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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Your Boss May Get To Veto Your Birth Control

In the biggest story of the week, the Supreme Court has agreed to review complaints over the birth control mandate in the Affordable Care Act, which will allow them to decide whether private corporations have the right to deny employees birth control coverage because of the company owners’ “religious or moral” beliefs.

At the center of the battle are two disturbing questions: can an employer make decisions regarding an employee’s health care based on religious beliefs held by the employer but not necessarily the employee, and when does “pregnancy” begin, as those who are suing claim that birth control acts as an abortion and ends a life that they believe begins when sperm meets egg, rather than when that fertilized egg implants and a pregnancy scientifically begins.



  1. it's NOT my responsibility to pay for anyone's birth control. period!

  2. anonymous 9:47. but it IS your job to pay for welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing and so forth, RIGHT?

    Could it be because YOU are gay and won't birth children anyway???

  3. I see no problem supporting birth control, it results in less unwanted children that will become a burden on the state. You're going to pay one way or another, birth control seems cheaper.

  4. 10:13 your argument assumes that people cannot take responsibility for their own actions. the problem is that people have no sense of responsibility for themselves. if you cannot support children don't have them. period don't expect the rest of us to pay because you are to lazy. don't expect the rest of us to change our moral values and provide you with birth control because you are to lazy. take away the welfare, make people responsible for themselves again

  5. If the company is paying for all or even part of your health care, then they have the right to purchase the policy that best fits their company including their moral and religious convictions. If you want more then you should go and seek additional private insurance on your own or find another company to work for. As far as I'm concerned, abortion is murder and birth control is cheap. You should be responsible for your own actions in this matter. Birth control shouldn't be part of health insurance.

  6. @10:32, and that's a valid argument, many people don't take responsibility and that why I would rather them take a pill then pay for a child.

    I agree that if you cannot support a child you shouldn't have one, you seem to be living in a fantasy world but this is reality, don't expect the lazy to change because you don't want to pay for them.

  7. not hardly joe. i'm a christian female, wife (47 years) mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, professional business woman, entrepreneur and conservative in my political views. thank you very much...

    since this article was honing in on the unlawful obamacare and the trouble with "who should pay for what"; that is what i commented on. nothing more and nothing less.

  8. Companies owned by people who happen to be Jehovah Witness's or Scientologists, both with medical restrictions due to their religions, have been providing health insurance to their employees all along, with nary a whisper of complaint. They cover blood transfusions, mental health issues, etc. All items that go against their beliefs.

    Not covering contraception creates a slippery slope down to not covering other procedures, or medications because you don't believe in them, or like them:

    The super healthy vegan business owner that doesn't think they should have to cover your high blood pressure meds, insulin, statin, and all the procedures associated with heart disease and diabetes.

    The ex-smoker that doesn't want to cover the related costs and meds associated with smoking.

    The recovering alcoholic that doesn't think they should have to pay for liver treatments such as cirrhosis, complications from being over-medicated etc.

    Unless we are prepared to move into a single payer health care system similar to other industrialized nations, All business's should have to play by the same rules in regards to health care.

    BTW...I also haven't heard where these groups that want to exclude covering birth control stand on covering the much more expensive medications used to treat erectile dysfunction.

    ~Far From Home~

  9. I really can't fathom why we are here with this discussion in the first place.

    In the first place, why would anyone expect any employer engaged in his business, whether it be a law firm, construction, an auto shop, or a restaurant, whatever, expect him to double as an insurance broker? What makes that part of his job? He never took classes nor does he hold a license to be in that trade. There are offices throughout the town full of folks who do.

    This is not my job as an employer in the first place.


  10. Hello people---you can get FREE birth control from the health department anywhere--you can get "three for free" condoms.

  11. Good thing we have a health dept. Does the boss veto Viagra?


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