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Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Prominent Local Person Sent The Following Message To Me

"I hate when you post negative things about our county or city. As long as you spew negativity in cyberspace every other citizen has to work ten times as hard to get positive info out there to counter balance it. How will we ever become the town we all invision with you working against everyone ? I thought you had changed and didn't have an ax to grind anymore....."

It absolutely amazes me how some people think. First of all, I'M IN THE NEWS BUSINESS. It's my JOB to expose these issues, WITHOUT any outside influence.

Have we lied, no. Have we mislead you, no. Have we exaggerated, no. In each and every article we have delivered FACTS, photos and evidence. Now you have to ask yourself, WHY didn't the rest of the local media tell you these very same stories?

I'll tell you why. Because they're influenced by big business and elected officials. These big businesses and elected officials don't want negative information going out there and the above message is yet again EVIDENCE of how they work.

I'm supposed to be intimidated. I'm supposed to walk around bowing down to these people because they're important, respected and looked up to in this community.

I didn't retire at 40 years old because I won the Lottery. I worked my rear end off and was able to afford to retire because I EARNED IT. I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to sit back and take messages like the one above lightly and this is EXACTLY why I now do what I do.

I am the go to guy for the little guys, YOU! I've been at the bottom and rose to the very top, much higher than a lot of those people living in fancy expensive homes with massive mortgages and debt. I got to the top and paid off EVERYTHING. So when I say something to people like this, they better damn well listen and show some respect for what I/We do here because as I am no better than them, THEY are no better than ME. 

These are the same people you would NEVER hear being out physically shoveling driveways for the elderly or handicapped. Oh sure, they might reach into their pockets and PAY someone to do it but these very people are too afraid to be seen in public with a baseball cap on and rubber boots.

I have not forgotten where I came from and I prove it each and every day I get up at 5 AM, start publishing daily articles and retire at the end of the evening around 10 PM. The Eastern Shore has never been afforded such exposure and your local media has absolutely failed you. Our traffic here proves that we have risen to the top and more than likely will remain there for many years to come. Why, because bullies like the message above will NOT influence the type of information we provide on a daily basis. 

I experienced this very same thing when I ran for Mayor and guess what, I refused to follow their command. Every day someone new hears about us. Every day we continue to grow. We're not on Facebook, Twitter and whatever other chat room website is out there begging for you to come here. We EARN our traffic by word of mouth. We grow because we DELIVER. Because we're CONSISTENT and because you can DEPEND on the fact that we'll deliver fresh news and information daily. Because you WON'T get it anywhere else.

More importantly, we grow each day because we are JUST LIKE YOU. We're tired of the BULLIES out there who want to keep things hush for their own special interest. 

Keep Salisbury News growing. Tell a friend, a coworker, a neighbor, family. We don't want national traffic. We want LOCALS who can understand and appreciate what we do here every day. 

Do you want a better Eastern Shore? Then it's time we get rid of the bullies and crooked elected officials with special interests. These people wouldn't have to work ten times harder to make the City or County a better place IF they simply acted more responsible and accountable. Heck, more than a DOZEN people can get arrested for robbing the County at the Landfill and only a couple go to jail and the majority of the admitted thieves still work for the County. Get my drift people?


  1. Some people just don't get it , afraid of the truth , living in Lah Lah land.
    Oh everything is fine ! NOT!!

  2. I think he meant they have to work ten times harder to put out lies to cover up the truth that you expose.

  3. Another thing , I suggest this person move to a socialist country
    and enjoy freedom of speech.

  4. And it only took an assertion of a stolen pig to start the Hatfield and McCoy feud.

  5. What a hell of a mindset. Yeah let's just keep on pretending like the high unemployment, lack of job growth, poverty, etc, don't exist. Ignoring is what has caused the escalation.
    Instead of working 10 times as hard to accentuate the positive how about working that hard to correct these so called "negatives!"

  6. I guess what this person is saying is that our elected officials and others are failures. This "negativity" is merely feedback.
    "Research shows people that are better at handling negative feedback tend to be more successful--and those that can’t are less so. A recent study found that 46% of newly hired employees will fail within 18 months. Of those that fail, 26% do so because they can’t accept feedback, according the study, which was conducted by leadership training firm Leadership IQ."

    Quoted from the online article "Thick Skinned Thinking."

  7. What this person was proposing is censorship. That never helps any society improve. Facial and Socialism both rely on censorship. Is that what we want? NO

  8. It's the same flawed logic as "let's take all the guns because guns hurt people". Let's stop the news because it makes us look bad. Sure thing.. we here are the boys in the brown shirts and arm bands. Seriously people..Think before you write.

  9. "I hate when you..." says a lot. Why would anyone "hate" just because of another's actions? There is no coherent reason for it.

    People like this are ignored every day for good reason!

  10. I bet it was an exec from prmc...that is the culture there. Everyone is scared to say anything negative. Unless you're an MD, in which case you walk on water and can do no wrong.

  11. This person's thinking is what is wrong with the whole country. Instead of being part of the solution, they not only are part of the problem but are directly responsible for creating the problem.
    Slavery wasn't abolished because people sat back and ignored it and pretended like it didn't exist.

  12. 6:11 am got it right.

  13. Prominent in Smallsbury? --that made me laugh

    3.47 Million reasons why Joe does what he does. I guess we were supposed to wait for Channel 47 to tell the people something about the County's budget woes.
    (fat chance when Beiber decides to go on a bender)

    Prominent to me is somebody who knows how to work the system and receive whatever he wants -when he wants it..is that hard work?

  14. Please name names so we as citizens can remind them they work for us.

  15. I was just thinking is the County Council going to call Rick Pollitt on this drinking and driving issue involving County owned vehicles. If they have the evidence that it is happening they have the responsibility to act on it. Especially the ones up for re-election.

  16. I would like to see the county employees who have take home cars publically reminded that the cars do not belong to them. If something did happen the tax payer's who own the vehicles are liable.
    Also about the budget. Who overestimated the job growth? What indicators did they use to come up with their figures?

  17. anonymous 7:52, Let's talk about the budget and job growth for just a minute.

    Don't ALL of you wonder just how WE have been telling you, (with evidence) how there have been an average of about 1,200 jobs lost per month in Wicomico County, yet Rick Pollitt put forth a BUDGET tat was PASSED knowing it wasn't accurate????

    Your County Executive SET YOU UP for a tax increase, period.

  18. "Prominent in Smallsbury? --that made me laugh"

    If this person is indicative of what area residents define as "prominent" then no wonder the area is experiencing the woes that it is. Noteworthy people don't sweep "negative" things under the rug. They use them as a starting point for change.

  19. Joe, can you name this "prominent" person so we know which a** H*** to NOT deal with or reelect whichever the case may be. I know you are not afraid of them so lets hear their name. Put them out there for all to see.

  20. "Prominent Person" that's like saying the smartest patient in a mental hospital

  21. Whoever wrote that is a coward, and only prominent in their world. That kind of thinking gets you further behind the 8 ball.

    As ugly as it may be, this news has to get out to people. Period. How about owning up to your responsibilities, and LEADING, instead of criticizing others for calling you out. Part of the reason why the younger generation sucks as a workforce, they have horrible role models at home.

  22. No, I will not put their name out there.

    Look, I simply want you to know the tone of this community. I've expressed in the past how even local community organizations attempted to do the same during my campaign.

    In the end through this Post I have been able to tell YOU who we are, why we do what we do and how we'll continue to fight the fight to deliver the TRUTH to our viewers.

    If people choose to come here, great. If people get mad and choose not to come here, great. It doesn't matter to me.

    The message is important, not the name.

  23. The thing that hurts them the most is they got caught. Tell it to the judge when you're in court.

  24. As long as the Serenity Prayer applies to your endeavors I'm totally in favor of what you do.

  25. Keep telling it like it is. I want to hear the local news when it happens, and your site is the only choice for me to do that.

  26. I think people like you have made so many people pay attention and speak their mind Gone are the "Good ole Boys" We all need to speak up because that is our right Use our constitution to protect us from too big government

  27. Joe I was at the Mall yesterday with a friend of mine and a thought came to me. As we all know JC Pennies is closing this store. Sears, Kmart and Macys are among major retailers on the top 10 list of retailers to fail this year. What will our mall look like if this happens, which is very likely. Harris Teeter was interested in coming to Salisbury but decided against it because they said that there was not enough income per person in the area to support it! Look at the mall closings and how many more unemployed that will add to our woes if this comes to be!

  28. The post is a prime example of the old school Saisbury mentality; lets not talk about whats really going on, lets pretend everything is okay, apathy is good. Well I for one never did like that attitude especially as one of the suckers that bought a home here a few years ago and now the county accesses it at 2/3 of the amount owed on it. The ironic thing is how the taxes of over $3,000.00 have remained the same. When I called them up they said "don't you know property taxes have gone up?" BY 30% !!?? If they continue to raise my taxes and the city service fees I am so out of here. There is a lower tax state 7 miles north of here. Some of my relatives and friends have already done that and are immediately experiencing the tax saving benefits. This town having elected a Detroit/San Fransico style mayor is not helping me to change my mind.

  29. Joe looked at the councils agenda for this week, seems like the same old thing, making sure their buddies are appointed to commity's and such. How about at least 6 months of nothing but good job creation in the county and city!!!

  30. SometimesThe Truth "hurts" those who are immoral & have selfish intention, while it "helps" the righteous.

  31. Like other comments - I find the idea of someone being "prominent" in Salisbury laughable unless it is someone doing charitable or philanthropic work - those are the people who are really working on the fabric of this community.

    The person who wrote the email to Joe is likely feeling threatened because he/she sees their "prominence" (in their own mind) slipping away. If this person is an elected official, senior county or city employee or executive at a major employer that is sucking the life out of our county - they should feel threatened because the citizens are on to you and your tactics.

    With that said, there a few elected officials that are fighting for the people, there are a few senior employees who have the people at heart, and there are some executives who make sure their employees and corporations give back to the community - unfortunately they are way out numbered by the takers and users. Those who think they are "prominent".

  32. Joe, what you do is at the very heart of the 1st Amendment. Speaking out against government wrongdoing so that the governed can become educated and make educated decisions when they vote is the cornerstone of this once great nation. Voting can NEVER be the powerful tool that assures "a government of the people, by the people, for the people" unless the people can make decisions based on fact rather than government propaganda designed to control the vote in order to promote a party agenda. I promise you that there are elected officials who believe they know better than their constituents whats good for them. If it weren't for the 1st Amendment, journalists would be arrested on bogus charges, sued for matters without merit, and defamed repeatedly in attempts to draw the attention of the populace away from the important issues. Oh wait. Isn't that what happened to you? So it seems that people in positions of power try to manipulate constitutional rights in order to keep the population from knowing the truth. I just drew an interesting parallel. Remember in history we learned that the slave owners kept the slaves under their thumbs by not letting them become educated. By prohibiting them from learning the basic skills necessary to read. Remember learning that the fear was that once the slaves became educated, they would rebel? Now the Slave holders (government) are once again trying to keep the slaves (us) from becoming educated (about the important issues). And the fear seems to be the same as well. They fear we will rebel. We are now locked in a struggle for our rights. Rights afforded us by our creator are inconsistent with the type of oppressive government we currently have. In order for us to retain the rights we have left and to reclaim those we have lost, we need to become educated, united, and act accordingly. The 1st Amendment is critical to this end. In order for our government to continue down the current path of oppression of the serfs and maintaining our status as nothing more sources of revenue, they must reduce the number of rights we have even further. The most effective way is to eliminate the right to speak out against government wrongdoing and keep the populace in the dark. No Sir. A free press not influenced by corporate money and government pressure is absolutely imperative if we ever intend to reclaim our Country and our God given rights. But it's whatever.

  33. I think you should reveal the name of this person. These people have to start having their medicine shoved down their throats. They use this 'negativity' manta against people who want progress. They want 'civility.' They use that a way to effectively stifle those who want a better place for the next generation.
    Name names.

  34. News is news. However sometimes its not what you say but how you say it. The old Irish proverb whereby you tell some to go to h*ll in such a way that they really look forward to the trip.

  35. Hey Joe,
    Have you ever thought about a printed daily newspaper? I know it would be a monumental undertaking but the Daily Times and our local TV and their liberal bias would be so exposed that they would have to either close shop or report ALL the news.

    Thank GOD for what you do at sbynews

  36. The value of my house at this point has went down so much, if the right job came along I'd just leave the house behind, let the bank deal with it and get out of this area. The answer for all these political leeches are tax hikes. That is why Wicomico is a leader in foreclosures!

  37. anonymous 10:08, right now I am so overwhelmed every day I just wouldn't have the time. Keep in mind, I not only publish every day, I also respond to every e-mail and I answer every phone call. In order to continue keeping my feet on the ground and in the know locally, I feel these two things are very important. People want to be able to reach out to the person in charge, something you cannot do with WBOC, WMDT and the DT's. As long as I can remain reachable I truly believe we'll keep growing. I just don't want to get my hands into too many things for now and I hope you can understand that.

  38. Name them, Joe. Funny how they seem to find it better to ignore the truth and cover it up than fix the root of the problem. I want to know who they are.

  39. "Prominent"-Now that's funny! This person either is a politician or has their head shoved up the butts of one or more.
    This person is a nothing unless of course a mouthpiece is something.
    Prominence is Dr Ben Carson. He sends a loud and clear message about speaking out.

  40. Joe, Thanks for the reply. Most of us realize the great effort you put into SBYNEWS.

  41. "I hate when you post negative things about our county or city. As long as you spew negativity in cyberspace every other citizen has to work ten times as hard to get positive info out there . . . .


    First off - In order for our community to be able to prosper - our society first has to admit that is on the wrong course to begin with. Therein lies the responsibility of SBYNEWS.

    Believe folks, SBYNEWS has a bigger responsibility than you can imagine - PROTECTION OF OUR FIRST AMENDMENT!!!

    For those who need a little refresher - here is a copy of Amendment 1:

    The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights.

  42. anonymous 10:30, here's a funny one for you.

    Remember during the Mayoral Election Jim Ireton called me a RACIST? Remember how he created a Website in my personal name and published articles PROVING I was an alleged racist?

    ALL of the articles that Idiot published claiming I was a racist were ALL authored by Dr. Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell, BOTH African American.

    The IDIOT never read the articles, he just used the titles from OTHER authors and targeted ME as the racist.

  43. This is typical of government. Keep the people in the dark and dazzle them with bullshit and they will go away. Hey...maybe there is a video that caused it?

  44. Joe don't you dare stop what you are doing!!! I really don't know how you do it day in and day out - and i know you filter some of the really bad comments that include threats against you and your family. I'm not a republican or a democrat I have always been an independent, but I check in with your site every day and you are the only one in this area who lives in reality not la la land. It is your duty to question as much as you can in this city, state, county and the world. Please, Please keep up the good work!!!

  45. Joe - don't you dare give up.

    I am a lifelong resident of this County and I can tell you first hand that until SBYnews arrived on the scene - our citizenry was being spoon fed information.

    Back in the days when Mel Toadvine was the Editor of The Daily Times - they used to be considered to be respectable. Now, they don't have any reporters left and the ones they have are novices at best - (My personal opinion).

    Defending the Freedom of the Press takes a unique individual and you fit that category to the tee.

    All my friends, immediate family, most everyone now knows that Salisbury News is MAIN STREAM MEDIA.



    John Hancock

  46. I think perhaps some of you are missing the point. First of all, Joe calls the person, prominent; did the writer of the post call himself such? Second, I believe the point is, fair or not, but totally subjective, is that the commenters on this blog are always so negative. The only positive things they have to say are about Joe himself. No one will want to live here with ONLY negative information being put forth. Yes, you will say that Joe also puts up positive posts. But let's be honest; they hardly get any hits at all. It's like looking at a train wreck. Everyone wants to see what's horrible, and forget about what is good. I understand what the poster was trying to say, at least I think I do. You guys are always so quick to judge and condemn. Salisbury and especially Wicomico County have a lot of positives to offer our families. It wouldn't hurt to mention them once in a while. That's all I think he was trying to say. So, let the attacks begin. And before you start, I am not a dumbocrat, a liberal, a welfare recipient, an Obama lover, or any other insult you want to throw out there.

  47. This is not a prominent person, atleast not in truth. If they are truly prominent, revealing who they are will not make them crash and burn. Regardless, who ever they are, their the real poison that destroys this city, county, state and our Country. If you have termites in your home do you cover it up? Do you pretend the destruction is not accuring? Stand tall and diligent by revealing this snake! Reveal the truth Joe and let them stand the test, trial by their peers! Reveal them so You are never accused of hiding the destructive vermin in OUR city, as they wish!

  48. 12:24-One can ascertain, not only by the syntax, but also the overall tone of the message, that the writer thinks quite highly of himself or herself.

  49. There are many positives to Salisbury and Wicomico County. Joe does publish those. He promotes fun activities and charities. Many commenters do say positive things about good things that go on.

    There is no question in my mind that this letter writer wants the unhappy news squashed. Keep it happy, light and fluffy. Put on a good face.

    Did this "prominent" person send the same to the Daily Times when all it would write about was bickering among officials (when what it was really certain officials beating up other officials) instead of discussing real issues and the good things that were really taking place? No, this "prominent" person did not. I'd bet this "prominent" person enjoyed watching that.

    Others said it here. Put on a good face by correcting the problems. I wouldn't want to move some place and find out I was lied to by a good PR program.

  50. Let me know if I got this...

    How are the people going to know how good things are if you keep pointing out what needs to be fixed?
    So that means if one says it's good and you believe it; things really are good. Perception is reality.

  51. When Joe says prominent person I don't think he means someone like Mitzi Perdue. I think he means someone in a position that is "well known" or in the spotlight. It could be someone like Laura Mitchell who is a low life, but is in a "prominent" position. Widely known is one definition of prominent. Heck Joe Albero could be known as a prominent person. Now that is funny, but true.

  52. @Joe Albero 10:23, Was just reading through all these posts and got to yours.....WBOC, WMDT and the DTs....LOL. Delirium Tremors is a good name for them.

  53. There are plenty of prominent people in salisbury. Leaders that take risks, employ people , care for people, support local initiatives , educate kids, doctors, nurses, ...
    Many prominent people. People that are above the fray and focused on doing positive things on a regular basis.


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