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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Stop The Ryan-Murray Budget Deal In The Senate


A nationalized preschool system.

That's what Barack Obama and the Washington DC Establishment want to create.

And they just slipped it into the Ryan-Murray budget deal.

The Senate will likely begin voting on the Ryan-Murray budget surrender TODAY!

Please call your U.S. Senator ASAP to demand they vote NO on the Ryan-Murray budget deal.

Call the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Let your Senator know that you oppose creation of a nationalized pre-school system and that you oppose the funding of the un-Constitutional Federal Department of Education!

The Obama Administration is hoping that you'll be asleep at the wheel as they quietly burn through $75 billion dollars of your money to create a new federal preschool system in America.

Brainwashing our children from kindergarten through college just isn't enough for the DC Establishment.

For years, the Federal Department of Education has been methodically chipping away at local control of education.

Their mission is to nationalize the education of our children and rob parents of their rights.

Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, and the Educrat lobbyists in Washington DC couldn't be happier with the Ryan-Murray budget plan.

And they are banking on it passing in the Senate today.

The Ryan-Murray budget deal rubber stamps the Federal Department of Education with a generous helping of your tax dollars.


  1. Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.

    Vladimir Lenin

  2. We are already seeing the results of public communist indoc centers......so called public education...I have been awake !! have you?....

  3. 5:56 The mantra of the home schoolers.

  4. Call 202-224-3121 and tell the Established Republicans they are history in 2014!


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