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Sunday, December 08, 2013

This Woman Will Make You ANGRY


  1. Begun by FDR ramped up by Lyndon Johnson-the fundamental transformation of the black family and culture. And they are too stupid to realize what has been done to them.

  2. 1028 you develop your opinion on an entire culture based off of videos like this? I think the one that is "too stupid" is staring at you in the mirror.

  3. I wonder how much she was paid to make this video.

  4. finally! one that tells the truth!

  5. 11:06 typical liberal progressive response--too intellectually dishonest and lazy to have a thoughtful response. If you are too brain dead to realise that the black traditional family has essentially been decimated by social welfare programs devised by Progressive Democrats (aka Communist Party USA) thats your problem. I look in the mirror every day and am proud of my faith, my work ethic, my morals and my ability to determine my own opinion based on researching the history and news tirelessly .You can dry up and blow away.

  6. And you wonder what is wrong with this country?


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