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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis To File For Re Election Today

Sheriff Mike Lewis will file later today for re election. There is little doubt he will remain Sheriff of Wicomico County. 


  1. ~~"There is little doubt he will remain Sheriff of Wicomico County."

    What does this mean Joe? Are you saying that he has someone running against him that will prevent his reelection? I haven't heard of anyone so please enlighten your readers.


  2. How quickly the people forget

  3. I really doubt that. No one ever runs against him. If someone does, they have no chance if they aren't born and raised, and one born and raised, would never run against him.
    So I'm sure he will remain our Sheriff.

  4. I meant, there's little doubt anyone will beat Mike. It does read a little funky but there is little doubt, he will remain Sheriff. I never meant to throw anyone off, sorry.

  5. Mike Lewis is a good sheriff and a good man for a cop! Ha !

  6. Maybe Bobby Jones will try. LOL!

  7. Who would any of you like to see run for this position?

  8. Ernie Leatherbury will be our next Sheriff.

  9. anonymous 8:34, Nope, not gonna happen. Ernie is very happy right where he's at. Next

  10. Ernie is at UMES and loves it!
    Mike has done a good job. Its a thankless postion!

  11. Oh jeez I think I'm going to run for Sheriff. Lewis isnt doing the job and the deputies really don't like him

  12. His job is to be sherriff not friend to deputies. Before him the WSD did squat.

  13. You are right Joe and should add there's little doubt democrats will win every election coming up in Maryland.

  14. Unless someone can give me a real reason to vote for someone else I will vote for him on his 2nd amendment views alone.

  15. I will NEVER vote for him. He's a waste, total waste. If you like him, fine. Many don't. Hopefully, someone will run who DOES have some character and will beat him. I sure hope so.

  16. NRA man and I love it!! Good Sherriff! Hopefully good Govenor someday!! Maybe he'd look out for the Shore unlike other idiots!!!

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You are right Joe and should add there's little doubt democrats will win every election coming up in Maryland.

    December 6, 2013 at 12:29 PM

    I hope that's a joke. If not a joke, I hope it is not a reality. This country cannot stand any more demoncrats.

  18. Democrats outnumber republicans 2to1 in Maryland,it will take very moderate republicans to win here.

  19. @1215. The deputies do not need a friend they need a Sheriff. In fact a real Sheriff who is leader that will look out for his deputies the best possible way. We need a Sheriff who is dedicated to the department, not teaching drug interdiction classes out in god knows where while collecting a county salary. Yes, Lewis is a good drug cop.

  20. Bill Harden should run

  21. He is a cowboy sheriff that screwed up the Ray Lewis case when he was told by WBI to stand down. He saved Ray's butt. The boy made a premature arrest which prevented Ray being charged by the Feds. Buy the county loves this character who has a consulting business on the side

  22. Someone step up and run against the current clown we have for Sheriff

  23. he doesn't run the office his clowns in his administration does and they are a bunch of goofs (RICH,DOLCH and TIM, AKA the three stooges.)

  24. Wow a lot of talk but no takers? I saw Bill Hardens name. Bill is a great guy but he will never beat Lewis in an election. I think Lewis is good at heart but follows some bad advice. I elected Mike Lewis not the same old bull shit. The arrest are in line with Hunter Nelms as Sheriff. The only higher stat is traffic enforcement. The deputies have done a great job for years. Mike is great at public relations and that is a very strong gift he has. As for his teaching abroad who cares as long as the deputies do the job paid to do. I just thought Lewis would fight for better benefits for his men and women. He is the Sheriff as long as he wants it. Mike tighten your belt and get the men and women what you promised. The 37% reduction in county crime is not all Mike Lewis. The men and women of the Sheriff's Office do an awesome job and deserve Lewis' total support. God Bless and be safe.

  25. Speed camera Lewis.

  26. A thankless job.!! Everybody has advice on how to do. But you will find that advice is worth just what you pay for it, and usually worth less.

  27. Davis Ruark should come back and run for Sheriff

  28. I care about Lewis teaching while collecting a County Salary. Not fair. He is elected by the people and needs to be there for people. Yes the Deputies do the job and its not all Mike Lewis. Mike is a glory hound with a big head. All ego. Ill tell ya what Elect me Sheriff and Mike Lewis will be appointed as a Deputy

  29. Bill Harden. That's laughable. How quickly people forget. Read ole case laws concerning this man. Lost all respect for this man after reading his bout with wicomico county and devenyns.


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