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Saturday, January 04, 2014

A Surprise Success

As of Dec. 28, a total of 18,257 Marylanders had enrolled in a private health plan from the exchange, a jump of 6,542 people since Dec. 21. That’s great progress — it’s the largest weekly increase since the exchange’s Oct. 1 launch — but it’s the Medicaid numbers that really have officials falling all over themselves.

On New Year’s Day, 111,148 people officially became new Medicaid enrollees. Here’s the breakdown of that group:

91,570 Marylanders had signed up for Primary Adult Care (PAC), a Medicaid-lite program that automatically enrolled those individuals in full Medicaid coverage beginning Jan. 1. Another 19,578 people signed up for Medicaid directly through the exchange, once the website determined they were eligible based on their income.


  1. Only in Democrat/Socialist Maryland would a Government official declare 111,148 signing up to be WARDS OF THE STATE for TAXPAYER funded healthcare a success. It will destroy the middle class who's current tax liability in Md. is ALREADY disproportionately high.
    What a joke to spin this as something good for ALL Marylander's. It is just an all out lie by Democrats.

  2. So for every person who bought legitimate health insurance six more got it for "free"? What a stupid way to run a country!

  3. And the MSM bought it and published it.
    Signing up for Medicaid isn't a win.

  4. Shameless idjits...
    "(Of course, thousands of those people were already PAC enrollees, so they had some form of insurance before the reforms and aren’t technically “newly insured.” But nobody likes a nit picker.)"


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