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Thursday, December 05, 2013

Two Republican Congressmen Propose A Way To Balance The Budget

Two Republican Congressmen think they've found a way to help balance the budget and restore some Defense spending. And federal employees would foot the bill. The proposed new law would cancel sequestration entirely for the Defense Department and a handful of other security-related agencies in fiscal 2014 and 2015. It would offset that move by requiring federal employees to contribute more of their salary toward their pension. It would trim Medicare payments and agricultural subsidies among other entitlement reforms. Backing the bill are Reps. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) and Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.). They say their bill could reduce deficits by $200 billion over the next 10 years.


  1. We have to trim government somehow. My advice is in the years to come for people to leave any government jobs they currently hold and gravitate towards private.

  2. Medicare is NOT an entitlement! I contributed toward mine.

  3. What welfare programs are on the chopping block??..no more welfare queens..would also be a good start...

  4. This part concerns me "..a handful of other security-related agencies..". You mean like HSA or NSA or CIA or ATF or FBI or even EPA? Hell, they're all militarized now with their own gestapoesque strike squads. Yeah, just open up spending to all cops and quasi-military departments and wave bye-bye to what little freedom is left in America.

  5. Balancing the budget, LOL!


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