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Sunday, December 01, 2013

Today's Thanksgiving Survey

What are YOU thankful for?


  1. Every breath I take , every move I make .

  2. Thankful that I don't have Obamacare...

  3. Happy turkey day Joe.

  4. I am thankful for my small family. Your family can be your children and spouse or it can be you best friends or your wonderful neighbors. Family is wherever you make it and are thankful for it. I am mostly thankful for Jesus my Lord and Savior. I am thankful that I had enough money to be able to take turkey to HALO. I am thankful that my health is improving. I am thankful to be alive and have that second chance that God grants us all. Amen

  5. Low radiation levels

  6. that obama cant run again. thanks god. thanks sjd

  7. friends like you Joe

  8. That I actually see the beginnings of a grassroots movement of real, freedom loving, Americans to reclaim true American ideology.

  9. thankful for my personal salvation through Jesus Christ. this is available to ALL who call upon His Name with a sincere heart...

  10. 9:40.. keep praying.

  11. waking up in the morning.

  12. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day that I may wake from a warm bed and have that morning cup of coffee and a meal. So many are not that blessed. I am praying for the homeless and the mentally ill. I am praying for the displaced and the poor in spirit. Thank you Lord for your wonderful comforter. Praise be to God.

  13. Agreeing with 10:13 and 9:21. Also for not being compelled to rush out to a store to get $10.00 off some Chinese crap and beat some old lady out of the way to get it on that special American day.


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