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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why All Americans Should Support Hobby Lobby's Case Against Obamacare

The plight of Hobby Lobby, the arts-and-crafts business whose owners are being forced to compromise their faith, instantly draws the sympathy of religious conservatives. But why should anyone else care?

Recall first that the Department of Health and Human Services issued under the Affordable Care Act a “preventive services” mandate requiring employers to provide, through their insurers, employee coverage for FDA-approved contraceptive drugs and devices.

The Hobby Lobby chain of more than 500 stores is owned by the Green family of Oklahoma City, who run their business in accord with their Evangelical Christian beliefs. Founder David Green says the family cannot in conscience subsidize certain mandated drugs and devices that can cause an abortion early in pregnancy.


  1. Why should an employer be able to control an employee's private life? I thought we were about personal freedom not control of others.

  2. 3:49
    When the employer is being forced to pay for that private life.

  3. Question? Can anyone post a listing of all the organizations that are exempt from Obamacare. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that all Muslims are exempt because it is against their religious beliefs. Could someone verify this for me? If that is indeed the case then Hobby Lobby has a good argument.

  4. 3:49 because they own the business you moron. Set the Kool-aide down and get with the program rather than be herded like sheep

  5. What employer, these days, pay 100% of health premiums? Employees pay a certain percent.

  6. I pay school taxes but have no kids. The employees are not required to use the services that their insurance covers if it conflicts with their religious views. I bet there are many employees of Hobby Lobby that use birth control tho.

  7. 3:49 I'm NOT responsible for your sex life. if you want to have protected sex buy your own birth control. if you get pregnant and want to kill your baby in your womb, you pay for it. these choices are yours, not mine and I shouldn't have to pay for it. period.

  8. I'm with 3:46. Why on earth should any businessman, who is an expert in his field whether it be retail, construction, restaurant, etc. be required in any sense to double as an insurance agent and chose my insurance plan? His needs are different than those of ALL his employees, and he has no earthly idea what his employees would want.

    Get the employers out of the insurance business, and give it back to the agencies.

    Oh, wait, they've all been taken over by the government...

  9. Hobby lobby is a company....the owner needs to keep his religious beliefs to himself......

  10. I don't give a crap what the Green family thinks. They chose to operate a business and now they are at the mercy of our inept government. He is fine to worship any way he chooses like the rest of us. He is also welcome to share his opinions but is prefer if he just shuts his trap. I have no patience for crybaby religious zealots who feel it's their right to force us to listen.

  11. The way I see it is if one person or group is able to bow out of this then why can't we all? map


  12. Thank you to Hobby Lobby for walking the talk!

    They choose not to be open on Sundays because of the same beliefs that have led them to challenge this crazy law. Closed Sundays has been part of their practice from the get-go.

  13. I'd like to stop supporting the millions of babies whose parents can't take care of them. If birth control before reduces entitlements after, I'm for it.

  14. Hobby Lobby owners are liars, and hypocrites.

    Go look at the "Made in" label on almost everything in Hobby Lobby. Almost everything says "Made in China".

    China. The Godless China. A country that prosecutes Christians. Were it is legal to imprison someone for the simple "crime" of being a Christian.

    Don't believe this farce they are perpetuating. If they had the courage of their convictions, they would have the store that China built.

    They are liars and hypocrites cashing in on religiousity..easy money if you can get the "street cred"...


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