear that large vehicles are moving faster than what they really are on a speed camera and radar setup.

Police Chief Tim Carmody called the spot in the 1200 block of Sixth Avenue North the ''Bermuda Triangle." It's a spot where drivers of school buses, big panel trucks and similar vehicles have been clocked speeding by the city's mobile speed camera and radar unit even though they were obeying the 25 mph speed limit.

The problem was brought to the attention of the City Council on Dec. 19 by drivers who had wrongly received tickets in that area.



  1. It's a time slip.Just a fraction,but just enough to throw everything off just a bit.

  2. Refund the tickets? How about putting those accusers in jail for false accusation and unlawful prosecution?


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