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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Why Did Capitol Cops Cut Down 'Innocent' Woman?

WASHINGTON — A woman shot and killed by police on Capitol Hill supposedly was a threat to public safety, but a review of the known facts shows it was the police who may have posed the greater threat to public safety.

It appears Miriam Carey never violated any law until police began pursuing her car. Officers, on the other hand, fired numerous shots at her in a crowded public space near the Capitol, as the video below shows.

Seeing the news reports of the Oct. 3 shooting, many Americans came away with the impression that a mentally unstable and dangerous woman rammed a gate at the White House, sped away and was eventually shot by police because she could have posed a security threat to the nation’s capital.
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  1. Stop when police tell you to stop. Then, now I know this might sound crazy, try to run them over with your car. Pretty simple.

  2. there's one thing that EVERY citizen in the United States needs to wake up and realize. Your government CAN and WILL kill you.

  3. Be real. She was black and some areas cut less slack than others. If this happened in Salisbury, she'd still be alive. If this happened in some other places, the baby would be dead too.

    Stop swallowing this "I'm your black President" crap. You will see more on this from Hillary shortly but the bottom line is that "they" don't tolerate challenges to their rule no matter what you are.

  4. And if you're screwing up they should 5:00!

  5. They were protecting themselves! Do not make the police fear for their lives and they will not shoot you.

  6. Its because satan lives among us ..beware ..he is trying to drag us all to hell with him..as we see everyday with the storm troopers blindly obeying ungodly laws and willingly enforcing unconstitutional decrees...WAKE UP SHEEPLE AND PRAY HARD

  7. Yes they will, especially when you try to kill them.

  8. Cops never get in trouble. Without consequences, it will only get worse.

  9. The bottom line is, these trigger happy cops have to answer to why they pulled the trigger. That’s what the Constitution says. That’s what the law says. I hope the family of this lady sue the departments, big time.

  10. When we all first saw this video we all asked why the police did not shoot out the tires when they had her surrounded. We got a few lame excuses. Fast forward a few weeks and we see a video of an officer shooting at a mini van full of kids as it drove away. More lame excuses. The police can't be correct in both cases.

  11. Anonymous said...
    And if you're screwing up they should 5:00!

    December 4, 2013 at 6:33 PM

    WOW, just wow.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They were protecting themselves! Do not make the police fear for their lives and they will not shoot you.

    December 4, 2013 at 6:45 PM

    While the car was stopped and STUCK in a median? The woman was not armed with a firearm, maybe they thought the baby was armed?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yes they will, especially when you try to kill them.

    December 4, 2013 at 6:58 PM

    She wasn't trying to kill anyone. She was trying to get away from them. If somebody shoots at most people they will try to get away from them too.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When we all first saw this video we all asked why the police did not shoot out the tires when they had her surrounded. We got a few lame excuses. Fast forward a few weeks and we see a video of an officer shooting at a mini van full of kids as it drove away. More lame excuses. The police can't be correct in both cases.

    December 4, 2013 at 8:39 PM

    You are absolutely correct. The cops change their story to whatever fits their agenda at the time.

  12. Below are some paragraphs taken directly from the article. It seems that you poorly trained officers, and other lowbrows, didn't even bother to read it, or comprehend it, or both.

    These words come from a COP, so you can't say he doesn't know what your job entails or the top secret society you guys like to think you belong to. I am wondering how many of you are experienced LEO's, (more than a few years), and how many of you are the PTSD military types that were given the job.

    This COP totally blew away ALL of your excuses, all of your pretend justifications, and highlighted the LACK of probable cause needed to even attempt this nonsense.

    You guys lie like obammy. And share the same lack of respect.

    ‘You can’t shoot at a fleeing car’

    WND asked Sanders, with his experience as a police officer, if he believed police should have shot out the tires on Miriam’s car.

    “No, there should be no shooting at all,” he said. “They had no basis to shoot. You can’t shoot at a fleeing car.”

    Sanders grew even more adamant, “There’s no protocol allowing them to shoot at a moving car. It makes no legal sense or philosophical sense. There’s a whole host of safety reasons. That’s why you don’t shoot at cars.”

    He said that’s a violation of police protocols in most every big city in the country, and the New York Times reported, “Many police departments, including Washington’s, prohibit officers from firing at moving cars, even when the car is being used in a threatening manner.”

    The paper continued, “The Metropolitan Police rules say that no officer shall discharge a firearm ‘at or from a moving vehicle unless deadly force is being used against the officer or another person.’”

    Miriam was not armed and never fired shots at anyone that fateful day.

    Was her car a deadly weapon?

    But, was she using her car as a deadly weapon? That’s the impression media were getting from authorities, as the Times reported, “A woman with a young child was shot to death after turning her vehicle into a weapon on Thursday afternoon, ramming her way through barriers outside the White House and on Capitol Hill.”

    Sanders disagreed.

    “She had a car. A car is not a deadly weapon. I don’t care what these people keep saying, I’ve been in law enforcement a long time, training with all these different agencies. We all know law enforcement training is cars are not weapons.”

    And the Metropolitan Police, which is conducting the official investigation into the incident, appears to agree with Sanders, as the Times notes the Metropolitan Police rules state, “[A] moving vehicle is not considered deadly force.’ It is not clear whether the Secret Service or the Capitol Police have a similar policy.”

    “You don’t know if she has a bomb,” he said. “You don’t know if it’s a terrorist attack. The officers just don’t know.”

    Sanders found all of those arguments illogical.

    “How do you shoot at a person who is unarmed? Sitting in a car? ‘Oh, there could’ve been a bomb in the car.’ That’s more nonsense. Because if there is a bomb in the car and you are shooting in the car, you are endangering everybody! C’mon.”

    The attorney said they overreacted to something that is “handled by police everyday, all over the world.”

    “Washington, D.C., is no different than any other city. ‘Oh, we have high-value targets.’ Oh, nonsense,” he said. “There are high-value targets in New York and many other cities. That doesn’t mean the Constitution gets thrown out the window.”

    He again insisted there had been an overreaction to the threat of terrorism.

    “We are under a siege mentality. For some reason, in this world, we believe that everybody is out to get us. It’s like there’s a big boogey man. And the police are responding the same way.”

  13. Shooting at a fleeing subject. I Maryland, if a perp invades my home with a gun, points it at me, and then turns to run away, me shooting at him wold be murder.


    There is no justification for this shooting.

  14. excellent shooting, clearly justified.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    excellent shooting, clearly justified.

    December 4, 2013 at 11:52 PM

    I see the troll has awaken and left his momma's basement and raiding the fridge and computer again late at night. time for me to go to bed and avoid such nonsense.

  16. anon 6:33 & anon 6:58

    you'll have a different opinion when the government decides that something that you are doing is deemed "screwing up" or that you're "trying to kill them". or maybe you're just that stupid to believe what you're saying. we'll see this country turn into a "police state" in our lifetime. it's close now

  17. 6:45 Agreed... except they need to lay off the random shots. Don't they train with their firearms? FFS, my daughter can shoot 1" groups from 400yds, and she is 8. Her handgun skills are up there too.

    Get to the range, officers.

  18. In Vietnam it took 58,000 rounds fired to kill 1 enemy soldier. The average police combat shooting it takes 6. Excellent marksman in the police dept.

  19. I was among those who almost got run over by this woman,so when I say she had to be stopped somehow she HAD to be stopped.I was not detained for questioning & took the opportunity to get the heck out of there after she was officially stopped.Truly an unfortunate event,but she definitely snapped for who knows what reason and would have racked up a serious death toll had she continued on.

  20. This incident was a travesty of justice when it happened. It was clearly apparent that the Secret Service agents who first approached Carey's car had to know she had a child inside. It was also apparent that she did nothing wrong, other than fleeing from the goon squad. Can't say as how I blame her for that. The police had NO JUSTIFICATION for using deadly force in this case. Here in Dallas, the cops would have used spike strips to disable the car - that's the maximum they would have done unless the occupants were brandishing/using weapons. This incident reminds me of two American citizens that were recently "droned" to death by US forces in Yemen without due process under the law (one was a teenager). This Obama Administration is the most radical, least constitutional Administration that has served in my lifetime. They should all be summarily executed without due process in accordance with their own policies.


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