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Sunday, December 01, 2013

St. Louis Woman Faces Reconstructive Surgery After Being Slugged During “Knock Out” Game

How weak and pathetic do you have to be in order to try to prove your “manhood” by sucker punching a woman?

Ashley Depew, is the younger sister who I taught at my dance studio. She was a victim of the “one Punch Knockdown,” a game that teenagers are now doing, this was done in STL a couple nights ago. Please Pray for a quick recovery as she is going under reconstruction surgery.

These groups of teenagers will punch out anybody, then scatter to run. please don’t be a victim and always be aware of your surroundings!

There have been several “knock-out game” attacks in St. Louis by black youths since 2011. One retired Vietnamese man was murdered in an attack. St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay was the first one on the scene at another bloody attack in South St. Louis City.

One local teen told St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce in 2011 that he participated in over 300 “knockout game” attacks in the city.



  1. if that was my daughter i'd take out ALL the trash in that town.

  2. I'd like to know why the president isn't speaking up about this racist game. He had no problem getting involved in the treyvon martin case. Could it be that he wants white people to retaliate so he can declare martial law?

  3. And when somebody fights back, like that man that stabbed 2 (one killed) then the families of these little racist thugs start screaming that their poor little children are being "hunted down".

  4. How you libs like this now? This sick activity "knock-out-game",is a further manifistation of our erroded cultural values and especially the goal of the pop-culture race baiters...
    Welcome the United Sick States of America!

  5. Keep your head in the sand libtards. You will get sucker punched.

  6. 704 I doubt these little idiots are listening to Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson. Likely barely know who either is.

    Look, this is a time where law abiding folks should be sticking together to stop this. Not breaking apart based on political ideology. People on this board need to realize that these acts,along with even worse acts of violence, have been a plague in many black communities for a long time. It has become national news because unfortunately it is now spilling out of the ghetto. Or in many cases, the well-to do areas have now infiltrated the ghetto (D.C. gentrification). The same folks you call "race baiters", have long spoken out about the cultural ills (violence in the music, drug use, etc.). This is the time to galvanize all our efforts to end this. And yes, that includes practicing your right to defend yourself with lethal means if necessary! This from a black male that has been tired of this long before any of you ever heard about a "knockout game".

  7. Why you keep calling this stuff a game? When people start killing these creeps you all will say is was a racial killing

  8. It's not a game. It is an attack. It's racial profiling by young black punks that need to meet a Charles Bronson vigilante type and feel the pain.

  9. If that happens to my family and I catch the people/person, I will kill them/him.

  10. I would hunt and kill. Would be a very messy crime scene so please take my apology now.

  11. Lets play "Pop the Perp" game.

  12. Mayor Nutter, a black democrat who leads a largely black city, just stood with his black police chief to announce actions to combat this mess. Just more proof that this shouldn't be a matter of black vs white or Dem vs. Rep but of law abiding citizens vs young punks.

  13. I hope and pray for her. That's a pretty woman. hope justice is served on the punks

  14. 12:54 the answer is yes.

  15. I knew I should have bought that pistol before the deadline. I am going to try to buy one from a friend now. I want one small enough to carry concealed and take my chances with the law.

  16. This is a good reason for CCW. Start "knocking off" these ghetto thugs and the game will end.

    I would like to know how many people have died from this game and how many have serious brain injuries.

    I am sick and tired of the soft hearted liberals protecting these ghetto thugs because they are black.


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