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Saturday, December 21, 2013

State Sees Sustainable Future Blowing In Wind Off Ocean City

State and national officials announced on Tuesday a proposed notice of sale for nearly 80,000 acres off Ocean City’s shoreline to be used for commercial wind farm development.

“Today’s announcement brings our state one step closer to harnessing the tremendous potential of offshore wind energy,” said Gov. Martin O’Malley, who made the announcement alongside Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Tommy Beaudreau in Baltimore.

“The development of offshore wind will drive economic development in Maryland, create high-quality, family-supporting jobs for Maryland residents and play a major role in reducing emissions and protecting the environment,” said O’Malley, a longtime champion of the project.



  1. Okay, I want to know. Who owned the ocean that we bought it from? Should I be investing in land on the moon right now?

    Did I vote to spend my money on a negative return investment of offshore mechanical corrosion?

  2. Other places that have had these wind farms, the environment suffers greatly. These wind farms cause needless killing of various birds not to mention marine life. They will destroy the environment, not help it. There are proven factual studies which support this.

  3. Who cares about OC…have not been there during the sea on in years! It is nothing more than a seasonal ghetto.

  4. If windmills were all that great, I am sure the Dutch would have refined and relied on them not only 75 years or more ago, but totally to date for their energy needs, but that is definitely not the case.
    This is just another tax robbing scam perpetuated by intellectually impotent liberals. The costs, and negative environmental impact render these things obsolete, dangerous and inefficient, and without millions of tax dollars would be going no where. OMalley should buy his own, with his own money and stick it in his own a**, I mean yard, excuse me.

  5. Lets all vote to get stupider this month.

  6. For every study against, there is a study for.

    So its either kill the environment with coal or cross country pipeline, or wind.

    But one has to wonder what the impact of the concrete and steel leaching toxins into the water will do long term.

    Blue Water Wind, who I believe, has gone bankrupt, sold, renamed, tried to start this project years ago before 2008.
    Del Power & Light resisted it, only long enough to come up with a plan of their own. They have been an obstacle for years.
    I have doubts this project will come to fruition any time soon.

  7. OweMalley expects us to believe all these blatant lies that these Progressive Libtards tell us. Are you that stupid ...I'm not


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