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Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Response From Delegate Mike McDermott To Today's Daily Times Editorial

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
by Delegate Mike McDermott

It is important to tell the truth.

Today in the Daily Times, Senator Jim Mathias makes it appear that he and Delegate Norm Conway are the only ones in the Eastern Shore Delegation looking out for our farmers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When the new regulations were getting pushed out early last year, were it not for the quick actions of Senator Colburn, the Phosphorus Management Tool (PMT) would have been implemented months ago. It was Senator Colburn, as a member of the AELR Committee, who demanded a hearing in the fall that stalled the regulations long enough to get everyone’s attention.

Everyone on the delegation wanted to get together to fight the administration’s efforts. With this in mind, Delegate Conway set up a meeting for the delegation with Secretary of Agriculture Buddy Hance and his staff along with Dr. Joshua McGrath (the research scientist working on the PMT). This critical first meeting was held in Annapolis on October 17th at 2pm in the Appropriations Conference Room. These are the elected folks who were there:

Senator Coburn, Senator Hershey, Delegate Conway, Delegate Otto, Delegate McDermott

We learned a lot at this meeting. It was the most candid meeting we would have with the Secretary and Dr. McGrath as we all sought to resolve the issues surrounding the PMT implementation.

As more became known about the regulations following this meeting, another was scheduled by Delegate Conway in Wicomico County so other local elected officials and members of the poultry industry and supporting agriculture interests could hear the same information we heard at the Annapolis meeting. Secretary Hance was there along with some support staff to answer questions.

A follow up meeting was held a few days later, and the Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc.(DPI) was asked to craft a response to the PMT regulations that included recommendations from the industry. DPI formatted a response which was to be delivered to Sec. Hance. Although there was some confusion with the original signature page of the document, the letter delivered to Sec. Hance on November 25 contained most of the signatures of the Eastern Shore Delegation.

There was a November 25th meeting scheduled by Secretary Hance at the Department of Agriculture. This meeting was much more discreet. While the meeting was to discuss the department’s response to the DPI letter/recommendations, not one Republican was invited to this meeting. The only two invited to attend were Senator Mathias and Delegate Conway.

I called Sec. Hance on Friday, November 22nd, once I learned about this meeting. I asked him if it was only open to elected democrats. The Secretary then invited me to attend along with any other concerned member of the delegation. I called Senator Colburn, Senator Hershey, Delegate Haddaway-Riccio, Delegate Eckhart, and Delegate Otto. All were unaware of this meeting. I was disgusted, but not surprised.

I, along with Senator Colburn, Senator Hershey, and Delegate Otto attended the meeting. I’m sure this came as a surprise to our democrat colleagues. The meeting showed how dug in on the issue the O’Malley administration has become; and it was made quite clear that the PMT would be implemented before this governor left office.

To sum it all up, these types of legislative issues are not partisan. The response and conduct of a senator from the Eastern Shore should reflect these sentiments. This would be the conduct of a leader. I noticed in Senator Colburn’s editorial in today’s Daily Times that he mentions the efforts of the entire delegation, even though he could rightly claim that his actions slowed the train and allowed all of us to pull together.

Contrast those statements with the ones made by Senator Mathias. He takes full credit for the response to the PMT regulations and wraps his arm around Delegate Conway for good measure. No other person is mentioned. This is not the conduct of a leader; however, it does fit the description of a “politician”.

I tell you, the fight against these types of regulations is truly being carried out by our agriculture community and, in particular, those associated with the poultry and grain industries. They provide the insight and the encouragement that keeps all of us fighting against the tide. I could name a few that really came through on the PMT, but they are not the kind of folks who want a shout out under these circumstances. They just want this madness to stop, or at least slow down.

We need real leaders in all levels of government. We all grew up with those kids crying out, “Look at me! Look at me!” I did not like it much then, and I have little tolerance for it today.


  1. Bravo, McDermott, Bravo!

    I like Mathias personally, but he can be like that politically.

    Ireton is without a doubt the worst. When Ireton does throw out a scrap, it's so patronizing, you want to puke.

  2. I have to agree with 8:31. Mathias is a nice guy, but not a very good politician. He's buddies with Conway and what they did clearly shows neither of the two are men of character.

  3. These two (Conway and Mathias) are DEMOCRATS! How long will it take for people to realize that by their very political behavior time and time again they demonstrate a lack of integrity, leadership and honesty.

    They are all about (as most Democrats) getting elected, re-elected and supporting the failing policies of O'Malley, rather than doing what is best for the people and businesses of the State of Maryland. Very sad commentary indeed.

    As Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying, "We the people deserve the government that we the people get". And as long as we continue to elect Democrats such as these two, what can we expect.

  4. Thank you Mr. McDermott for bringing all this to light. You do realize, that in addition to you and your fellows need to be kept informed, we, the People need the same treatment.
    I am truly happy with your representation and thank you for your vigilance.

  5. For those of you who have done your homework concerning farmers.
    I have a great deal of admiration for them , however , they have been given many breaks with great value.
    They receive funds to plant , they receive funds not to plant , they are government insured for crop damage , this list goes on and on .
    Do I think they deserve this type of help , some do , some don't. Some have become very wealthy from government handouts.
    Do I feel sorry for the farmers , absolutely not.
    They have become part of the entitlement program in the Nation.
    Just another way to convert them to this socialist government.

  6. Sounds a little like " It's for the Children"
    "It's for the Farmers".

  7. you ought to take a look at the regs being imposed by dnr on the public with no legislative oversight. damn shame what's going on in this communist state!
    I don't recall anyone voting these dnr morons into office and giving them the ability to regulate our lives the way they do without some type of legislative oversight!

  8. The former pool hall operator is EVERYBODY's friend, especially Mr. Chairman's and the ruling-class elites. Jim claiming to protect the little people from HIS government is like the Daily Times claiming to be a newspaper.

  9. Excellent! Please remind everyone in November and vote these bums out!

  10. Thank you Mr. McDermott for caring about us mostly unrepresented taxpayers.

  11. Jim Mathias is a joke!

  12. Hance, Conway and Mathias are all the same. Rabid democrats. As a life long democrat, I have decided to vote against every democrat this election.

  13. 2 of Martin O'Malleys favorite lap dogs.

  14. Thanks for keeping us informed because we can't count on the newspaper to be honest.

  15. Mathias is a 100% democrat suck up worthless follower. You think O'mally has done a good job, then put Mathias back, otherwise send him back to OC where he belongs. He rode on Conways shirttail, which now just may be cut short. Wonder how long Royal Plus will keep Jimmy when the favors stop.

  16. Jim Mathias was no good as a Mayor, and worse as a Delegate. Mike is honest, and our only hope. Jim would lie to his mother, and wouldn't be anywhere without Norm.

  17. Obama Crooked BastardJanuary 14, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    What else can we expect from the Democ-Rat Godless Party of Liars, Deceivers. Manipulaters, Crooks and Slimeball Politicians. They put themselves and their Party Agenda as first and everyone else as last. Thanks to Mike McDermott and Sbynews for bringing this issue to the light for public to see. Folks, Enough Is Enough and We The People Need to VOTE Conway and Mathias OUT, Pollitt and Cane OUT, O'Malley and Brown OUT, Mikulski and Cardin OUT.

  18. I will not vote for anyone who isn't downright pubically hostile to omally. I could careless that he's the governor and just because he is, gives no one any reason to show him any respect, which is earned by actions and not by a title.


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