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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Be Here Bright And Early Tomorrow Morning

On Monday we will provide several early morning local articles. Be prepared to make comments, (perhaps even for the first time) because some will really shake things up in Salisbury. 


  1. ...yeah i've heard that before and most folks in the 'bury don't care what goes on....it'll be the same few commenting over and over again....

  2. Is that you fat boy JT.

  3. 1:55 - Just how would you know that most folks don't care what goes on in this town? I don't believe that for a second. Good ole boy systems don't go away easily and to overcome all the wrongdoing in this town is a mighty big task and if it takes comment after comment after comment, so be it - at least its a start and everyone knows about all the wrong doing and perhaps it will change votes when it comes time. That's why all the scum is there now, no one would expose all the wrong doing like Joe does. How was anyone to know all the crap was going on. Furthermore if you don't like to read all the comments and think no one cares, there that little red x in the top right hand corner you can hit at any time and it will just take you away.

  4. Christmas again , oh boy , I can't wait.

    1. Ur the same fool bashing Joe on fatboys website.

  5. The Bury is doomed , we know it , everyone knows it.
    Look at the leaders , top dog is gay , Shanie is dumb as a brick , Laura the same and she's a getto chick.
    Meet me at mickey D's Nanticoke road to talk to shields , she knows it all , if you can wake her up during a council meeting.
    I still have my shirt Joe , Mayor indeed!( do it again)
    We all know this is the truth , what will be done?

  6. If you care for Salisbury as much as you say you Will you should run again Joe.people are done with Jim and the rest of them.

  7. I like this blog for news that the others won't report, but the reality is that the majority of people in Salisbury and the surrounding areas are quick to comment but nobody ever steps up to the plate and does anything? How many people voted? How many people show up at meetings to voice their opinion? Salisbury and the eastern shore have been on a downhill slide for the past 25 years. I grew up here and made the decision to move on in 2008. Unless you are a slumlord or were handed a family business, there are little opportunities to get ahead. Everyone else works at retail/service jobs or gets by working for the privileged few that control everything else. Please don't take this commentary a being bitter, I am quite comfortable and retired at 45 but only because I got out!

  8. 1:55 Please ... for your own sake stop saying bury... it makes you sound like small town trash.

  9. Going to announce that you're running again, Joe?

    Joe, Joe, he's our man, if he can't do it no one can!

  10. Are you going to post the proposed WCBOE calendar for next year? It is a mess!

  11. Anonymous said...
    Are you going to post the proposed WCBOE calendar for next year? It is a mess!

    January 19, 2014 at 7:56 PM

    Yes I agree with you. They are going to try to make the teachers professional days on Wednesdays so that means students will go to school on Monday and Tuesday then off Wednesday and back to school for Thursday and Friday. Wouldn't this make more sense for the children and their families to have these days on a Monday or Tuesday.

  12. 11:56..of course not, thats too much like right.


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